K-12 annotated student writing samples illustrating the mix of content understanding and writing within the three kinds of writing expected using the CCSS. There’s 2 types of sources available:
On-Demand Writing provides a development of writing across grades (K-5 and 6-12) students authored individually for the similar text-based prompt across grades.
Selection of Writing provides multiple types of student writing within the grade across numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes.
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Sources particularly made to support understanding and advancement of CCSS-aligned writing
Results (13)
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The pieces during this On-Demand section represent among the three kinds of writing named within the Common Core Condition Standards for Writing: …
The pieces during this On-Demand section represent among the three kinds of writing named within the Common Core Condition Standards for Writing: …
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes.
They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
These pieces represent numerous content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes. They reflect Comm…
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achievethecore.org’s digital tools and sources for teachers are really due to contributions from teachers nationwide furthermore to through generous support inside the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust along with the GE Foundation.