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Shivapuri national park thesis proposal

Shivapuri national park thesis proposal during pre

  • 1 Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA
  • 2 Himalayan Atmosphere Research Institute (HERI), Kathmandu, NEPAL
  • 3 Freelancer in public places Health insurance and Atmosphere, Kathmandu, NEPAL

Int. Res. J. Earth Sci.,Volume 3, Issue (2), Pages 1-6, Feb,25 (2015)


This research utilized the variation in physico-chemical qualities of soil in the Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, central Nepal regarding elevation gradient. Field visits were conducted during pre-monsoon and publish-monsoon season. Soil samples were collected at each 100 m rise in elevation in the 15 cm depth from 1600 m to 2732 m (lower range is covered with pine forest while upper range is as simple as broad leaf forest with dense canopy) and packed in airtight polythene bag. Different parameters for example pH, soil moisture, organic matter, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and water holding capacity were analysed within the lab by utilizing standard protocols. Significant variation in soil qualities at different altitudinal range was observed. Soil pH had negative exposure to growing altitude but soil nitrogen, organic matter, soil moisture and water holding capacity was discovered to be growing with growing altitude. However in situation of potassium, high concentration was observed in the centre altitudinal range while phosphorus content was stable during pre-monsoon and greater concentration at middle range during publish monsoon.


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