10 strategies for writing a grad school personal statement (Billie Streufert, USA Today) “When you cannot improve your gpa or entrance exam scores, you’ve complete control of the contents of your family statement. There are lots of applicants and couple of spots, so work diligently to influence readers that you simply fit their program given your qualifications, interests and professional goals. Use the following to organize and refine your essay.”
Crafting legislation School Personal Statement (Ann Levine, U.S. News World Report) Articles that discusses the myths of writing personal statements for school.
Writing an individual Statement (Binghamton College, Career Development Center) (PDF) Includes techniques for focusing your essay, prewriting questions, sources, and tips.
Writing an individual Statement (George Mason College, The Writing Center) A summary of rhetorical questions you should ask yourself when contriving a personal statement.
Writing the private Statement (Purdue OWL) “This handout provides details about writing personal statements for academic along with other positions.” It offers rhetorical questions you should ask yourself before beginning writing and useful advice. The next sections will also be excellent sources:
- Advice from Admissions Representatives (Purdue OWL) Find out about what admissions officials from various colleges say they’re searching for within an admissions essay or statement.
- Types of Effective Statements (Purdue OWL) Two personal statement examples that may serve as sources for authors creating their own individual statements.
- Personal Statement: Top Ten Rules and Pitfalls (Purdue OWL) Because the title suggests, this source lists some “dos” and “don’ts” for writing an individual statement.
Writing Personal Statements (College of Delaware, Career Services Center) (PDF) An introduction to writing personal statements with general tips, a recommended process, self-reflective questions, and a summary of “dos” and “don’ts.”
Writing Your School Of Medicine Personal Statement (The Princeton Review) A short listing of strategies for writing an individual statement whenever you’re signing up to school of medicine.
Fundamentals of Graduate-Level Writing (Dr. Emily Heady, Liberty College Graduate Writing Center) This PowerPoint presentation highlights the variations between undergraduate and graduate-level writing, with types of opening sentences compiled by students at both levels.
Graduate Writing Sources (The Portland College Writing Center) Here you’ll find out about the variations between undergraduate and graduate-level writing, research, language use, documentation, and integrating evidence.
Summary of Graduate Writing (Dr. Emily Heady, Liberty College Graduate Writing Center) (PDF) “‘Graduate-level writing’ is really a stealthily simple term since the demands put on students through the various disciplines, formats, and genres that they write differ broadly. For instance, students within the Counseling Department must learn how to use APA documentation, while students in British use MLA, and Seminary students use Turabian.

Similarly, students studying in scientific fields frequently write in passive voice, using great shape from the verb “to become,” while students in other fields attempt to maintain active voice because they compose their essays. The questions that various disciplines find intriguing differ broadly too: while students within the School of economic might want to investigate free trade being an economic climate, students within the History Department might want to explore the ways that discussions of free trade formed other political attitudes within the nineteenth century. Nonetheless, some characteristics of excellent graduate-level writing stay consistent across disciplinary limitations. This workbook is made to give students practice during these areas, including the next: Grammar, Punctuation, Logic and Organization, Critical Thinking, Enunciation and Vocabulary, and Research Writing. Additionally, this workbook can give students limited practice in discipline-specific skills for example citation[s].”
Temple College Harrisburg Help Guide To Graduate Level Writing (Temple College) This PowerPoint presentation provides students with a method to approach writing a ten-12-page paper, from locating a subject to creating final edits. Additionally, it includes info on making sentence-level revision, with emphases around the following topics: clearness, semantics, positive phrases, subordination, parallel structure, and paragraph construction. Finally, the presentation provides a brief summary of APA citations.
What Constitutes Graduate Level Writing? (College of Mary Washington) Here’s “a summary of features that characterize graduate level writing, each supported with a brief explanation.”
Writing in the Graduate Level (Sara Culver, Walden College Writing Center) This PowerPoint presentation covers the variations between master and doctorate-level writing scholarly voice, argument, and analysis and techniques for locating and effectively integrating research.
How you can Read a principal Source (College of Liberal Arts Sciences: History, College of Iowa) This source provides a number of critical thinking questions that will help you evaluate a principal source according to its purpose, argument, presuppositions, epistemology, and relationship with other texts.
Primary and Secondary Sources (Ithaca College Library) This source begins by defining primary and secondary sources, after which discusses what kinds of sources are thought primary, secondary, and tertiary. Additionally, it features a chart that contains types of primary and secondary sources.
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources (College Libraries, College of Maryland) Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources are described with definitions and examples. An evaluation chart with types of source types across various disciplines will help you conceptualize the variations in primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.
Studying Primary Sources: An Intro for college students (Kathryn Walbert, Learn NC, UNC School of your practice) Additionally to defining a principal source, this site explains why primary sources are essential and offers a number of critical questions that will help you contextualize, explore, evaluate, and evaluate primary sources.
A Resource’s Role inside your Paper (Harvard Help guide to Using Sources, Harvard College Writing Program) “When you start to draft your paper, you will have to determine what role all of your sources will have inside your argument. Quite simply, you will have to evaluate which you are going related to the origin inside your paper. While you consider what role each source will have inside your paper, you need to start by taking into consideration the role that source performed inside your research process.” This source offers “a summary of questions that will help you choose how you are likely to use all of your sources.”
What exactly are Primary Sources? (Yale College) Primary Sources at Yale divides primary sources in to the following groups, with detailed explanations and tools for locating sources within each category: Books Pamphlets, Serials, Government Documents, Manuscript and Archival Material, Maps, Realia/Artifacts, Tablets, Visual Materials, Music, Seem Tracks, Dental History, and Dissertations.
What Exactly Are You Supposed Related To Sources? (Harvard Help guide to Using Sources, Harvard College Writing Program) Identifying helpful sources is an integral part from the research process, but it’s essential to learn how to begin using these sources effectively inside your paper. This source details how you can think about your sources poor your central research question, discipline, and scope of the paper.
What’s Primary Research and How Do You Get Began? (Dana Lynn Driscoll and Allen Brizee, Purdue OWL) “Primary research involves collecting data in regards to a given subject from the real life. This includes info on what primary scientific studies are, ways to get began, ethics associated with primary research and various kinds of research that you can do. It offers information regarding interviews, surveys, observations, and analysis.”
Covering Literature: Types and processes of Secondary Sources (Alison Booth and Kelly J. Mays, LitWeb, W.W. Norton Company) Here you’ll find strategies for thinking about and integrating secondary sources right into a literature paper. Causes of opinion, information, and concept are discussed as methods to support your claim. Should you click to another page, you’ll visit a description of source-related motives.
Common Issues with IRB Applications (Montclair Condition College, IRB) The Montclair Condition College IRB has compiled a summary of common difficulties with applications they review. This is a listing of these problems along with a description from the measures you are able to take when finishing the application to prevent them.
How do you improve my consent’s “readability,” or lower its “studying level”? (Montclair Condition College, IRB) (PDF) This document explains how you can test out your document’s readability based on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and also the things you can do to enhance its readability.
How you can Prepare an IRB Application (Timothy J. Williamson, CGU, The Writing Center) (PDF) These PowerPoint slides, by means of a PDF, provide an introduction to the reason and aspects of an IRB application.
“Identifying and Staying away from Bias in Research” (Christopher J. Pannucci and Edwin G. Wilkins, National Institutes of Health) Within the second section want to know ,, “Pre-trial bias,” you can study about “the significance of clearly defining both risk and outcome, involve standardized protocols for data collection, and also the concepts of selection and channeling bias.” Clearly defining, acknowledging, and/or staying away from non-intentional bias inside your research design can help you submit a properly-planned and thorough IRB application.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application Samples (California Condition College, San Marcos) This site contains PDFs of IRB applications posted towards the IRB at California Condition College. Although IRB forms change from one institution to a different, most of the groups around the forms offer a similar experience. Reviewing these forms can present you with a feeling of the right language, tone, and detail involved with a proper research application.
Montclair Condition College: Institutional Review Board (Montclair Condition College, IRB) “The objective of this site would be to provide investigators and also the research community at MSU using the information and materials that are required to acquire IRB approval of research which involves human participants.” (Added Bytes) Copy your text in to the blank field, which site will instantly generate its Flesch-Kincaid Studying Level, Gunning-Fog Score, Coleman-Liau Index, SMOG Index, and automatic Readability Index. It’ll provide an average grade level according to these scores. Text statistics, for example character and word counts, are calculated too.
Ideas to Reduce IRB Application Turnaround Time (The College of Mississippi, IRB) These pointers in the College of Mississippi start adding some guidelines for those researchers submitting IRB applications.
Types of Take-Home Essay Exams and Papers For Graduate-Level Educational Psychology Courses (Educational Psychology Interactive) This website contains an accumulation of take-home essay exams, 10-page papers, and 25-page papers which were compiled by graduated pupils.
Graduate School Papers and also you (Tara Kuther, About Education) Kuther explains the significance of recognizing short papers in graduate school as furthering scholarly exploration, creating possibilities for constructive feedback, improving ability as a copywriter, and get yourself ready for a thesis or dissertation.
Writing Seminar Papers within the Humanities (Suzanne Cruz, Harvard College) (PDF) Cruz breaks the seminar paper into four primary components introduction, literature review, body, and conclusion and offers tips about how to approach all of them.
Writing Strategies for Ph. D. Students (John H. Cochrane, College of Chicago) (PDF) Cochrane offers strategies for Ph.D. students who’re organizing, writing, and presenting seminar papers. Although he focuses totally on business writing, a lot of his advice could be helpful for those postgraduate authors.
Example Prospectus (College of Southern Mississippi, Honors College) This website includes links to 10 prospectus examples from various disciplines. Whenever you click a good example, it’ll open inside a new window like a PDF.
How Theses Get Written: Some Awesome Tips (Steve Easterbrook, College of Toronto) (PDF) These presentation slides offer strategies for writing your thesis and insights into the way your examiner/consultant might review or discuss your projects.
How you can Organize your Thesis (John W. Chinneck, Carleton College) This site highlights the significance of graduate research, provides a generic thesis structure, and offers a few recommendations for writing your thesis.
Crafting an Abstract/Prospectus (UNLV, Writing Center) This site explains the variations between an abstract and prospectus and discusses the constituents of every.
Sources for Dissertators (College of Wisconsin Madison, The Writing Center) “This site lists some helpful books and websites for graduated pupils focusing on dissertations.”
Thirty Strategies For Dissertation Writing (Steve Tjoa, Stanford College) Within this publish, Tjoa presents 30 strategies for writing a dissertation from Dr. Rachna Jain, a dissertation coach.
Personal Time Management Strategies for Dissertation Writing (Elizabeth Gritter, UNC Chapel Hill Retrieved from St. Cloud Condition College) (PDF) Within this handout, Gritter presents personal time management strategies for those writing their dissertations.
Writing a Prospectus (College of Florida) This site includes general strategies for writing a prospectus, together with questions to help you get began along with a generic structure template.
Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation (Frederick Levine, Michigan Condition College) “Rather of analyzing such aspects as identifying appropriate sample size, field testing the instrument deciding on appropriate record tests, this informative guide examines most of the quasi-political facets of the procedure. Such topics as how you can pick a supportive committee, creating a compelling presentation of the research outcomes and techniques for really obtaining the paper written are discussed.”
Writing the Thesis (Mark C. Griffin, Bay Area Condition College) (PDF) “This informative guide is made to provide you with a procedural outline for caring for your thesis. Every thesis project may have special factors that aren’t covered here. You need to talk to your committee early and sometimes to solve how to deal with these special factors.” The format and documentation of the project will be different based on your school and discipline.
Writing Strategies for an expert’s Thesis (Erin Schreiner, eHow) Listed here are six recommendations for writing your master’s thesis.