1. Cover Page. The coverage page must list the suggested title, your company name, the Department of Political Science, what they are called from the supervisory committee with a spot for their approval signatures, and also the date of submission ( see Attachment A ).
2. Table of Contents. The Table of Contents must list each chapter and also the major sub-topics within each chapter. The Table of Contents should indicate the main size of the subject along with a broad descriptive outline from the try to be achieved ( see Attachment B ). You’re strongly asked to build up your chapter outline with a minimum of two major headings (chapter title and first-level heading).
3. Abstract. One page that gives an overview description from the proposal.
4. The Study Problem. You have to provide a obvious statement from the research problem. This is among the hardest facets of research because it should be something which wil attract to you, acceptable for your consultant, vital that you the discipline of political science, and “doable” given your material and intellectual sources.
This must start with a 1 sentence statement from the problem. Whether it takes several sentence, you’re most likely undecided about the character from the problem. You should observe that some problems is going to be highly descriptive anyway (e.g. comparison of various ways of contracting for services). Other approaches might concentrate on an issue that’s more instrumental anyway (e.g. just how can outsourcing for services be elevated?). While others may need hypothesis testing (e.g. there’s no relationship between degree of professionalization and outsourcing).
The significance of the study problem to political science like a discipline should be made obvious.
This requires citation of relevant literature in the discipline. You need to reveal that your suggested research addresses a substantial problem.
5a. The Model or Conceptual Framework or Theoretical Orientation. Model, conceptual framework, and theoretical orientation are terms which have been variously defined within the methodology literature without a lot of precision. All of them, however, suggest the truly amazing need for developing or adopting some logically related abstract ideas which are central for your research problem. The main issue this is actually the phenomena you intend to evaluate and also the justification for studying them. The presentation from the model must incorporate a meaning of terms and relationships.
5b. Overview of Literature. You shouldn’t possess a separate single overview of the literature. Rather, when you’re presenting the study problem, related model and operations, you have to review literature that’s related. Essentially, then, there has to be overview of the literatures highly relevant to the specific part of the prospectus.
6. Methodology/Procedures. A distinguishing feature of educational research, when compared with research by journalists and authors, may be the care provided to the study design and procedure for data collection. The suitability from the research materials depends on the conceptual framework and related research question. Part one from the analysis methods portion of the prospectus must very briefly summarize the study problem and related model.
The information collection and analysis ought to be clearly from the research problem and related model. The study design section should also include:
a. the system of researchOrdeclaration
b. the information collection instruments and/or data sources
c. sampling strategy, if appropriate
d. the analytical techniques including record techniques if appropriate
7. References. The references shouldn’t be excessively lengthy. The reason would be to identify individuals works which are central for the problem. At this time of the research, you might list reference products that aren’t incorporated as citations within the text of the paper. The ultimate dissertation, however, must include only reference products which are really reported in your body from the work.
8. Timetable. Make a table that specifies each stage of the work and also the expected completion date. Clearly this could simply be a “best guess” ( see Attachment C ).
9. Institutional Review Board Application. Approval in the IRB is needed for just about any human subjects research conducted for any thesis or dissertation in the College of Oklahoma. Forms can be found online.
Useful Hint: Defense of Dissertation Prospectus. Students will be to plan a defense for that dissertation prospectus. When approved, the signed approval will be sent to the Political Science Graduate Program Office for inclusion inside your permanent file.
American Political Science Association. 2002. Style Manual for Political Science. Washington, Electricity.
Leedy, Paul D. 1993. Practical Research, fifth erectile dysfunction. New You are able to: Macmillan.
Mauch, James E. 2003. Help guide to the Effective Thesis and Dissertation, fifth erectile dysfunction. New You are able to: Marcel Dekker.
Przeworski, Adam and Salomon, Frank. 1999. The skill of Writing Proposals. New You are able to: Social Science Research Council.
Turabian, Kate L. 1996. A Handbook for Authors of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, sixth erectile dysfunction. rev. by B. Honigsblum. Chicago: College of Chicago Press.
Van Evera, Stephen. 1997. Help guide to Means of Students of Political Science. Ithaca: Carnell College.
Other disserations will also be an excellent source of information. Ones from Political Science can be found in the Department’s library within the conference room.