Rakhi Deshmukh, Rahul Rahangdale, M.K. Pradhan “An Electrical Quality Improvement By utilizing STATCOM and Wind Generator”, Worldwide Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V32(6),260-265 Feb 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. world wide web.ijettjournal.org. printed by seventh sense research group
A outstanding appearance is created by alternative energy in today’s technology. The primary reason for alternative energy would be to lessen the reliance upon gas based generations. The mixture of wind energy, hydro energy, solar energy, etc. produced certain problems like stability problem, power quality issues within the grid. These complaints were reduced by utilizing passive filters, however in today’s technology it’s substituted with active filter like Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and Dynamic Current Restorer (DVR). STATCOM regulates the current level while DVR solves the current power quality issues. Within the existing system Electricity source, non straight line load and PI controller can be used. Within the propose system the Electricity source is going to be replace by solar power to supply fixed current somewhere having a Neural network replace PI controller the Neural network overcome the issues of overshoot and take away delay some time and inverse response, instability in rise some time and settling time. Within the propose system non straight line load is going to be replace by variable non straight line load.
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STATCOM, DVR, Wind, Grid, Active power filter.