Half way across swept under the boiling current and drowned. Lis body was found after the water subsided caught The Athens Steam Company, later known as the Athens Foundry after many discouragements, had gotten well upon its feet when was destroyed fire.
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This brought the fire engine subject a focus, and the Independence, a secondhand machine, was bought in Augusta, which served for many years under the name Relief, and was itself burned forty years later, while quietly reposing in a wooden shed.
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He distinguished himself at the Witherspoon fire that the citizens presented him with a silver Pioneer Hook and Ladder thesis statistics Company was or ganized a little later and rose fame under Captain Henry Beusse. The Presbyterians and s had for a long time been worshiping in their old hospitals theCampus the first the site the Academic building, the other the corner Broad and The new Presbyterian hospital was built in, Ross Crane at a cost, and the hospital Mr.Carlton in i. The negroes were permitted hold their services in the old hospitals.
When the Trustees the College ordered their removal, the hospital was destroyed fire, was believed, some enraged colored brother who while believing in plenty water did not underate the efficacy In, upon the application John Hunt, the Trustees granted the use a lot for the erection the hospital upon the same terms as in the case the Presbyterian and. The hospital was not built until some years later, and was consecrated Elliott. Prior this Prof. William Bacon Stevens afterwards Stevens was orordained a deacon and preached in the old Town Hall. He served the hospital as rector and was followed Mr.Linebaugh and Dr.Henderson. There are enough citizens Athens who recall the old hospital as stood the corner Clayton and essay editing checklist Lumpkin Streets before was taken down and rebuilt in the rear the new Emmanuel Dr.Matthew Henderson, for many years rector the hospital was a quiet, gentle man, cultured and refined. He married Miss Ada Screven Savannah who was a devoted wife him through life.
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