Suggested Thesis Topics
1. Word formation (derivation, compounding, conversion, etc.)
2. The syntax of finite and/or non-finite simple sentences and sophisticated sentences
3. Discourse functions (subject and concentrate)
4. Particle verb constructions
5. Kinds of ambiguity
6. Treating “transformational phenomena” (passivization, dative shift, raising, etc.)
7. Tense and/or aspect
8. The interior structure of lexical phrases (VP, NP, PP, AP, AdvP)
9. Issues within the computational implementation of grammatical theory
10. Any extra syntactic or morphological topics selected through the student
Note: each one of these topics could be investigated through evaluating the appropriate British and Hungarian phenomena.
1. Lexical semantics: polysemy and homonymy
2. Sense-disambiguation in Computational Linguistics
3. Databases: WordNet, FrameNet, etc.
4. Tools for linguists: NooJ, XLE, concordancers, etc.
5. Machine translation
6. Qualities of natural languages, built languages, formal languages
7. Connectionist machine learning: classification and clustering for linguistic purpose
1. Core linguistic interests: argument structure phenomena, pronouns, particles and prepositions
2. Variation across loudspeakers and ‘languages’ of British
3. Variation across languages, the outline of languages apart from British
4. Ambiguity
5. Child language
6. Second language acquisition from the linguistic perspective
7. Corpus-based linguistic queries
8. Informal language
9. The word what from the internet
10. Computers and language
1. Idioms in dictionaries
2. Classification of phraseological units
3. Metaphor and metonymy in idioms
4. Variation and fixedness
5. Proverbs
6. Corpus-based analysis of British grammar
1. Experimental methods to study regarding language (having a special curiosity about child language, semantics and pragmatics)
2. Deixis: this and that
3. Demonstrative systems: a mix-linguistic perspective
4. Logic and language
5. Mood and modality
6. Scalar implicatures
7. Translation issues: the situation of identificational focus
NB: Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are looking at designing experiments relating to the field of linguistics.
1. Gender and Pleasantness
2. Gender and Impoliteness
3. Language and Age
4. Sexism
5. Gender Diffferences in Conversational Style
1. Finite-condition technology and morphological processing
2. Implementational issues in Lexical-Functional Grammar
3. Text processing for natural language analysis
4. Corpus-based studies (frequency tests)
1. The semantics of verbal particles
2. Transitivity
3. Lexical aspect
4. The teaching of tense and aspect
5. Argument structure
6. Event structure
1. Assessing progress and achievement within the language classroom
2. Problems with validity in standardized large-scale language assessment
3. Language teaching methods and approaches
4. Second learning difficulties: diagnosing individual learner variations
5. Strategies in studying inside a language and implications for assessment
6. Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence
7. Learner-centred types of classroom-based language assessment
1. The result of culture on language use
2. The result of gender on language use
3. The result of social class on language use

4. Language use and education
5. Otherness and Stereotypes
Language Pedagogy (ELT Methodology)
6. Teaching / Developing the 4 major skills
(Teaching Writing, Teaching Speaking, Teaching Listening, Teaching Studying)
7. Teaching Culture
8. Developing Intercultural Competence
1. The contribution of affective variables to differential L2 learning success.
2. The results of tasks, materials, techniques along with other classroom variables on motivation and also the learning outcome.
3. Understanding second learning difficulties.
4. The reflective specialist: permanent language teacher development.
5. The significance of rote learning in becoming successful in formal L2 acquisition.
6. Promoting learner autonomy by using technology.
7. Prospects of learning and teaching through information and communication technologies (ICT).
8. Collaborative learning online.
9. Strategy practicing Internet-supported learning.
10. Methods for achieving best lengthy-term vocabulary retention with EFL students.
11. Contextual vocabulary acquisition: concordancing in language vocabulary acquisition.
12. Intentional versus. incidental language acquisition.
13. EFL students’ dictionary use strategies as well as their impact on lexical acquisition and retention.
1. Translation between British Hungarian
2. Business British
3. Facets of American British
4. Variations between British and American British
5. Hunglish and Engarian
6. Literary texts within the language classroom
7. Culture shock theoretically and exercise
Institute of British and American Studies College of Debrecen. 2008. All legal rights reserved.