The senior thesis represents the culmination from the undergraduate curriculum. It ought to be an authentic contribution to scholarship on East Asia, based a minimum of partly on source materials within the student’s language of specialization.
You’ll have a deadline to report the a Principal consultant towards the Director of Undergraduate Studies and also to the Undergraduate Administrator. If you don’t benefit by an advisor’s name the department will assign someone to you.
By mid-October you’ll have a deadline to submit your thesis proposal title, along with a one page description towards the Director of Undergraduate Studies and Undergraduate Secretary.
In November you’ll have a deadline to submit an overview of the thesis along with a full working bibliography for your principal consultant and also the Department Undergraduate Administrator.
In The month of january you’ll have a deadline to submit a draft with a minimum of one-third of the thesis for your principal consultant.
In March you’ll have to submit the very first draft of the entire thesis for your principal consultant.
The thesis should be posted towards the department office by 4:00 p.m. around the date noted around the
current schedule. The submission should contain two unbound photocopies along with a PDF document to Lisa Ball ( ). Name the document surname_name, ex: cruz_jane.pdf. Please place the two unbound copies in temporary binders. Late submission from the senior thesis is going to be penalized with a decrease in one-third of the grade for every day late.
The format from the title page should be the following:
A senior thesis posted towards the East Asian Studies Department of Princeton College in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Bachelor of Arts.
Please sign the recognition code on every copy from the thesis around the last page from the text.
A table of contents listing the title and page quantity of each chapter should stick to the title page. On the page preceding the table of contents you may decide to acknowledge any special assistance or support that you simply received on paper your thesis.
The manuscript ought to be clearly printed on bond paper of normal size (8 x 11 in.) and
weight (20 lbs.).·Please don’t use erasable bond. The written text should be single sided, double
spaced, and 60-100 pages long.
Lengthy quotes ought to be indented.
All quotes from Chinese, Japanese or Korean sources ought to be converted into British. Inclusion from the original source isn’t needed. If unavailable within the GEST Library append a duplicate from the original language text being an appendix.
Leave 1″ margins on unbound photocopies and PDF copy. Number all pages, including endnote pages, consecutively.
Footnotes are chosen over endnotes, but either is suitable. Endnotes ought to be double-spaced footnotes might be single-spaced. In annotating, even if you haven’t designed a direct quotation but they are paraphrasing, provide the reference. Be fair for your sources acknowledge them.
Talk to your consultant well ahead of time which romanization system you’ll use. Then be consistent. Don’t simply adopt the spellings inside your British-language sources. This can be a sure sign that you’re from touch together with your Asian language sources.
Provide romanization around the first occurrence from the transliteration of a good titles, etc.
or give a reference of those figures. Figures for generally known names (e.g. Tokyo, japan, Beijing, Tokugawa, and Qing) might be overlooked. Remain consistent.
For book titles, figures must come in the bibliography, although not always within the notes. Generally, the bibliography should consist of merely one alphabetized list, regardless of the word what. Give full bibliographical information so individuals editions you’ve used could be identified.
In other matters of fashion, while in doubt stick to the MLA Guide Style or even the Chicago style. The key factor will be consistent.
The thesis is read by two faculty people, the consultant being one. Each determines a grade individually, and also the final grade may be the average of these two.
An extensive exam and thesis defense is going to be scheduled individually. Only theses that cite numerous East Asian language sources is going to be considered for that annual EAS Department Thesis Prize. Such theses may also be considered for that annual EAS Program Thesis Prize. No student can win both prizes.
Each student is going to be issued a test that consists of these two fields they’ve selected in consultation using the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Each one of the two fields contains three questions. A student will have to answer two questions in every field for as many as 4 solutions. A student is permitted as many as three hrs to reply to the 4 questions.
The dental defense is 30-minutes lengthy. A student will start test having a presentation from the thesis that lasts roughly 5 minutes within the language by which he/she specializes, i.e. Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. The examiners will respond with questions within the same language for the next 5 to 10 minutes. Following this the rest of the defense, roughly fifteen minutes, is going to be conducted in British.