Dissertations and Theses Concerning the Hawaiian Language . as much as 1996. Includes non-UHM work.
Off-shore Islands Dissertations and Theses . In the College of Hawaii, 1923-2000.
Dissertations and theses recognized after May 2004 aren’t yet available.
Online Access via Proquest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT)
Users can acquire access by connecting from Hamilton or Sinclair Library computers, or by connecting remotely and signing in having a valid UHM Library card.
Dissertations from 1997 forward can be found in PDF format. Observe that the document you would like might not be available on the web yet. Dissertations are created like Proquest receives and procedures them. Proquest is gradually but continuously digitizing older dissertations retrospectively. A number of 1996 continues to be digitized, and selected titles from before 1996 can be found in pdf format.
Formerly referred to as UMI/Bell Howell Digital Dissertations, PQDT includes citations indexed by Dissertations Abstracts Worldwide and Masters Abstracts Worldwide. Works from greater than 1,000 graduate schools and universities dating back 1861 are indexed in and/or available through PQDT.
Notes on UHM dissertations and theses in PQDT:
- UHM mandates that its doctorate graduates send their dissertations to Proquest. Exemptions for this requirement are granted to graduates with firm intends to publish their research (i.e. a magazine contract). Master’s graduates aren’t needed to transmit their theses to Proquest, however, many decide on so.
- To look just for UH dissertations or theses, within the advanced search, select School name/code and enter Hawai’i within the search engine. Make use of an apostrophe rather of the okina. This can look for UH-Manoa, UH-Hilo and College of Hawaii titles.
Library Access
The Hawaiian Collection at UHM Library may be the official repository for those UHM dissertations and theses. The initial paper copy can be obtained in the Hawaiian Collection at Hamilton Library, and often a microform copy can be obtained in the microforms room at Hamilton Library.
Each title shows up within our library’s catalog. Titles that haven’t been cataloged yet are in the above list.
Acquiring Copies of UHM Dissertations and Theses
- Self-service photocopy. If you’re at Hamilton Library, you possibly can make photocopies from your paper or microform copies.
- Request a duplicate. You might request a duplicate with the library’s Exterior Services Program. Charges may apply.
- Buy a copy. Paper, microform and PDF copies of dissertations and theses are for sale to purchase from Proquest/UMI .
2004. College of Hawaii at Manoa. All legal rights reserved.
Last updated October 2004
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