This site lists all UW CSE student theses, archived online since 2005.
TR15-01: PDF Champion, 2015 Best Senior Thesis Award
Probability Type Inference for Flexible Approximate Programming
Brett Boston, supervised by Dan Grossman
TR15-02: PDF
Tleilax: Porting Tor to Arrakis
Sunjay Cauligi, supervised by Tom Anderson
TR15-03: PDF
EKG Monitoring and Arrhythmia Recognition
Amaris Chen, supervised by Bruce Hemingway
TR15-04: PDF
Automated Analysis of Paper-Based Immunoassay Tests
Krittika D’Silva, supervised by Gaetano Borriello Paul Yager
TR15-05: PDF
The Knowledge of Multiple Guesses
Ryan Drapeau, supervised by Johan Ugander and Carlos Guestrin
TR15-06: PDF
Extending Streaming Features for Myria
Yuqing Guo, supervised by Magdalena Balazinska
TR15-07: PDF
Tabletop Manipulation
Dylan Holmes, supervised by Emanuel Todorov
TR15-08: PDF
Peer-to-peer Bandwith in Resource Restricted Environments
Shahar Levari, supervised by Gaetano Borriello Richard Anderson
TR15-09: PDF
OBA Research Development
Aengus McMillin, supervised by Alan Borning
TR15-10: PDF
An Internet Based Tool for Labeling the 3D World
Aaron Nech, supervised bySteve Seitz Richard Newcombe
TR15-11: PDF
Talk Space: Developing the internet Salon
Karthik Palaniappan, supervised by Alan Borning
TR15-12: PDF
Identification of Unstructured Language Indicating Multiple Objects
Vivek Paramasivam, supervised by Luke Zettlemoyer
TR15-13: PDF
Distributed Sampling inside a Big Data Management System
Dan Radion, supervised by Dan Suciu
TR15-14: PDF
Algebraic Simplification for that Herbie Project
Alex Sanchez-Stern, supervised by Zachary Tatlock
TR15-15: PDF
Understanding Charts in Research Papers: A Learning Approach
Noah Siegel, supervised by Ali Farhadi
TR15-16: PDF
LeagueSpeak: The Word What of Skill in Leage of Legends
King O. Xia, supervised by James Fogarty
TR14-01: PDF
POMDP-Based Interaction and Interactive Natural Language Grounding having a NAO Robot
Maxwell Forbes, supervised by Rajesh Rao
TR14-02: PDF
Running N-body Use Cases on Myria
Lee Lee Choo, supervised by Magdalena Balazinska
TR14-03: PDF
Verification Games Type Systems
Nathaniel Mote, supervised by Michael Ernst
TR14-04: PDF
PNA: Protein-Nucleic Acidity Complex Structure Conjecture
Raymond Zhang, supervised by Martin Tompa
TR14-05: PDF Champion, 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award
DCDN: Distributed Content Delivery for that Modern Web
Nick Martindell, supervised by Tom Anderson Arvind Krishnamurthy
TR14-06: PDF
Data Purchase Consultant: Cost-Effective Data Acquisition for Shared Data Analysis
Martina Unutzer, supervised by Magdalena Balazinska
TR14-07: PDF
Analysis into Calculating Bloodstream Pressure having a Cell Phone
Molly Moen, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR14-08: PDF
Vaspol Ruamviboonsuk, supervised by Richard Ladner
TR14-09: PDF
Modeling Relational Vocabulary for Grounded Language Acquisition
Caitlin Harding, supervised by Luke Zettlemoyer
TR14-10: PDF
Spectral Graph Theory, Expanders, and Ramanujan Graphs
Christopher WIlliamson, supervised by James Lee Anup Rao
TR14-11: PDF
Eyes-Free Error Recognition and Correction of Speech Dictation on Cellular Devices
Rochelle Ng, supervised by Richard Ladner
TR14-12: PDF
On the Competitive Secretary Problem
Eric Lei, supervised by Anna Karlin
TR13-01: PDF
Traceur: Inferring Variable Control Flow Using Synoptic With Multiple Relation Types
Timothy Vega, supervised by Michael Ernst
TR13-02: PDF 1. PDF 2. PDF 3
Monitors: Keeping Informed on Code Changes [PDF 1]
News and Notification: Propagating Releveant Changes to Developers [PDF 2]
Refinements and Git Integration with Notifications and Monitoring [PDF 3]
Christopher Dentel
supervised at ETH Zurich by Christian Estler, Dr. Martin Nordio, Prof. Dr. Bertrand Meyer
supervised at UW by David Notkin
TR13-03: PDF 1. PDF 2. PDF 3
Contract Inserter: An Instrument for Instantly Generating and Inserting C# Code Contracts
Forrest Coward, supervised by Michael Ernst
TR13-04: PDF
ODK Tables Graphing Tool
Nathan Brandes, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR13-05: PDF
Probabilistic Co-Adaptive Brain-Computer Interfacing
Matthew Bryan, supervised by Rajesh Rao
TR13-06: PDF
Stroke Rehabilitation Through Motor Imagery Controlled Humanoid
Priya Chagaleti, supervised by Rajesh Rao
TR13-07: PDF
Analyzer: Integrated Tools to steer the use of Machine Learning
Christopher Clark, supervised by Oren Etzioni
TR13-08: PDF
Thinking about Precision and variety when designing Ensembles of Classifiers
Michael Fain, supervised by James Fogarty
TR13-09: PDF
ODK Tables Maps
Christopher Gelon, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR13-10: PDF
Appliance Readers
Antonius Denny Harijanto, supervised by Richard Ladner
TR13-11: PDF
Perfectly into a Theory of Multiparty Information Complexity
Samuel Hopkins, supervised by Paul Beame
TR13-12: PDF
Instance-Based Recognition of Screen-Made Text inside a System for Pixel-Based Reverse-Engineering of Graphical Interfaces
Stephen Joe Jonany, supervised by James Fogarty
TR13-13: PDF
Identifying Idiomatic Language at Scale
Elegance Muzny, supervised by Luke Zettlemoyer
TR13-14: PDF
Identifying Application Breakage Brought on by Virtualization
Steven Portzer, supervised by Arvind Krishnamurthy
TR13-15: PDF Champion, 2013 Best Senior Thesis Award
An API For Touch-Free Interfaces For Andriod Devices
Leeran Raphaely, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR13-16: PDF
ODK Tables: Increasing the Custom Views
Heidi So, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR13-17: PDF
Leveraging Data Invariants in Model Interfernce for Test Situation Generation
Roykrong Sukkerd, supervised by Michael Ernst
TR12-01: PDF
InvariMint: Modeling Logged Behavior with Invariant DFAs
Jenny Abrahamson, supervised by Michael Ernst
TR12-02: PDF
Quantum Compiler Optimizations
Shaun Booth, supervised by Aram Harrow
TR12-03: PDF
StopFinder: Improving the expertise of Blind Riding On The Bus Riders with Crowdsourcing
Sanjana Prasain, supervised by Alan Borning
TR12-04: PDF
A Kind System for normal Expressions
Eric Spishak, supervised by Michael Ernst
TR12-05: PDF
Run-Length Encoding Markovian Streams
Jennifer Wong, supervised by Magdalena Balazinska
TR12-06: PDF
Expanding the Depth Cloud: How you can Intelligently Improve Grasping
Matthew Mullen, supervised by Joshua Cruz
TR12-08: PDF
Synchronised Tracking of Two Hands Using Camshift
Eric Hare, supervised by Dieter Fox
TR12-07: PDF
A Chilly Chain Data Visualization Tool
Melissa Winstanley, supervised by Ruth Anderson
TR12-09: PDF Champion, 2012 Best Senior Thesis Award
The Elan Programming Language for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
Elliott Brossard, supervised by Carl Ebeling
TR12-10: PDF
The Friendbo Attention Bar: Improving Engagement with Web Eats Social Networks
Greg Bigelow, supervised by James Landay
TR12-11: PDF
Namaste: A Yoga Activity Logging Sensor
Milda Zizyte, supervised by Shewtak Patel
TR12-12: PDF
Efficient MapReduce Applications
Finn Parnell, supervised by Luis Ceze
TR12-13: PDF
ODK Tables: A Customizable Data Management Application for Android
Hilary Worden, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR12-14: PDF
A Synchronization Protocol for ODK Tables and ODK Aggregate
Dylan Cost, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR12-15: PDF
Computer Peace of mind in the Undergraduate Curriciulum
Miles Sackler, supervised by Tadayoshi Kohno
TR11-01: PDF
Improving DHT Routing Performance harmoniously using Client Caching
Allison Obourn, supervised by Tom Anderson
TR11-03: PDF
Smart Connect: Developing an SMS-Based Communcations Systems for Health Clinics in Vietnam
Krysta Yousoufian, supervised by Richard Anderson
TR11-04: PDF
Improving performance of prototype recognition in Prefab
Orkhan Muradov, supervised by James Fogarty
TR11-05: PDF Champion, 2011 Best Senior Thesis Award
LIFEGUARD: Locating Internet Failure Occasions and Generating Functional Alternate Routes Dynamically
Robert Colin Scott, supervised by Tom Anderson
TR11-06: PDF
Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces: Hierarchical Learning and Source Estimation
Willy Cheung, supervised by Rajesh Rao
TR11-07: PDF
Improving Open Data Package Collect’s Multiple Choice Data Entry Methods
Jeffrey Beorse, supervised by Gaetano Borriello
TR11-08: PDF
Runtime Verification of Portable Programming Interfaces
Shaun Rasley, supervised by Justin Cappos
TR10-01: PDF
Modeling a Lattice-Traversing Robot
Albert Chiu, supervised by Eric Klavins
TR10-02: PDF
Haptic Laser
Erik Rosenkrantz Dennison Turnquist, supervised by Shwetak Patel
TR10-03: PDF
The Motion picture Sandbox: Utilizing Gaming Engines for Rapid Prototyping of Animated Films
Nicholas Garrett, supervised by Barbara Mones
TR10-04: PDF Champion, 2010 Best Senior Thesis Award
Applying the IP Timestamp Choice to Internet Measurement
Justine Sherry, supervised by Tom Anderson
TR10-05: PDF
Iterative Design and Implementation of the Educational Platform for Shared Computing Contexts
Sunil Garg, supervised by Richard Anderson
TR10-06: PDF
Deployment and Look at an academic Platform for Shared Computing Contexts
Clint Tseng, supervised by Richard Anderson
TR10-07: PDF
MultiViewer Imaging Viewer: Automated Calibration PET Phanton Analysis Project
Yogesh Saletore, supervised by Linda Shapiro
TR09-01: PDF
Node Containment within the San antonio Testbed
Cosmin Barsan, supervised by Justin Cappos
TR09-02: PDF
Simulating Hands Interaction inside a Virtual Atmosphere with Open Dynamics Engine and CyberGlove
Nick Nunley, supervised by Miro Enev
TR09-03: PDF Champion, 2009 Best Senior Thesis Award
Real-Time Classification every day Fitness Activities on Home windows Mobile
Alireza Bagheri Garakani, supervised by James Fogarty
TR08-01: PDF Champion, 2008 Best Senior Thesis Award
Maintaining Intelligibility of ASL Video in the existence of Loss Of Data
Mike Whittle, supervised by Richard Ladner
TR08-02: PDF
Parallel N-Body Simulation Using Problem Space Promotion
Brandon Farrell, supervised by Ray Snyder
TR08-03: PDF
Exploring New Applications for Parallel Programming: Envisioning a brand new Realm
David Tepper, supervised by Ray Snyder
TR07-01: PDF
Connecting Diets to Disease: Using Data-Mining to locate Links between Food Comsumption and Chronic Illnesses
Alex Zheng, supervised by Rajesh Rao
TR07-02: PDF
Tagged Representations in WIL
Daria Craciunoiu, supervised by Craig Chambers
TR07-03: PDF
Multicore ZPL
Steven P. Cruz, supervised by Ray Snyder
TR07-04: PDF
Applying NOT EXISTS Predicates on the Probabilistic Database
Ting-You Wang, supervised by Dan Suciu
TR07-05: PDF Champion, 2007 Best Senior Thesis Award
Context-Based Arithmetic Coding for that DCT: Achieving high compression rates with block transforms and straightforward context modeling
Kyle Littlefield, supervised by Richard Ladner
TR06-01: PDF Champion, 2006 Best Senior Thesis Award
Feature-Based Classification of your mouse Eye Images
Jenny Yuen, supervised by Linda Shapiro
TR05-01: PDF Champion, 2005 Best Senior Thesis Award
Text Segmentation and Grouping for Tactile Graphics
Matthew Renzelmann, supervised by Richard Ladner