You will soon start your final semester which is when you write your master’s thesis. We will therefore give you with some important information about the administrative routines and relevant regulations.
The master’s thesis is normally done in the 10th semester of the 5-year integrated MSc degree. The duration of the thesis is normally 20 weeks (+ one week for Easter). If have a part-time position as an assistant at NTNU, you will get additional time depending on the extent of the job. Candidates who write their master’s theses outside Norway will also get additional time. Before starting work on the master’s thesis you normally must have passed all the examinations in the programme of study you are taking. The Supplementary Regulations in the MSc Engineering Degree is the ruling document and states.
As indicated in the Examination Regulations, the Faculty is empowered to consider applications where exception can be granted to the regulation that examinations must be passed in all courses in the programme of study. Exception is never granted to this regulation when a candidate has not completed his/her project work (specialization course), Section 20.3.2.
Before you can start your master’s thesis you must have had at least 12 weeks of work experience and had this approved (this is for students taking the 5-year integrated MSc degree). If you are taking a 2-year Master of Science degree or have been admitted in the third year of the 5-year integrated MSc degree, you must have had at least 6 weeks of approved work experience.
How to select the master’s thesis
You have to draw up an agreement with a professor about a master’s thesis in a specific field. The Department will give you information about the thesis selection.
A professor at NTNU must sign this agreement even if your thesis work is done outside NTNU. The routine is that the professor and the student both sign the form for selecting a master’s thesis. The form is printed after you have given all the information required for registration in the web application for master’s theses, DAIM
A printed, signed form is sent through the Professor/Department to the Faculty by 16 January. If you want to delay the start-up of the thesis until after week 2, you still should fill in the form in DAIM, but register the real start-up date, print it, get the professor’s signature and deliver it to the Faculty by 16 January.
Remember to name the company/institution on the form in DAIM and the supervisor outside NTNU if you want to write your master’s thesis in a company/institution outside NTNU Written agreement with the host institution
When writing a master’s thesis outside NTNU it is recommended to make a written agreement between the four parties: you, the candidate, your professor at NTNU, the host institution/ company and NTNU. This will clarify the rights and obligations of all parties in connection with the thesis.
The agreement must be made in four copies that will be signed of all parties. The signed copies of the agreement will be sent to each party after approval by the Faculty Director.
Master’s theses abroad
If you are writing your master’s thesis abroad, contact the Faculty by email if you have questions.

We want to be available and help you, even when you are far away. You will get additional time when writing your master’s thesis abroad. This will normally be 26 weeks. If you are not returning to NTNU after finishing the thesis abroad, you will have to deliver all keys and other equipment and have the form that you have handed these in, signed before leaving Trondheim.
Are you about to collect data about people?
Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) provides information about scheme and notification requirements for research and student projects that deal with personal information. At NTNU’s website you can also find detailed information about the scheme for the handling of personal information.
Researchers, supervisors, students and others who need advice and guidance on the handling of personal information, notification and approval of research projects, please feel free to contact NTNU’s contact person to NSD, Anne Marie Snekvik
Submission of the master’s thesis
You have to deliver the master’s thesis on the exact agreed date. A form for submitting the master’s thesis is also found in DAIM. It is to be handed in, filled out and signed by the Faculty as soon as you have submitted your master’s thesis. The signed form is your release from student status at NTNU. The Faculty will give you a requisition if you want to buy the special “sivilingeniør” ring.
If you have problems with the equipment, technical problems, illness or other things while you are writing your thesis, your professor at NTNU can grant you a week extra. You have to apply to the Faculty if you need more than one extra week. If you do not submit the thesis by the date of the extended period, this may mean that the master’s thesis will graded as fail. For more information, contact the Faculty Office .
Good luck with your thesis work.
You will soon start your final semester which is when you write your master’s thesis. We will therefore give you with some important information about the administrative routines and relevant regulations.
The master’s thesis is normally done in the 10th semester of the 5-year integrated MSc degree. The duration of the thesis is normally 20 weeks (+ one week for Easter). If have a part-time position as an assistant at NTNU, you will get additional time depending on the extent of the job. Candidates who write their master’s theses outside Norway will also get additional time. Before starting work on the master’s thesis you normally must have passed all the examinations in the programme of study you are taking. The Supplementary Regulations in the MSc Engineering Degree is the ruling document and states.
As indicated in the Examination Regulations, the Faculty is empowered to consider applications where exception can be granted to the regulation that examinations must be passed in all courses in the programme of study. Exception is never granted to this regulation when a candidate has not completed his/her project work (specialization course), Section 20.3.2.
Before you can start your master’s thesis you must have had at least 12 weeks of work experience and had this approved (this is for students taking the 5-year integrated MSc degree). If you are taking a 2-year Master of Science degree or have been admitted in the third year of the 5-year integrated MSc degree, you must have had at least 6 weeks of approved work experience.
How to select the master’s thesis
You have to draw up an agreement with a professor about a master’s thesis in a specific field. The Department will give you information about the thesis selection. A professor at NTNU must sign this agreement even if your thesis work is done outside NTNU. The routine is that the professor and the student both sign the form for selecting a master’s thesis. The form is printed after you have given all the information required for registration in the web application for master’s theses, DAIM
A printed, signed form is sent through the Professor/Department to the Faculty by 16 January. If you want to delay the start-up of the thesis until after week 2, you still should fill in the form in DAIM, but register the real start-up date, print it, get the professor’s signature and deliver it to the Faculty by 16 January.
Remember to name the company/institution on the form in DAIM and the supervisor outside NTNU if you want to write your master’s thesis in a company/institution outside NTNU Written agreement with the host institution
When writing a master’s thesis outside NTNU it is recommended to make a written agreement between the four parties: you, the candidate, your professor at NTNU, the host institution/ company and NTNU. This will clarify the rights and obligations of all parties in connection with the thesis.
The agreement must be made in four copies that will be signed of all parties. The signed copies of the agreement will be sent to each party after approval by the Faculty Director.
Master’s theses abroad
If you are writing your master’s thesis abroad, contact the Faculty by email if you have questions. We want to be available and help you, even when you are far away. You will get additional time when writing your master’s thesis abroad. This will normally be 26 weeks. If you are not returning to NTNU after finishing the thesis abroad, you will have to deliver all keys and other equipment and have the form that you have handed these in, signed before leaving Trondheim.
Are you about to collect data about people?
Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) provides information about scheme and notification requirements for research and student projects that deal with personal information. At NTNU’s website you can also find detailed information about the scheme for the handling of personal information.
Researchers, supervisors, students and others who need advice and guidance on the handling of personal information, notification and approval of research projects, please feel free to contact NTNU’s contact person to NSD, Anne Marie Snekvik
Submission of the master’s thesis
You have to deliver the master’s thesis on the exact agreed date. A form for submitting the master’s thesis is also found in DAIM. It is to be handed in, filled out and signed by the Faculty as soon as you have submitted your master’s thesis. The signed form is your release from student status at NTNU. The Faculty will give you a requisition if you want to buy the special “sivilingeniør” ring.
If you have problems with the equipment, technical problems, illness or other things while you are writing your thesis, your professor at NTNU can grant you a week extra. You have to apply to the Faculty if you need more than one extra week. If you do not submit the thesis by the date of the extended period, this may mean that the master’s thesis will graded as fail. For more information, contact the Faculty Office .
Good luck with your thesis work.