Important Message about LEARN NC
LEARN NC is evaluating its role in the current online education environment as it relates directly to the mission of UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education (UNC-CH SOE). We plan to look at our ability to facilitate the transmission of the best research coming out of UNC-CH SOE and other campus partners to support classroom teachers across North Carolina. We will begin by evaluating our existing faculty and student involvement with various NC public schools to determine what might be useful to share with you.
Don’t worry! The lesson plans, articles, and textbooks you use and love aren’t going away. They are simply being moved into the new LEARN NC Digital Archive. While we are moving away from a focus on publishing, we know it’s important that educators have access to these kinds of resources. These resources will be preserved on our website for the foreseeable future. That said, we’re directing our resources into our newest efforts, so we won’t be adding to the archive or updating its contents. This means that as the North Carolina Standard Course of Study changes in the future, we won’t be re-aligning resources. Our full-text and tag searches should make it possible for you to find exactly what you need, regardless of standards alignment.
A lesson plan for grades K2 English Language Arts
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In this ReadWriteThink activity, students listen to My Teacher’s Secret Life. discuss the content, and make predictions about what the teacher and their peers do when they are away from school.
The students will readily join in the discussion by offering information about their unique personal lives. This lesson also helps them discover who their teacher is outside of school. This process teacher and students to form a bond and create a positive community that will last the entire school year. This lesson uses an interactive to help students construct a stapleless book.
- Grade 1
- 1.SL.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
- Kindergarten
- K.SL.2 Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
- Grade 1
- 1.W.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.
- Kindergarten
- K.W.2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
North Carolina Curriculum Alignment
English Language Arts (2004)
- Goal 3. The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.
- Objective 3.01 . Elaborate on how information and events connect to life experiences.
- Objective 3.04 .
Share personal experiences and responses to experiences with text:
- publishing non-print texts.
- discussing interpretations.
- recording personal responses.
- Goal 4. The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
- Objective 4.05 . Write and/or participate in writing by using an author’s model of language and extending the model (e.g. writing different ending for a story, composing an innovation of a poem).
- Goal 3. The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.
- Objective 3.01 . Use personal experiences and knowledge to interpret written and oral messages.
- Objective 3.02 . Connect and compare information within and across selections (fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama) to experience and knowledge.
- Goal 3. The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.
- Objective 3.01 . Connect information and events in text to experience.
- Goal 4. The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
- Objective 4.06 . Write and/or participate in writing behaviors by using authors’ models of language.
LEARN NC, a program of the UNC School of Education. finds the most innovative and successful practices in K-12 education and makes them available to the teachers and students of North Carolina – and the world.
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