NOTE: This site is not related to `Harvmac’ (outdated Harvard TeX macros), or even the `Harvard’ bibliography style! Rather, it is supposed to help individuals while using LaTeX scientific typesetting package format their PhD theses for submission to Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard College.
NOTE: It’s also rather outdated I make no declare that the here is still relevant. Please consider hosting it yourself!
Related pages:
- Jordan Suchow’s new LaTeX and XeLaTeX template. which could produce this situation. Note awesome ligatures, overall beauty (12 , 2011.)
- My advice regarding how to use latex2html to place your thesis online
This site is my make an effort to spread something helpful from things i learned within my not-so-recent thesis completion, in October 2000. I really hope it might avoid wasting individuals from discomfort and late-night LaTeX formatting nightmares.
Observe that the Harvard GSAS format is just essential for the bound (Archives) copy from the thesis, and it is connected unbound (boxed) copy, each of which are posted towards the Registar’s Office. Copies for the research group, copies for the departmental library (within my situation Physics Research Library), personal copies, etc, do not need to follow this format. and can certainly look more professional should you have fun with the format (see below).
In The month of january 2000 the Harvard College GSAS format was updated. The brand new `Form from the Doctorate Thesis’ guide can be obtained online here. Along with the a couple it lists to make contact with at Pusey library (whose expertees lie mainly using the physical needs), I discovered the Registrar’s Office (5-1519. I spoke to Lauren Lemire but there might be others there who are able to help) most helpful.
It appears some difficulties with the brand new format are now being fixed and it is advisable to ask.
One of the vital a few things i learned from her was the preferred font size: 12pt Occasions New Roman. So set aside that ruler and prevent counting average figures per inch (CPI) – it is really an outdated specs (thankfully). Even the new format from the Abstract isn’t crucial: as lengthy as you’ve the brand new information (your company name, advisor’s name, thesis title) around the page somewhere then it is fine. I’ve updated the .cls file to incorporate a new Abstract format which i designed. The page-numbering right in front matter can also be not crucial, she explained as lengthy as arabic-numbered pages start at 1 on page one of Chapter 1, this is okay (for example, my style file below doesn’t put iii on page one from the Abstract, but does put iv around the second, etc).
Here’s huthesis.cls (version 1.4, Sep 2007), that we modified from Adam Lupu-Sax’s port from UCTHESIS (from students at College of California). It’s correct margin spacing, handles single- and double-sided, has my updated Abstract format (including correct headering of multi-page Abstracts), correct page numbering (roman in frontmatter, arabic in primary body – however not every frontmatter pages have a format in which a number seems with that page), and it has three different spacing options: ssp (1. single spaced), hsp (1.37 “1 1 / 2Inch-spaced), and dsp (1.8 “double”-spaced). Harvard GSAS requires “double”-spacing for that Abstract, Acknowledments, primary body from the text, etc.

But true 2. double-spacing is really terrible (for me) that you wouldn’t like for doing things. Besides, 1.8 enables you to definitely cram for the reason that all-important extra line or two per page. You can easily alter the spacing options by editing this .cls file. This style file also uses the flamboyant-header package fancyhdr.sty that we believe is standard with current LaTeX distributions.
Additionally, you will require the font specs files: hut10.clo. hut11.clo. hut12.clo. based on which font size you utilize (remember 10pt is smaller sized than 12pt). I discovered that in my own thesis copies, 11pt was appropriate compared to almost childishly-large 12pt needed for Harvard.
Also you might like to read ucthesis.readme that is a description from the options that come with the initial style file. I discovered that ‘draft’ mode wasn’t so great as simply using ssp at the outset of the document.
To help you get going, you are able to latex my thesis skeleton. have that working, then inject your articles and experiment. You’ll need: thesis.tex (primary file: chooses packages, gives order of chapters and appendices)
frontmatter.tex (abstract, acknowledments, citations to printed work, dedication, etc)
mathdefs.tex (I use in situation you discover any one of my equation abbreviations inside helpful – certainly the be and ee save your valuable wrists. Additionally, it features a semi-workable form of the APS mathletters macro which enables you to definitely number blocks of equations 3a,3b, etc. nevertheless the referencing of those equation figures continues to have errors! Tell me should you solve that one.)
ch1.tex (my actual chapter 1 – includes references with other chapters that won’t be resolved [appear as. ])
ap1.tex (dummy appendix A)
fig1.eps (example Encapsulated PostScript figure utilized in appendix A)
b.tex (wrapper for bibliography)
bibs.bib (actual bibliography – in BibTeX format) The entire package (huthesis.cls, hut*.clo, ucthesis.readme, and my skeleton) obtainable because a gzipped tar file .
You will have to be sure that the huthesis.cls and hut*.clo files are available inside a directory that is incorporated in your TEXINPUTS atmosphere variable, so latex will find them. Then simply just execute the command ‘latex thesis ‘, and you’ll obtain a prompt asking which files you need to process. Type eg ‘frontmatter,ch1’ to latex individuals two sections, or any mixture of chapters and appendices separated by commas. This selection really saves a while while editing single chapters. Enter ‘all’ to latex the entire factor. This will run without errors, and provide the .dvi file. As always you will have to rerun it, and run ‘bibtex thesis’ in the appropriate occasions. (For latex info see here. here. here and here. etc. and also the usual books.) I incorporated (using epsfig) a good example figure placed while using float package.
Also maybe relevant is really a Harvard thesis.cls page. which I didn’t find helpful whatsoever (it appears to possess disappeared anyway).
I would recommend for you personally own copies from the thesis: altering to 11pt font, ssp or hsp spacing, and double-sided pages. This looks similar to an expert publication and fewer just like a draft of the children’s book. You may even want to test out altering the definitions of figure caption environments in huthesis.cls, to possess smaller sized text during these captions (smallssp etc). Observe that there’s a complication with double-sided pages, namely the ‘parity’ (physics term for if the page is odd [wide left margin] or perhaps [wide right margin]) is decided in the page number. If your frontmatter comes with an odd quantity of pages, the parity is going to be incorrect once the page counter is reset to at least one at the outset of Chapter 1. To fix this, you will have to add an additional blank page within the frontmatter, most likely following the dedication is better. My resulting thesis is downloadable as gzipped postscript (2.6Mb) here. Please message me with any suggestions or additions: ahb at math us dot dartmouth us dot edu
Better yet. end up being the new maintainer of the page, since I have been out 11 years.
Alex Barnett
12 , 8, 2011
Additional because of: Bill Bies Marc Hill Nusrat Rabbee (abstract debug) Jamie Kellogg and David Kastrup (for preview-latex compatibility) Ernest Matsen, Dan Hopkins (minor fixes).