It is crucial that you simply stick to the guidelines for presentation and submission of the portfolios. Please read these notes carefully.
Use A4 paper and also the PGCE ring binder provided. Don’t use plastic wallets, dividers or staples. Place your name, personal identifier, course and level towards the top of every sheet. Only submit the products on the Contents Checklist for every Level.
You’ll be sent a Needs Analysis portfolio submission form (plagiarism declaration) at the beginning of the program. Subsequent forms will be delivered to you with came back portfolios. You have to attach one of these simple forms to every portfolio you signal in, confirming that it’s all of your own work. If you want more forms, telephone the Projects, Portfolios and Dissertations Office (the contact information are in the finish of the Guide).
Look at your submission form cautiously and fully. Most importantly, make certain you have joined your subject and level, which both of them are correct. Errors here may cause considerable delay in recording your grade.
Your portfolios should be sent straight to your tutor. Each one of these must arrive together with your tutor no after three days (a 3 week period) after completing your last day’s the requirements Analysis School Placement or from the school experience each and every level. You’re wise to:
- make a copy of all things you submit within the portfolio
- use first-class publish (not recorded delivery or registered publish)
- make certain the postage around the envelope is enough
- allow a minimum of 72 hours for delivery
- get yourself a certificate of posting (free of your publish office)
- not use plastic wallets, dividers or staples because this slows lower the handling process in the College.
You have to submit every part of the portfolio together. For those who have difficulty in finishing all of the aspects of a portfolio promptly, you need to ask your tutor, prior to the cut-off date, for permission to submit the entire portfolio late.
It’s a TDA requirement in England that three Skills Tests (literacy, numeracy and knowledge communications technology) should be completed just before QTS being awarded. All tests should be completed until you are in a position to educate in class and for that reason just before beginning the induction year.
Students are thus likely to complete the 3 tests just before submission and can include the certificates within the Level 3 portfolio. Students who attempt the tests but frequently fail might be offered tutorial or any other support.
We predict that students may have sitting and passed their tests by the start of their final School Experience.
Making deadlines is a good example of appropriate professional attributes. Portfolios should be posted so they are received from your tutor within three days (a 3 week period) from the final day’s your school placement. However, illness as well as other valid reason could leave you not able to submit a portfolio to reach through the submission date. Don’t forget that late submission isn’t a right you have to obtain permission ahead of time.

Your tutor has got the discretion to permit extra time as high as three days for a good reason. If you would like permission to submit the portfolio late, explain your good reasons to your tutor prior to the submission date. Late submission is going to be permitted only when your tutor concurs that you’ve a genuine reason. In case your tutor concurs for an extension, he/they must inform the College from the revised submission date by e-mailing .
Extensions beyond three days are only granted in exceptional conditions as well as on the receipt of the ITE Portfolio Submission Extension Request form before the original submission date. It’s vitally essential that you make sure that any difficulty with submitting the portfolio may the college before your portfolio submission date.
If no portfolio continues to be received through the agreed submission date, the tutor will submit a grade 5 portfolio report (non-submission) having a review recommendation and publish a printed from the portfolio are accountable to the Projects, Portfolios and Dissertation Office.
Any portfolio received following the portfolio submission date, with no extension being granted, can lead to a grade 4 being awarded (see below).
This is known the topic Leader who’ll contact you to definitely request you to take into account the delay in submitting the portfolio. You will subsequently be asked to some review meeting.
Failure to submit a portfolio without reasons can result in a fail recommendation being designed to the PGCE/PGDE Award Board.
Students might not proceed one stage further from the course before the Award Board has met and it is decisions happen to be conveyed towards the student through the College, after ratification.
The PGCE/PGDE Award Board might wish to allow a brand new submission date before the next PGCE Award Board.
Observe that your submission of the Level 3 (or Assessment Only) portfolio constitutes the finish of the study from the course, whatever the time passed inside the maximum permitted.