Poor customer service has been a rising problem off late. to tackle this issue, you write a complaint letter to the company guilty of providing poor customer service. to know about it, we will give you a sample complaint letter poor customer service. This letter is the best way to get a complaint through to the management.
The letter has to have formal language. The problem has to be detailed along with the proper dates. If there are any receipts or complaint numbers, state theses numbers as they will be required for verification.
Keep the language short and simple. Mention to them how long you have been availing their services. Then state to them the problem you have incurred. Explain the problem in detail, along with the proper dates and all. Because this letter can be used in the court, in case you decide to sue them. If you have the names of the employees of the company who have given you poor service, you can state the names, if you like. Let the language be as polite as possible. If you are liable for compensation, you can ask for it, but make sure you have the receipts.
In this competitive world, no company wants to lose its loyal customers. The company is sure to look into your problem. As a customer, it is your right to receive good service as you are paying your hard-earned money. The letter is not at all complicated, and it does not really have a set pattern that has to be followed. Follow the sample complaint letter poor customer service we have provided for you.
Jack Bowen
231, Ray Blvd.
22311, New Jersey, New York,
Roger Fawn
Area Manager.
Jet Cables Ltd.
415, Corner Street,
22317, New Jersey, New York,
I have been a customer of your cable company from the past 3 years, so far the services have been impeccable, but recently I encountered some really poor customer service.
On the cable bill I received on the 1st of April, 2010, I noticed that I was charged for a channel (channel no. 543, Sky Sports) I had never ordered. When contacting your customer care representative, I was assured that the channel will be removed immediately, but I will have to pay for it, and the amount would be deducted from my next bill. But the next month, the same problem occurred.
I received a phone call asking for an appointment, so that cable repairman would come and shut off the channel manually. I gave the date of 5th May, 2010. Even after clearing my busy schedule, the repairman failed to make it on the said date, and called late in the evening to inform me that he was not coming. Worst of all was that he was completely unapologetic about it.
The channel continues to be on my cable package, and I am being billed for it every month. I am very disappointed with the poor service, and am contemplating a change in my cable service provider. I had received great service earlier, but this incident has really left a bad impression on me. I hope that you look into the matter immediately, and refund the excessive money I have been paying for a channel I did not order.
Thank you for your co-operation, and I hope such incidents will not be repeated.
Sincere Regards,
Jack Bowen
We have given you a sample complaint letter poor customer service.

Use the format stated in the letter, if you too have incurred a similar problem like that in the letter, you can use the letter by making a few changes. The letter gives you a good gist of how a complaint letter for poor customer service is supposed to be.