[I authored this in 1993 like a letter to some student concerning a draft of his dissertation. in 2003 I edited it to get rid of some specific references towards the student and offer it as being a little increment towards the information open to my grad students. –spaf]
Allow me to begin by reviewing things that may appear apparent:
- Your dissertation belongs to the needs for any PhD. The study, theory, experimentation, et al. also lead. You don’t make an effort to capture all things in a person’s dissertation.
- The dissertation is really a technical work accustomed to document and hang forth evidence of a person’s thesis. It’s meant for a technical audience, and it should be obvious and finish, although not always exhaustively comprehensive. Also note — experimental data, if used, isn’t the proof — it’s evidence. The proof is presented as analysis and demanding presentation. Typically, every statement inside your dissertation should be common understanding, based on citation to technical literature, otherwise original results demonstrated through the candidate (you). All of individuals statements must directly connect with the evidence of the thesis otherwise they aren’t needed.
- The dissertation isn’t the thesis. A person’s thesis is really a claim — a hypothesis. The dissertation describes, at length, how one proves the hypothesis (or, rarely, disproves the claim and shows other important results).
Let us revisit the thought of the thesis itself. It’s a hypothesis, a conjecture, a theorem. The dissertation is really a formal, stylized document accustomed to argue your thesis. The thesis should be significant, original (nobody has yet shown so that it is true), also it must extend the condition of scientific understanding.
The very first factor you must do is to generate a maximum of three sentences that express your thesis.
Your committee must agree that the statements form a legitimate thesis statement. You also must be pleased with the statement — it ought to be what you should tell anybody when they inquire what your thesis is (couple of people may wish to hear an hour or so presentation like a response).
After you have an announcement of thesis, you can start to build up the dissertation. The abstract, for example, ought to be a 1-page description of the thesis and just how you present the evidence of it. The abstract should summarize the outcomes from the thesis and really should stress the contributions to science made therefore.
Possibly the easiest method to know how an abstract need to look is always to check out the abstracts of countless dozen dissertations that happen to be recognized. Our college library has an accumulation of them. This is an excellent method of observe how a whole dissertation is structured and presented. Durch press has printed the ACM doctorate dissertation award series for more than ten years, to have some of individuals to become illustrations to see — they must be in almost any large technical library.
The dissertation itself ought to be structured into four to six chapters. This is one generally-used structure:
- Introduction. Cover introducing the fundamental terminology, give citations to appropriate research, briefly discuss related work which has already covered facets of the issue.
- Abstract model. Discuss an abstract type of what you’re attempting to prove. This chapter shouldn’t discuss any sort of implementation (see below)
- Validation of model/evidence of theorems. This can be a chapter showing an evidence from the model. This may be some proofs, or perhaps a discussion of construction and validation of the model or simulation for use in gathering supporting data.
- Measurements/data. This is an exhibition of numerous data collected from real use, from simulations, or using their company sources. The presentation would come with analysis to exhibit support for that underlying thesis.
- Additional results. In certain work there might be secondary confirmation studies, or it may be the situation that additional important answers are collected on the way towards the evidence of the central thesis. These could be presented here.
- Conclusions and future work. This is when the outcomes are tied together and presented. Limitations, limitations and special cases ought to be clearly mentioned here combined with the results. Some obvious extensions to future work can also be described.

Let us take a look at these in a bit more detail
Chapter I, Introduction. Here, you need to clearly condition the thesis and it is importance. This is in which you give definitions of terms along with other concepts used elsewhere. There’s you don’t need to write 80 pages of background in your subject here. Rather, you are able to cover just about everything by saying: “The terminology utilized in the work matches the definitions succumbed [citation, citation] unless of course noted otherwise.” Then, cite some appropriate works that provide the definitions you’ll need. The progress of science is the fact that we learn and employ the job of others (with appropriate credit). Assume you’ve got a technically literate readership acquainted with (or capable of finding) common references. Don’t reference popular literature or World wide web sites if you’re able to help it to (this can be a few style greater than other things — you need to reference articles in refereed conferences and journals, if at all possible, or perhaps in other theses).
And in the introduction, you need to survey any related work that attempted something such as your personal, or which has a significant supporting role inside your research. This will refer simply to printed references. You cite the job within the references, not they themselves. E.g. “The experiments described in [citation] explored the foo and bar conditions, but didn’t discuss the further problem of baz, the central reason for the work.Inch You shouldn’t make references similar to this: “Curly, Moe and Ray all believed exactly the same within their research [CML53]” because you don’t understand what they really believed or thought — you simply understand what the paper states. Every factual statement you are making should have a particular citation associated with it within this chapter, otherwise it should be common understanding (don’t depend about this an excessive amount of).
Chapter II. Abstract Model. Your results should be of lasting value. Thus, the model you develop and talk about (and even, that you simply defend) ought to be one which has lasting value. Thus, you need to discuss one that isn’t according to Home windows, Linux, Ethernet, PCMIA, or other specific technology. It ought to be generic anyway, and really should capture every detail essential to overlay the model on likely environments. You need to discuss the issues, parameters, needs, necessary and sufficient conditions, along with other factors here. Take into account that two decades ago (ca 1980) the most popular platform would be a Vax computer running VMS or perhaps a PDP-11 running Unix version 6, yet well-crafted theses of times continue to be valuable today. Will your dissertation be valuable two decades from now (ca 2020), and have you known technologies that’ll be of just historic interest?
This model is difficult to create, but is usually the heart from the scientific a part of your projects. This is actually the lasting area of the contribution, which is what someone might cite half a century from now if we are all using MS Linux XXXXP on computers baked into our wrists with subspace network links!
Chapters III IV, Proof. You will find essentially three proof techniques that I’ve come across utilized in a computing dissertation, with respect to the thesis subject. The very first is analytic, where one takes the model or formulae and shows, using formal manipulations, the model is seem and finish. Another proof technique is stochastic, using some type of record methods and measurements to exhibit that something holds true within the anticipated cases.
While using third method, you have to reveal that your thesis holds true because they build something based on your model and showing it behaves while you claim it’ll. This requires clearly showing the way your implementation model matches the circumstances of the abstract model, describing all of the variables and the reason why you set them while you do, comprising confounding factors, and showing the outcomes. You’ve got to be careful not to expend an excessive amount of effort describing how standard protocols and hardware work (use citations towards the literature, rather). You have to clearly express the mapping of model to experiment, and the phrase parameters used and measured.
Chapter V. Additional results. This can be folded into Chapter III in certain theses, or it might be multiple chapters inside a thesis with lots of parts (as with a theory-based thesis). This can be in which you discuss the results of technology change in your results. This is a location in which you may decide to explain significant results that you simply acquired while trying to prove your central thesis, but which aren’t themselves supportive from the thesis. Frequently, such additional answers are printed inside a separate paper.
Chapter Mire. Conclusions and Future work. This is when you discuss that which you found out of your work, incidental ideas and results which were not central for your thesis but of worth nevertheless, (if you didn’t ask them to in Chapter V) along with other results. This chapter should summarize all of the important outcomes of the dissertation — observe that this is actually the only chapter lots of people is ever going to read, therefore it should convey all of the important results.
This is best places to outline some possible future work that you can do in the region. What exactly are some open problems? What exactly are newer and more effective problems? What exactly are some significant variations available to future inquiry?
Appendices. Appendices tend to be give hold mundane details that aren’t printed elsewhere, but that are important to the introduction of your dissertation. Including tables of measurement results, configuration information on experimental testbeds, limited source code listings of critical routines or algorithms, etc. It’s not appropriate to incorporate lists of readings by subject, lists of business systems, or any other material that doesn’t directly offer the evidence of your thesis.
Here are a few more general hints to bear in mind while you write/edit:
- Adverbs should generally ‘t be used — rather, use something precise. For instance, don’t state that something “happens rapidly.” How quickly is rapidly? Could it be in accordance with CPU speeds? Network speeds? Will it rely on connectivity, configuration, programming language, OS release, etc? What’s the standard deviation?
- As reported by the above, utilisation of the words “fast”, “slow”, “perfect”, “soon”, “ideal”, “plenty ofInch and related really should be prevented. So should “clearly”, “clearly”, “simple”, “like”, “couple of”, “most”, “large”, et al.
- What you’re writing is scientific fact. Judgments of appearance, ethics, personal preference, and so on ought to be within the conclusions chapter if they must be anywhere whatsoever. Knowing that, avoid utilization of words for example “good”, “bad”, “best”, and then any similar discussion. Also avoid stating “Actually,Inch “Really,” “The truth is,Inch and then any similar construct — everything you’re writing should be factual, so there’s you don’t need to condition may be. If you think compelled to make use of one of these simple constructs, then carefully evaluate what you’re saying to make certain you aren’t injecting relative terms, opinions, value judgements, or any other products which are inappropriate for any dissertation.
- Computers and systems don’t have knees, so poor performance cannot drive them to something they don’t have. Additionally they do not have hands, so “Around the one hands. ” isn’t good usage. Programs don’t perform conscious thought (nor do their underlying computers), so that your system doesn’t “think” it has witnessed a specific kind of traffic. Generalizing out of this, don’t anthropomorphize your IT components!
- Avoid reference to some time and atmosphere. “Today’s computers” are antiques far earlier than you believe. Your thesis should be true a long time from now. If your particular time or interval is essential, then be explicit about this, as with “Between 1905 and 1920” instead of “During the last fifteen years.Inch (Begin to see the difference, given far over time?)
- Make sure that something claim like a proof could be acknowledged as such by researcher or math wizzard.
- Both you and your dissertation should be the best (current) authority around the subject you’re covering. Thus, tthere shouldn’t be demonstration of “to the very best of our understanding” or “so far as we are able to tell.” Either you realize for several, or else you don’t — and if you do not know, you should not condition it!
- Concentrate on the results and never the methodology. Methodology ought to be clearly described, although not the central subject of the discussion in chapters III IV
- Keep concepts and instances separate. An formula is totally different from a course that implements it. A protocol is totally different from the realization from it, a reference model is totally different from a functional example, and so forth.
As a guide, a CS dissertation should most likely be more than 100 pages, but under 160. Anything outdoors of this range ought to be carefully examined with the things mentioned above in your mind.
Bear in mind that you simply — the Ph.D. candidate — are anticipated to get the earth’s foremost expert in your subject area. That subject area shouldn’t be unduly broad, but should be large enough to become significant. Your consultant and committee people aren’t designed to learn more concerning the subject than you need to do — not individually, a minimum of. Your dissertation should really explain your findings and, combined with the defense, demonstrate your mastery from the area that you are actually the key expert. That doesn’t mean writing all you know — this means writing enough about the most crucial points that others can accept your conclusions.
Last but not least, don’t fall under the trap that ties up many an applicant, and results in a number of them to flame out before completion: your thesis need not be revolutionary. It really must be an incremental advancement within the field. Couple of Ph.D. dissertations have ever endured reasonable impact in the game. Rather, it’s the group of publications and merchandise from the author that could alter the field.
In case your dissertation is much like most, it are only read from your committee and a few other Ph.D. candidates trying to develop your projects. As a result, it need not be considered a masterwork of literature, nor must it solve a lengthy-standing condition in computing. It just must be correct, to become significant within the judgement of the committee, and it must be complete. We’ll all applaud whenever you alter the world after graduation. And also at that might be that lots of well-known scientists in CS make their careers in areas not the same as their dissertation subject. The dissertation is proof that you could find and offer original results your job and existence after graduation demonstrates another concerns you may have about creating an effect.