Note 1: some theses might be listed under several heading
Note 2: the amount that in other Universities is generally known as “Ph.D.” is within Oxford known as “D.Phil.”
Unpaved Roads
- Love, J.P. (1985) D.Phil. “Model Testing of Geogrids in Unpaved Roads”
abstract thesis (5.37MB, pdf) - Burd, H.J. (1986) D.Phil. “A Sizable Displacement Finite Element Analysis of the Reinforced Unpaved Road”
abstract thesis (5.45MB, pdf) - Fannin, R.J. (1986) D.Phil. “Geogrid Reinforcement of Granular Layers on Soft Clay – research at Model and Full Scale”
abstract thesis (4.84MB, pdf) - Brocklehurst, C.J. (1993) D.Phil. “Finite Element Studies of Reinforced and Unreinforced Two-Layer Soil Systems”
abstract thesis (20.3MB, pdf)
Other reinforced soil applications
- Dyer, M.R. (1985) D.Phil. “Observation from the Stress Distribution in Crushed Glass with Applications to Soil Reinforcement”
abstract thesis (5.47MB, pdf) - Palmeira, E.M. (1987) D.Phil. “Study regarding Soil Reinforcement Interaction by way of Massive Laboratory Tests”
abstract thesis (13.1MB, pdf) - Pedley, M.J. (1990) D.Phil. “The Performance of Soil Reinforcement in Bending and Shear”
abstract thesis (18.2MB, pdf) - Tei, K. (1993) D.Phil. “Research of Soil Nailing in Sand”
abstract thesis (7.08MB, pdf) - Morris, J.D. (1999) D.Phil. “Physical and Statistical Modelling of Grouted Nails in Clay”
abstract thesis (7.18MB, pdf)
Shallow foundations, jack-up units
- de Santa Maria, P.E.L. (1988) D.Phil. “Conduct of Footings for Offshore Structures under Combined Loads”
abstract thesis (5.89MB, pdf) - Bell, R.W. (1991) M.Sc. “Case Study of Offshore Foundations Exposed to Combined Loading”
abstract thesis (5.73MB, pdf) - Martin, C.M. (1994) D.Phil. “Physical and Statistical Modelling of Offshore Foundations Under Combined Loads”
abstract thesis (30.1MB, pdf) - Thompson, R.S.G. (1996) D.Phil. “Growth and development of Non-Straight line Statistical Models Suitable for case study of Jack-up Units”
abstract thesis (14.4MB, pdf) - Ngo Tran, C.L. (1996) D.Phil. “Case Study of Offshore Foundations Exposed to Combined Loading”
abstract thesis (7.68MB, pdf) - Mangal, J.K. (1999) D.Phil. “Partly Drained Loading of Shallow Foundations on Sand”
abstract thesis (16.2MB, pdf) - Cassidy, M.J. (1999) D.Phil. “Non-Straight line Analysis of Jack-up Structures Exposed to Random Waves”
abstract thesis (3.1MB, pdf) - Byrne, B.W. (2000) D.Phil. “Investigations of Suction Caissons in Dense Sand”
abstract thesis (8.9MB, pdf) - Nguyen-Sy, L. (2005) D.Phil. “The Theoretical Modelling of Circular Shallow Foundation for Offshore Wind GeneratorsInch
abstract thesis (5.06Mb, pdf) - Villalobos Jara, F.A. (2006) D.Phil. “Model Testing of Foundations for Offshore Wind GeneratorsInch
abstract thesis (22.87Mb, pdf) - Hazell, E. (2008) D.Phil. “Statistical and Experimental Studies of Shallow Cone Transmission in Clay”
abstract thesis (7.16Mb, pdf) - Cotter, O. (2009) D.Phil. “Installing Suction Cassion Foundations for Offshore Alternative Energy Structures”
abstract thesis (18.8Mb, pdf)
- Lee, K. (1979) D.Phil. “An Analytical and Experimental Study of huge Strain Consolidation”
abstract thesis (7.89MB, pdf) - Been, K. (1980) D.Phil. “Stress-Strain Conduct of the Cohesive Soil Deposited Under Water”
abstract thesis (5.37MB, pdf) - Elder, D. McG. (1985) D.Phil. “Stress-Strain and Strength Conduct of Very Soft Soil Sediment”
abstract thesis (7.97MB, pdf) - Bowden, R.K. (1988) D.Phil. “Compression Conduct and Shear Strength Characteristics of the Natural Silty Clay Sedimented within the Laboratory”
abstract thesis (8.13MB, pdf) - Lee, M. (2000) M.Sc. “An Experimental and Analytical Study of Electrokinetic Consolidation”
abstract thesis (4.63Mb, pdf) - Bartholomeeusen, G. (2003) D.Phil. “Compound Shock Waves and Creep Conduct in Sediment Beds”
abstract thesis (2.33MB, pdf) - Lintern, D.G. (2003) D.Phil. “Influences of Flocculation on Bed Qualities for Fine-Grained Cohesive Sediment”
abstract thesis (14.9MB, pdf)
Pipejacking and pipebursting
- Ripley, K.J. (1989) D.Phil. “The Performance of Jacked Pipes”
abstract thesis (11.3MB, pdf) - Swee, J.L.K. (1991) D.Phil. “Pipebursting: Model Tests”
abstract - Norris, P. (1992) D.Phil. “The Conduct of Jacked Concrete Pipes During Site Installation”
abstract thesis (17MB, pdf) - Zhou, J.-Q. (1998) D.Phil. “Statistical Analysis and Laboratory Test of Concrete Jacking Pipes”
abstract thesis (48.9MB pdf) - Marshall, M.A. (1998) D. Phil. “Pipe-Jacked Tunnelling: Jacking Loads and Ground Movements”
abstract thesis (7.37MB pdf) - Psomas, S (2001) M.Sc. “Qualities of frothOrFine sand Mixtures for Tunnelling Applications”
abstract thesis (1.64MB pdf) - Pena Duarte. M (2007) D.Phil. “Foam like a Soil Conditioner in Tunnelling: Physical and Mechanical Qualities of Conditioned Sands”
abstract thesis (1.64MB pdf) - Schupp, J. (2009) D.Phil. “Upheaval buckling and flotation of hidden offshore pipelines”
Tunnelling (general)
- Chow, L. (1994) M.Sc. “The Conjecture of Surface Settlements Because of Tunnelling in Soft Ground”
abstact thesis (5.84MB, pdf) - Kim, S.-H. (1996) D.Phil. “Model Testing and Analysis of Interactions between Tunnels in Clay”
abstact thesis (15.6MB, pdf) - Liu Gang (1997) D.Phil. “Statistical Modelling of harm to Masonry Structures Because of Tunnelling”
abstact thesis (5.51MB, pdf) - Augarde, C.E. (1997) D.Phil. “Statistical Modelling of Tunnelling Systems for Assessment of harm to Structures”
abstact thesis (7.70MB, pdf) - Bloodworth, A.G. (2002) D.Phil. “Three-Dimensional Analysis of Tunnelling Effects on Structures to build up Design Methods”
abstract thesis(3.85MB, pdf) - Pickhaver, J.A. (2006) D.Phil. “Statistical Modelling of creating Reaction to Tunnelling”
abstract thesis (41MB, pdf)
- Harbottle, M.J. (2003) D.Phil. “Using Electrokinetics to boost the Degradation of Organic Contaminants in Soils”
abstract thesis (2.78MB, pdf)
- O’Mahoney, M.M. (1990) D.Phil. “Recycling of Materials in Civil Engineering”
abstract thesis (7.30MB, pdf) - Nguyen, G.D. (2005) D.Phil. “A Thermodynamic Method of Constitutive Modelling of Concrete using Damage Mechanics and Plasticity Theory”
abstract thesis (3.20MB, pdf)
- Thompson, R.S.G. (1996) D.Phil. “Growth and development of Non-Straight line Statistical Models Suitable for case study of Jack-up Units”
abstract thesis (14.4MB, pdf) - Cassidy, M.J. (1999) D.Phil. “Non-Straight line Analysis of Jack-up Structures Exposed to Random Waves”
abstract thesis (3.1MB, pdf) - Falati, S. (1999) D.Phil. “The contribution of non-structural components towards the overall dynamic conduct of concrete floor slabs”
abstract thesis (16MB, pdf) - Johnson, D.M. (2000) D.Phil. “Statistical Modelling of Real-time Sub-Structure testing “
abstract thesis (2.2MB, pdf) - Neild, S.A. (2001) D.Phil. “Using Non-Straight line Vibration Strategies to Identify Damage in Concrete Bridges”
abstract thesis (5.3MB, pdf) - Clment, D.E. (2002) D.Phil. “Seismic Analysis of Knee Elements for Steel Frames”
abstract thesis (13.9MB, pdf) - Gray, M. (2006) M.Sc “Finite Element Seismic Analysis of Guyed Masts “
abstract thesis (4.82Mb, pdf) - Bonnet, P.A. (2006) D.Phil “The introduction of Multi-Axis Real-Time Substructure Testing”
abstract thesis (4.98Mb, pdf) - Sim, J.H.H. (2006) D.Phil. “Human-Structure Interaction in Cantilever Grandstands”
abstract thesis (13.9Mb, pdf) - Ehland, A. (2009) D.Phil. “Vibrations of precast and partly prestressed floor systems under moving loads”
abstract thesis (15.59Mb, pdf) - Ojaghi, M. (Makhzan Ojaghi, S. M.) (2010) D.Phil. “The introduction of Real-Time Distributed Hybrid Testing for Earthquake Engineering”
abstract - Nhleko, S. (2011) D.Phil. “Human-caused Lateral Excitation of Set up Structures”
abstract thesis (13.3mb, pdf) - Whittle, J. (2011) D.Phil. “Proper Keeping Viscous Dampers for Seismic Structural Design”
abstract thesis (17.1Mb, pdf)
Many other theses utilize Finite Element Analysis, however the following concentrate primarily about this section of work.
- Burd, H.J. (1986) D.Phil. “A Sizable Displacement Finite Element Analysis of the Reinforced Unpaved Road”
abstract thesis (5.45MB, pdf) - Teh, C.I. (1987) D.Phil. “An Analytical Study from the Cone Transmission Test”
abstract thesis (6.47MB, pdf) - Yu, H.S. (1990) D.Phil. “Cavity Expansion Theory and it is Application towards the Analysis of Pressuremeters”
abstract thesis (5.41MB, pdf) - Bell, R.W. (1991) M.Sc. “Case Study of Offshore Foundations Exposed to Combined Loading”
abstract thesis (5.73MB, pdf) - Brocklehurst, C.J. (1993) D.Phil. “Finite Element Studies of Reinforced and Unreinforced Two-Layer Soil Systems”
abstract thesis (8.44MB, pdf) - Chaudhry, A.R. (1994) D.Phil. “Static Pile-Soil-Pile Interaction in Offshore Pile Groups”
abstract thesis (7.89MB, pdf) - Chow, L. (1994) M.Sc. “The Conjecture of Surface Settlements Because of Tunnelling in Soft Ground”
abstract thesis (5.84MB, pdf) - Ngo Tran, C.L. (1996) D.Phil. “Case Study of Offshore Foundations Exposed to Combined Loading”
abstract thesis (7.68MB, pdf) - Yao, M. (1996) M.Sc. “Research from the Aftereffect of Length to Diameter Ratio around the Outcomes of Pressuremeter Tests”
abstract thesis (4.46MB, pdf) - Liu Gang (1997) D.Phil. “Statistical Modelling of harm to Masonry Structures Because of Tunnelling”
abstract thesis (5.51MB, pdf) - Augarde, C.E. (1997) D.Phil. “Statistical Modelling of Tunnelling Systems for Assessment of harm to Structures”
abstract thesis (7.70MB, pdf) - Zhou, J.-Q. (1998) D.Phil. “Statistical Analysis and Laboratory Test of Concrete Jacking Pipes”
abstract thesis (48.9MB pdf) - Bloodworth, A.G. (2002) D.Phil. “3d Analysis of Tunnelling Effects on Structures to build up Design Methods”
abstract thesis (3.85MB, pdf) - Likitlersuang, S. (2003) D.Phil. “A Hyperplasticity Model For Clay Conduct: A Credit Card Applicatoin To Bangkok Clay”
Abstract thesis (6.79MB, pdf) - Dong, Y. (2014) D.Phil. “Advanced Finite Element Analysis of Deep Excavation Situation Histories”
Abstract thesis (9.47MB, pdf)
- Boon, C.W. (2013) D.Phil. “Distinct Element Modelling of Jointed Rock Masses: Algorithms as well as their Verification” Abstract Thesis (8mb, pdf)
- Modenese, C. (2013) D.Phil “Statistical Study from the Mechanical Qualities of Lunar Soil through the Discrete Element Method” Abstract Thesis (24.5Mb, pdf)
- Zhao, T. (2014) D.Phil “Analysis of Landslide-Caused Debris Flows through the DEM and CFD” Abstrac t Thesis (6.65Mb, pdf)
- Kaar, E.T. (1991) D.Phil. “Curvilinear Systems Modelling of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Waters”
abstract - Akponasa, G.A. (1992) D.Phil. “Solution from the Contravariant Shallow Water Equations Using Boundary-Fitted Coordinate Systems”
abstract - Greaves, D.M. (1995) D.Phil. “Statistical modelling of laminar separated flows and inviscid steep waves using adaptive hierarchical meshes”
abstract - Saalehi, A. (1996) D.Phil. “Quadtree-based finite element modelling of laminar separated flow past a cylinder”
abstract - Cruz Leon, S. (1997) D.Phil. “Statistical Solution from the Shallow Water Equations on Quadtree Grids”
abstract - Chern, M.-J. (1999) D.Phil. “3-D pseudospectral type of free surface and viscous flows”
- Park, K.-Y. (1999) D.Phil. “Quadtree grid statistical type of nearshore wave-current interaction”
- Ohl, C. (1999) D.Phil. “Free surface disturbances and non-straight line run-up around offshore structures”
- Turnbull, M. (1999) D.Phil. “The statistical modelling of steep waves getting together with structures”
- Gumley, S.J. (1981) D.Phil. “Tubing Systems for that Measurement of Fluctuating Pressures”
abstract - Eco-friendly, D.W. R. (1983) D.Phil. “A Wind Tunnel Study of Flow Over Hillsides”
abstract - Rutledge, K.W. (1984) D.Phil. “Wind Tunnel Modelling of Buoyant Plumes”
abstract - Letchford, C.W. (1987) D.Phil. “Pneumatic Averaging and it is Application in Wind Engineering”
abstract - Tasker, M.N. (1987) D.Phil. “The Result of warmth Transfer around the Dispersion of Cold Dense Gases”
abstract - Parkinson, H.G. (1987) D.Phil. “Measurements of Breeze Over Types of a Hill”
abstract - Minson, A.J. (1993) D.Phil. “Utilization of Laser Doppler Anemometer Measurements near Model Structures to find out Wind Loading on Building Attachments”
abstract - Marwood, R. (1996) D.Phil. “An Analysis of Conical Roof-Edge Vortices”
abstract - Marshall, B. J. (1999) D.Phil. “Breeze Structures and Wind Forces in Forests”
abstract thesis (4.02MB, pdf) - Nelmes, S.J. (1999) D.Phil. “Style of Shetlerbelts”
Tidal Power
- Draper, S. (2011) D.Phil. Tidal Stream Energy Extraction in Caostal Basins”
abstract Thesis (8.38mb, pdf) - McAdam, R. (2011) D.Phil. “Studies in to the Technical Practicality from the Transverse Horizontal Axis Water Turbine”
abstract thesis (11.9mb, pdf) - Consul, C.A. (2011) D.Phil. “Hydrodynamcis Analysis of the Tidal Mix-Flow Turbine”
abstract thesis (30.7mb, pdf) - Ferrer, E. (2012) D.Phil. “A higher order Discontinuous Galerkin – Fourier incompressible 3D Bavier-Stokes solver with rotating sliding meshes for simulating mix-flow turbines”
abstract thesis (19.5Mb, pdf) - Belloni, C. (2013) D.Phil. “Hydrodynamics of Ducted and Open-Center Tidal Turbines”
abstract thesis (1.5Mb, pdf) - Serhadlioglu, S. (2014) D.Phil. “Tidal Stream Resource Assessment of Anglesey Skerries and also the Bristol Funnel”
abstract thesis (124mb, pdf) - Fleming, C.F. (2014) D.Phil. “Tidal Turbine Performance within the Offshore Atmosphere”
abstract thesis (17.1mb, pdf) - Vogel, C. (2014) D.Phil. “Theoretical Limits to Tidal Stream Energy Extraction”
abstract thesis (4.88Mb, pdf)
Theses using their company Universities
The next theses using their company Universities can also be found:
- Houlsby, G.T. (1981) Ph.D. Cambridge College “Research of plasticity theories as well as their applicability to soil”
abstract - Johnson, M.S. (1988) Ph.D. Bristol College “The cutting of unbonded prestressing tendons during destruction”
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