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Writing a feature article ppt background

Writing a feature article ppt background Features are told

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The Art of Telling Stories

What’s a feature?

  • Human-interest articles that focus on particular people, places and events (more timeless)
  • Features are told in a less hurried and generally more creative way.
  • Features almost never begin with the most important information like inverted pyramid stories.

  • Features are generally longer than hard news articles and go deeper into its subject, expanding on the details versus few key points.


    • Trend stories report on changes that happen gradually over time.
    • It’s often a good idea to personalize the leads of these stories.
  • Is there a cool new look in women’s fall fashions? A website or tech gadget that everyone’s going nuts over? An indy band that’s attracted a cult following? A show on an obscure cable channel that’s suddenly hot? These are the kinds of things that trend stories zero in on

    Example: Trend


    • Human interest stories in some way tell us more about what it means to be human. They have little impact; sometimes profiles can be human interest stories.
  • Discusses issues through the experiences of another

    Example: Human Interest


    • Profiles tell the story of a person or persons. Very common; reveals an individual’s character or lifestyle
  • Exposes different facets of the subject so readers will feel they know person

    Writing a feature article ppt background the details versus few

    Example: Profile


    • How-to(s): These articles help people learn by telling them how to do something.
  • The writer learns about the topic thorough education, experience, research or interviews with experts.

    Example: How-to


    • Behind the scenes: Inside views of unusual occupations, issues and events give readers a feeling of penetrating the inner circle or being a mouse in the corner.
  • Readers like feeling privy to unusual details and well kept secrets about procedures or activities they might not ordinarily be exposed to or allowed to participate in.

    Example: Behind the Scenes

    Related terms

    • A sidebar accompanies a hard news story and is written in a feature style.
  • A followup runs a day or more after the main news story and reports on results of earlier developments.

  • A nutgraph (also spelled nutgraf) is the paragraph that explains, in a nutshell, the point of a story. Not all features have a nutgraph.

    Story Format

    • Not the inverted pyramid….
  • The information in a feature is organized differently from hard news stories.

  • Sometimes a writer uses several paragraphs of copy at the outset to engage the reader before getting into the main elements of the story.

    Story Format

    • After the title and opening paragraph(nutgraph) grab the reader, narrative hooks/leads are used to persuade the reader to continue reading.
  • A writer can choose to tell the story out of order to engage reader’s interest….

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