More than just the article
Front-page headlines, classified ads, marriage and death announcements, comic strips, reviews, display advertising, editorials, birth notices, photographs, and many other article types combine to help today’s researchers not only understand the news of yesteryear, but also the context in which it was made.
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ProQuest makes it easy for both novice and experienced researchers to find relevant information quickly, with basic and advanced search options. And, because the newspapers in this collection reside on a single platform, users can cross-search all ProQuest Historical Newspapers titles with one another and with all other ProQuest resources a library may have.
Transcend time AND geography!
Follow news not only across time, but also across geography, uncovering the multiple perspectives surrounding important issues and events.
Searching the way you want it EASY!
Stories that spanned multiple newspaper pages are threaded together, appearing as one continuous image and further improving readability.
Titles Included
ProQuest Historical Newspapers™ is the definitive newspaper digital archive offering full-text and full-image articles for significant newspapers dating back to the 18th Century.
Featured Titles
- The Arizona Republican 1890-1922
- Atlanta Constitution 1868-1984
- Austin American Statesman 1871-1977*
- The Baltimore Sun 1837-1991*
- The Boston Globe 1872-1984*
- The Chicago Tribune 1849-1992*
- The Christian Science Monitor 1908-2003*
- Cincinnati Enquirer 1841-1922
- Dayton Daily News 1898-1922
- Detroit Free Press 1831-1922
- Hartford Courant 1764-1990*
- Indianapolis Star 1903-1922
- Los Angeles Times 1881-1992*
- The Louisville Courier-Journal 1830-1922
- Nashville Tennessean 1812-1922
- The New York Times (1851-2013*) with Index (1851-1993)
- New York Tribune / Herald Tribune 1841-1962
- Newsday 1940-1988
- San Francisco Chronicle 1865-1922
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1874-1922
- Wall Street Journal 1889-1999*
- Washington Post 1877-1999*
International Newspapers
Black Newspapers
- Atlanta Daily World 1931-2003
- The Baltimore Afro-American 1893-1988
- Cleveland Call Post 1934-1991
- Chicago Defender 1910-1975
- Los Angeles Sentinel 1934-2005
- New York Amsterdam News 1922-1993
- The Norfolk Journal Guide 1921-2003
- The Philadelphia Tribune 1912-2001
- Pittsburgh Courier 1911-2002
American Jewish Newspapers
- The American Hebrew Jewish Messenger 1857-1922
- The American Israelite 1854-2000
- The Jewish Advocate 1905-1990
- Jewish Exponent 1887-1990
*Additional year of content added annually