This is a summary of PhD Dissertations that either use aOrurOrtography like a Methodology or any other types of arts based, practice brought types of artistic research for example: arts-informed, life story, autoethnography, research creation, research based theatre, narrative inquiry, embodied inquiry, resided inquiry, and poetic inquiry. To gain access to the abstract from the dissertation (and perhaps, the entire dissertation) — please click the link near the title. Updated: June, 2016.
Abad Molina, J. (2009). Iniciativas de educacin artstica a travs del Arte Contemporneo para la Escuela Infantil. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid. PDF
Lance armstrong, L. (2006). The ecosystem of identity: Memoir and the making of narrative. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Baer, S. A. (2012). Re-envisioning fear: The function of conversation within an arts classroom for prospective teachers. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Nebraska: The College of Nebraska – Lincoln subsequently. PDF
Bakan, D. L. (2015). A sing of songs: A/r/tography, autoethnography, and songwriting as music education research. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Barney, D. (2009). Research of dress through artistic inquiry: Provoking understandings of artist, investigator, and teacher identities. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Beare, D. M. (2011). Social art effect: The a/r/tography and complexity of theatre education learning systems, developmental stages, and alter mechanisms. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc.
Beer, R. (1999). Landscape and identity: Three artist/teachers in Bc. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Bickel, B. (2008). Living the divine spiritually and politically: Art, ritual and performative/pedagogy in women’s multi-belief leadership. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Boulton-Funke, A. (2015). Craft creativity-based methodology of intuition: Secondary visual art teacher becomings and encounters with schooling. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Brett-MacLean, P. J. (2007). Art(ists) within the making: Exploring narratives of visiting art in later existence. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Carter, M. R. (2012). The teacher monologues: Going through the encounters and identities of artist-teachers. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Cooper, J. (2015). Co-creating with, as well as in, a southern landscape. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Melbourne, Australia: Victoria College. LINK
Cullen-Reavill, M. F. (2009). Going through the newbie training through focus group discussions, ethno-mimesis, a/r/tography, and gratifaction ethnography. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, College of Denver, Colorado, U . s . states. PDF
Daichendt, G. J. (2009). Artist-Teacher George Wallis: Redefining the idea Through History.
Unpublished Erectile dysfunction.D. Dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia College. PDF
Damelin, A. R. (2002). Walking barefoot: A storyteller’s arts-based inquiry. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Toronto: ON: College of Toronto. Archives Canada
Darts, D. (2004). Visual culture jam: Art, pedagogy and inventive resistance. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Davis-Halifax, N. V. (2002). Another type of water: A pleasing and oblique inquiry into dys-body, solace, and vulnerability. Unpublished doctorate dissertation (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) College of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Detlefsen, J. D. (2009). A discussion about art education: Do you know the characteristics in procedure that promote a qualitative whole in art education? Unpublished doctorate dissertation, The College of Nebraska, U . s . States. PDF
de Cosson, A. (2003). (Re)searching sculpted A/r/tography: (Re)learning subverted-knowing through aparetic praxis. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Douglass, M. B. (2004). Professional artists as teachers with at-risk youth: A story situation study. Unpublished doctorate dissertation. New York Condition. PDF
Dresser, K. E. (2009). Dancing using the dead generations following the Holocaust: A imaginary blogged phenomenology and pedagogy of embodied publish-Holocaust inherited recollections using aOrurOrtography. The College of New York at Greensboro. PDF
Came, D. L. (2006). Arts-based research, heuristic inquiry and art educator self-study: Secondary studio motivation for Black students like a generalizable model. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, The Ohio Condition College. PDF
Dias, B. (2006). Border epistemologies: Searching at Almod’s Queer Genders as well as their implications for Visual Culture Education. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Duran Salvado, N. (2012). The college like a conversation with other people: Researching with children through artistic languages. Doctorate dissertation, Facultat de Belles Arts/ Universitat de Barcelona 2012. PDF
Dunlop, R. (1999). Boundary bay: A manuscript as educational research. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Fels, L. (1999). Within the wind clothes dance on the line: Performative inquiry – a (re)search methodology: Options and absences inside a space-moment of imagining a world. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Fisher, M. R. (2003). Courageous leadership interior and exterior the ‘fear’ matrix. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Garcia-Roldan, A. (2012). Videoarte en contextos educativos: las nuevas narrativas audiovisuales y su inclusin curricular a programas de educacin artstica desde una perspectiva a/r/togrfica [Video-art in educational context: the brand new audiovisual narratives and it is inclusion in educational programs in arts from the a bOrurOrtographic perspetive]. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Granada, The country: College of Granada. PDF
Galvani, V. M. (2016). Uma Nova Lente Para O Professor: Potencialidade da fotografia como dispositivo de pesquisa para aes pedaggicas. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, So Paulo. PDF
Girak, S. (2015). forget me not: An exhibit -and- Creative Reuse: How saved materials transformed my a/r/tographic practice: An exegesis. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Joondalup, Wa: Edith Cowan College. PDF
Gosse, D. M. (2005). Breaking silences, an inquiry into identity and also the creative research process. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Toronto, ON: College of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Archives Canada
Golparian, S. (2012). Displaced displacement: A bOrurOrtographic performance of encounters to be unhomed. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Gottlieb-Tanaka, D. (2006). Creative expression, dementia and also the therapeutic atmosphere. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Grant, C. (2003). Setting it up together: Relational learning inside a jazz performance context. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Toronto, ON: College of Toronto. Archives Canada
Eco-friendly, D. (2015). Quake destruction/Arts creation: Arts therapy the canterbury earthquakes. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Auckland, Nz: College of Auckland. PDF
Haskell, J. (2000). Experiencing freefall: An outing of pedagogical options. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Hayward-Kabani, C. (2000). Living curriculum with youthful children: Your way of the early childhood educator: The twisted garden. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Heron, J. (2010). Performing within the spaces between: A BOrurOrtographic inquiry into practice. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Ballarat, Australia: College of Ballarat. PDF
Hoyt, M. W. (2008). Interstanding surfaces: Embodiment, media and interdisciplinary study of curriculum and pedagogy. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, College Station, Texas: Texas A M College PDF
Hurren, W. (1998). Line dancing: An atlas of geography, curriculum and poetic options. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Kalin, N. M. (2007). Conversations on learning and teaching drawing: Attracted toward transformation. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Kalio-Tavin, M. (2013). Encountering self, other and also the third: Researching the crossroads of art pedagogy, Levinasian ethics and disability studies. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Helsinki: Aalto College School of Arts, Design and Architecture. PDF
Kay, L. (2008). Art education pedagogy and exercise with adolescent students at-risk in alternative high schools. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois College. PDF
Kind, S. C. (2006). Of gemstones and silences: Storying the trace from the other within the autobiographical and textile text of art/teaching. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Kirkland, K. H. (2004). A harsh story book: A mythopoetic discourse on taboo, trauma and anti-oppressive pedagogy. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Klehr, M. R. (2009). Artful inquiry: Aesthetic practices in teacher research. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Madison, Wisconsin: The College of Wisconsin.
Lack, L. (2006). Dancing the thinking body, the sensation mindTMSM: Craft creativity-based research exploration. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Ohio: Union Institute and College.
Lackey, L. (1997). Pedagogies of leisure: Thinking about community entertainment centres as contexts for art education and art experience. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Laroche, L. (2000). You had been a star once, weren’t you?” :Nonlinear steps in to the re-enchantment of science education. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Lea, G. W. (2013). Homa Bay Recollections: Using research-based theatre to understand more about a story inheritance. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Leavy, P. L. (2002). Representational occasions: Titanic along with other occasions as situation studies in collective memory. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Boston, MA: Boston College.
LeBlanc, N. (2015). In/visibility from the abandoned school: Beyond representations of faculty closure. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Lee, K. V. (2004). Riffs of change: Musicians becoming music educators. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Lin, Patricia (2000). Cultural identity and ethnic presentation in arts education: Situation studies of Taiwanese festivals in Canada. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Linds, W. (2002). An outing in metaxis: Been, being, becoming, imag(in)ing drama facilitation. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Lipszyc, C. (2006). Self as journeyer: On writing and teaching pathways. Craft creativity-based autoethnographic study the interconnectedness between writing and teaching. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Toronto, ON: College of Toronto.
MacArthur, J. (1996). Following unnamed rivers and ruminating on teaching like a vocation. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Maaneiro, S. (2013). De como cadeiras se movem: Escrevendo meu movimento, movimentando minha escrita, uma experincia a/r/togrfica em dana. Universidade estadual de Campinas. PDF
Mack, P. (2012). Inside artist/teacher burnout. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, AZ, USA: Arizona Condition College.
MacDonald, A. J. (2014). Intertwined: An analysis into just as one artist and teacher. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Lauceston: College of Tasmania. PDF
MacPherson, S. (2000). A way of learning: Indo-Tibetan Buddhism as education. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Madrid-Manrique, M. (2014). Creating audiovisual participatory narratives: A/r/tography and inclusivity. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Granada, The country: College of Granada. LINK
May, H. M. (2013). Educating artists beyond digital: Understanding network art and relational learning as contemporary pedagogy. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
McElfresh, R. A. (2008). Imaginations of democracy: The resided encounters of artists involved in telecomutting saves gas. Physician of Philosophy. Ohio: Kent Condition College. PDF
McKinnon-Crook, M. (2001). Moving the mountain: The storyline of 1 student’s find it difficult to finish senior high school. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Mena de Torres, J. (2014). Construccin del concepto visual en educacin: Visiones en educacin a travs en fotografa artstica, la fotografa de prensa y los estudiantes. [Construction of visual idea of education: Views of your practice through art photography, press photography and photography by students.] Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Granada, The country: Universidad de Granada. PDF
Mesner, K. (2014). Wrestling using the angels of ambiguity: Scholarship within the in-between: Queer theology/performative autoethnography. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Messas Lema, J. M. (2011). Fotografa y educacin de las artes visuales: el fotoactivismo educativo como estrategia docente en la formacin del profesorado. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Granada, The country: The College of Granada. PDF
Michals, L. (2000). Kneading narratives, communities and culture: Recipes, glare and revelations. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Miguel Alvarez, Laura de (2011) La huella, la tela, el blanco y el color negro en la manifestacin de ser: modelo de confeccin autoidentitaria del artista-investigador-educador. Tesis PhD: Universidad Complutense from Madrid. PDF
Miller, L. A. (2002). Constructing voices: A story situation study from the processes and manufacture of a residential area art performance. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Millette, L. (2007). The expertise of Artmaking: Body, Self and Word as Ontological Atmosphere. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Montreal, QC: Concordia College. PDF
Minge, J. M. (2008). Cob building: Movements and moments of survival. PhD thesis. College of Florida. PDF
Norman, R. (1999). House of mirrors: Performing autobiograph(icall)y in language/education. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Ortiz, C. (2008). A self-search for the connection between art teaching and artistic practice. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Houston, Texas: College of Houston.
Ostertag, JKay. (2015). School gardening, teaching, and pedagogy of enclosures: Threads of the arts-based mtissage. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Patton, V. R. (2005). Selves in re-vision: Craft creativity-based inquiry into teacher-counsellor identity. Unpublished Doctorate Dissertation, Toronto, ON: College of Toronto.
Penberg, D. (1998). Abecedarian: A multimedia education story. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc.
Pente, P. V. (2008). Being close to landscape: Feeling of place and pedagogy. Unpublished Doctorate Dissertation. Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Peterson, J. (2007). Excavating Barbie dolls/excavating me: Digital making (my) inarticulate space. A romantic study. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc.
Pinderhughes, C.A. Junior. (2009). twenty-first century chains: The ongoing relevance of internal colonialism theory. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Boston, MA: Boston College.
Poon, L. M. (2004). Teachers’ encounters of caring: Tales and pictures of arts-based teacher development. Unpublished doctorate dissertation. Toronto, ON: Canada.
Pourchier, A. N. M. (2012). Led wanderings: A bOrurOrtographic inquiry into postmodern picturebooks, Bourdieusian theory, and writing. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, GA, USA: Georgia Condition College (College of your practice).
Pryer, A. C. (2003). Meditations on/in non/dualistic pedagogy. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Rasberry, G. W. (1998). Imagining the curious duration of researching pedagogy. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Reisberg, M. (2006). A bOrurOrtographic study of multicultural children’s book artists: Creating a place-based pedagogy of enjoyment. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Washington Condition College (College of your practice) PDF
Renner, P. G. (2001). Susceptible to options: An outing of self-knowing through personal narrative. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Richardson, P. (2010). Past buoy lines: Craft creativity-based inquiry into living and knowing giftedness. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Riddett-Moore, K. J. (2011). Developing a skill of just living. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Athens, Georgia. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Athens, Georgia: The College of Georgia. PDF
Royster, L. J. (2008). Personally i think better with music: Arts-based educational research analysis of curriculum for preschoolers identified as having cancer of the lung using educational theatre like a learning medium. Unpublished doctorate dissertation. New York: The College of New York at Chapel Hill.
Sameshima, P. (2007). Seeing Red-A pedagogy of parallax: An epistolary bildungsroman on artful scholarly inquiry. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Sasso, L. (2014). Livro-objeto A/r/togrfico: Prticas de Pedagogia Cultural na periferia de Braslia. Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Visuais Programa de Ps-Graduao em Arte, Universidade de Brasilia. PDF
Sinner, A. (2008). Unfolding the Unexpectedness of uncertainty: Arts research like a triptych installation: A discussion of processes, practices, products. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Cruz, A. L. (2006). Elasticity, Community Hope: Understandings from participatory theatre performance. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Cruz, J. E. (2006). Problems with Culture, Diversity and difference. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Auckland, Nz: The College of Auckland Nz.
Sousanis, N. (2015). Unflattening. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, New You are able to, NY: Teachers College, Columbia College. About
Springgay, S. (2004). Within the visible: Youth understandings of body understanding through touch. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Stachowiak, D. M. (2013). Queer(ing) gender: A vital analysis of thinking, embodying, and living genderqueer. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, The College of New York at Greensboro.
Stanley, D. Y. (2008). Teaching is my art. Unpublished doctorate thesis, Sydney, Nsw, Australia: College of Sydney. PDF
Suominen, A. (2004). Writing with photographs, re-constructing self: Craft creativity-based autoethnographic inquiry. Unpublished Doctorate Dissertation. Ohio: The Ohio Condition College. PDF
Swanson, D. M. (2004). Voices within the silence: Narratives of disadvantage, social context and college mathematics in publish-apartheid Nigeria. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Szabo, J. (2009). Restor(y)ing relational identities through (per)formative glare on nursing education: A textual exhibitionist’s tale of just living inquiry. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Thompson, J. (2001). Personally i think well, i am: Selected British and Canadian secondary school students’ conceptions of music and music education. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Toulouse, P. R. (2001). Bimaadziwin (the great existence): Discussing the living teaching of those of Sagamok Anishnawbek implications for education. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Triggs, V. (2012). Art as environmental practice: A curriculum of motion for teacher education methods. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
Van Halen-Faber, C. (2004). Seeing through apples: An exploration in to the ethics and appearance of the teacher-educator-researcher’s arts-based beginnings. Unpublished doctorate thesis, Toronto, ON: College of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education).
Vaughan, K. (2006). Finding home: Understanding, collage, and also the local environments. Unpublished doctorate Dissertation. Toronto, ON: You are able to College. Link
Vellani, A. M. (2002). Pirbhai’s benefits: A story quest perfectly into a pedagogy of benefits. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, Vancouver, BC: The College of Bc. PDF
White-colored, A. M. (2012). Artistic frames: Craft creativity-based study of teachers’ encounters with arts-integrated British language arts for college students with Dis/abilities. Unpublished doctorate dissertation, GA, USA: Georgia Condition College (College of your practice). PDF