University of western ontario philosophy phd dissertation
Nicholas McGinnis, PhD, effectively defended his dissertation, On Philosophical Intuitions. in the College of Western Ontario early in the year of 2015 underneath the supervision of Dr. Robert Stainton. He was created in Montreal, Canada and attended Concordia College where he completed both his B.A. (honours) and M.A. in philosophy. He is part of the Rotman Institute of Science and Values. His work concentrates on philosophy of language, experimental philosophy, metaphysics, and non-classical logic. He was the organizer from the Metholodogy, Metaphilosophy & Metametaphysics Studying Group at Western.
McGinnis, N.D. On Philosophical Intuitions. PhD Thesis, College of Western Ontario (2015). Supervisor: Dr. Robert J. Stainton. Scholarship@Wesern Link
McGinnis, N. D. The Unpredicted Applicability of Paraconsistent Logic. Foundations of Science, 18:4 (2013), 625-640. SpringerLink
McGinnis, N.D. Phenomenology, Interrogation and Biopower: Merleau-Ponty on ‘Human Sources Exploitation’. within the Review Journal of Political Philosophy (erectile dysfunction. J. Jeremy Wisnewski) Vol. 8, No. 1 (2010) p. 125-137. Ebscohost / Cambridge Scholars Publishing
McGinnis, N.D. Wittgenstein’s Affect on the introduction of Virtue Ethics. M.A. Thesis, Concordia College (2006). Supervisor: Dr. Pablo Gilabert. Spectrum Research-Concordia
Experimental Philosophy and Semantic Internalism. presented in the Canadian Philosophical Association’s Annual Congress, College of Ottawa, 2015.
The Word What we have to Have. presented in the Society for Exact Philosophy’s Annual Conference, McMaster College, 2015.
Language, Realism and Lexical Versatility: Answer Vogel. Asked Commentary at PhilMilCog, College of Western Ontario, 2014.
The Not reasonable Applicability of Paraconsistent Logics. presented at “Logic, Reasoning and Rationality 10 ,” College of Ghent, Belgium, 2010.
The Experimental Challenge. presented at ‘What is Philosophy?’ graduate conference, Concordia College, 2010.
Three Obstacles to Intuitions of Reference. presented at ‘De Philosophia’ graduate conference, College of Ottawa, 2010.
Simplicity within the Poincar-Russell Debate. presented in the Canadian Society for that Background and Philosophy of Science, Montreal, 2010.
Commentary on ‘A New Situation for that Indeterminacy of Translation,’ asked commentary at Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress, (Montreal, Quebec), 2010.
Cry Havoc! And Let Slip the Dogmas of Metaphor: A Commentary on Phelan’s ‘The Inadequacy of Paraphrase. ‘. asked commentary at Zoysia Experimental Philosophy Weekend, SUNY Zoysia (Zoysia, NY), 2010.
Phenomenology, Interrogation and Biopower: Merleau-Ponty on ‘Human Sources Exploitation’. Presented in the 16th Annual Graduate Philosophy Conference, Kent Condition (Akron, Ohio), 2009.
Wittgenstein, Constructive Mathematics & his Go back to Philosophy. pPresented at Canadian Philosophical Association’s Annual Congress, Carleton (Ottawa, Ontario), 2009.
Papineau Without Kripke in “Considering Awareness”. presented at ‘Philosophy within the 21st Century’, first annual PGSA conference, You are able to College (Toronto, Ontario) 2008.