Are you looking to earn money online via freelance article writing jobs or you want to make money online with some online content writing work in your spare time, then here perfect place landed by you.
We are looking urgently for peoples who can write content in the English language for our websites, and we will pay for it. Yes! If you are good in English and if you can write content on any subject.
Here are the opportunities for interested peoples which is called content writer work and this is 100% legitimate online content writing jobs for which we will pay you.
Online Website Content Writer Jobs
Content Writing Jobs In Popular Metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh,Gurgaon,Bangalore
Simply We have some urgent requirements for a content writer who can write about the following subject
Online Website Content Writer Jobs
- Technology- Mobile, laptop, gadgets, tablets apply iPad and many more gadgets.
- Bollywood Niche
- Investment And stock exchange forex news, currency
- Health-related post
- Make money online
- Website development, web design and hosting review
- Automobiles review like new cars and new bikes related post
- Cooking tips and tricks
- Internet marketing
- Education related posts
- Top current affairs and news related post
- Bollywood related latest news and movies reviews and box office collection
- Hollywood related news
- Politics related post
- Computer related programming and more tips for Windows and Mac related tutorials
- Part time jobs make money online career guidance and career development
And many more areas if you can provide us content daily basis or weekly basis you have to submit our content via mail by attaching in word file then we will pay you for this online content writing work.
Requirements for Online Content Writing Work
If you are serious about this content writing work, then you can apply for this and be following conditions, you must have to apply for this freelance content writing work
- The better the English language the content written by you should be error free and no spelling or grammatical mistake article will be accepted, and you have to correct post if more mistake found on articles.
Online Website Content Writer Jobs
- Minimum 500+ Words your article should be and also error free and easy to understandable to the reader.
- You have to write articles so friendly, and you should have some basic SEO knowledge and minimum 1 image you have to use in a post
- Quickly and understandable language you have to utilize in the article, and you have to add value in post scraped or copied or rewritten article will be not accepted we have tools we can easily identify a duplicate or spam post.
- At least English is must, and if your article is excellent and well written you will get paid more in compare to others
Payment for Online freelance writing work:
If you can do work, seriously and able to write content without any problem, then we will make payment weekly without any issue.
You will get paid via following payment method
What is the amount you will earn for writing one article?

This is most asked questions how many freelance writers can earn for writes one post we are paying 100inr (1.60$) per single article depends on quality, but this is the minimum amount.
If you can write posts in more details with SEO friendly posts you can earn more but we are making payment for all posts written by you
There is no scam, and we are not asking you to pay any single penny to join this work if you are serious then you can apply for this job or leave it!
There is some legitimate site online which is also paying for online content writer, and you can earn money via article writing checks site list below
If you don’t want to work with aarzooinfotech, you can apply this sites for content write work as you wish.
You can use quickly and send your request in writing online jobs at ( write subject: online content write jobs while sending mail )
While sending mail to us for online content writer work mention your experience if you have any expertise in the past as a freelancer or content writer you will get paid more if you are an experienced person.