The R21 grant mechanism is supposed to encourage exploratory/developmental research by supplying support for that early and conceptual stages of project development. The NIH has standardized the Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21) application characteristics, needs, preparation, and review procedures to be able to accommodate investigator-initiated (unrequested) grant applications.
The R21 Parent Funding Chance Announcement (FOA) for investigator-initiated R21 applications are available at PA-16-161 and articulates the procedures and policies that affect this grant mechanism.
This site describes using the R21 and describes the NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) that plan to accept such applications.
- You might request a task period as high as 2 yrs
- The combined plan for direct costs for that 2 year project period might not exceed $275,000. A maximum of $200,000 might be requested in almost any single year.
- The R21 cannot be restored
- No preliminary data are needed but might be incorporated if available.
- The Study Strategy might not exceed 6 pages.
- Exploratory, novel studies that break new ground or extend previous breakthroughs toward new directions or applications.
- High-risk high reward studies that can lead to a breakthrough inside a particular area, or lead to novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models or applications which will impact biomedical, behavior, or clinical research.
- Projects ought to be dissimilar to individuals supported with the traditional R01 mechanism.
Projects of limited cost or scope which use broadly recognized approaches and techniques be more effective suited to the R03 small grant mechanism (see R03 announcement citation ).
All investigators should consult their email list of participating ICs (proven below) along with the IC staff listed as contacts to find out if the R21 application is suitable. Investigators are strongly asked to talk to the right NIH program administrator regarding their suggested research study throughout the concept development stage from the application.
All R21 grant applications will be designated towards the ICs based on standard PHS referral guidelines and particular program interests. Applications which are allotted to an IC that doesn’t take part in the program might be came back without review.
There’s also a summary of ICs that don’t accept unrequested R21 applications. Non-participating ICs might solicit other R21 applications using Demands for Applications (RFAs) or Program Bulletins (PAs) to satisfy specific program needs. Details about such initiatives could be acquired within the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts by talking to with NIH staff. In some instances individuals bulletins may specify different application characteristics, review criteria, and receipt dates.
R21 Participating Institutes and Centers
R21 Non-Participating Institutes and Centers
- NIH Institutes and Centers that don’t ACCEPT R21 applications as a result of parents R21 Announcement only accept R21 applications as a result of their specific funding chance bulletins: FIC. NCI. NCATS. NHLBI. NIDDK. NIGMS. and ORIP.
To acquire more information on NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Awards