Junior Writing Portfolio
The Junior Writing Portfolio is a mid-career diagnostic to determine if students’ writing abilities have advanced in ways that can handle the writing demands of upper-division courses and courses in their major.
At WSU, successful completion of the Junior Writing Portfolio is a requirement for graduation for all students, including transfer students with an AA or AS degree.
The Writing Portfolio Consists of:
- A Timed Writing Exam which consists of a two-part essay
- A Packet consisting of three graded samples of your writing from previous courses
Time Allowed to Complete the Junior Writing Portfolio
All students are required to complete at least one of the two parts the semester after reaching 60 credits. The other half needs to be completed the following semester. Transfer students are held to the same requirement.
Ideally, you should complete the Junior Writing Portfolio prior to enrolling in the Writing in the Major [M] courses.
Students will be assessed $50.00 from the WSU Writing Programs for the costs associated with administering the writing portfolio.
Students choosing to take the timed writing exam online will be charged an $18 proctoring fee at the time they schedule their exam. The fee is payable by Visa or Mastercard.
Instructions for Completing the Timed Writing Exam
The timed writing exam consists of composing two essays in two hours under the supervision of an acceptable proctor. The exam can be taken online through the Global Campus Proctoring Services, or as a paper-based exam with a local proctor. The choice is yours.
To get started, visit Global Campus Proctoring Services and read the information for the Junior Writing Portfolio Timed Essay.
Instructions for Submitting the Packet with Three Writing Samples
- Collect three writing samples from three different college-level courses. Choose three pieces of your best writing, which could include: lab reports, case studies, group projects, traditional essays, etc. The papers must be the original work. Transfer students may submit writing from courses at the institution(s) from which they transferred. You will need to email the paper as an attachment to the instructor and ask the instructor to verify that the paper is your work and that it deserves a rating of “Acceptable” or “Outstanding.” Print the instructor’s email response and attach it to a Submission Cover Sheet. You will need one submission cover sheet for each writing sample.
- Print and complete the Packet Envelope Cover Sheet- and tape it to the outside of a 10″ x 13″ envelope.
- Put the envelope with the attached Packet Envelope Cover Sheet into a larger mailing envelope and send it to the WSU Global Campus:
Washington State University
Global Campus
Van Doren Hall Rm. 104
Pullman, WA 99164-5220
Writing Portfolio Registration Hold
If you have completed 60 semester credits and you have not completed one of the two Writing Portfolio requirements, a Writing Portfolio hold is placed on your registration.
- Submit three writing samples
- Complete the time writing assessment exam
You will be expected to finish the second requirement before priority registration the following semester or another hold will be placed on your account.
To remove the second Writing Portfolio hold you must complete the Writing Portfolio in its entirety.
We will allow an extension on the paper submission but prior approval is needed. To request an extension on the paper submission or to have a hold lifted; please contact Sylvia Bullock at online.wp@wsu.edu or 800-222-4978.
Because your Junior Writing Portfolio fulfills a WSU graduation requirement, it will be evaluated by a team of faculty readers from several departments across the university. The committee will give it one of three ratings, and the results will be sent to your myWSU account in the form of a notice:
Pass with Distinction:
The work represents the top 10% of WSU junior-level writing. This achievement will be entered into your WSU transcript. Your Writing Portfolio requirement will be fulfilled.
The work shows a proficiency in writing suitable for upper-division work at WSU. Your Writing Portfolio requirement will be fulfilled.
The work shows a need for additional, structured writing assistance in upper-division course work. Additional assistance may be in the form of UNIV 302 (a one-credit tutorial taken concurrently with a Writing in the Major [M] course) or a three-credit writing course, depending upon the level of assistance needed.
The Writing Assessment Office will notify you of the course needed to fulfill this requirement. All of the courses are available online. You must complete the additional course assigned to you in order to satisfy the Writing Portfolio requirement.
If you receive a Needs Work rating, and you feel that the rating does not reflect your writing abilities, you may appeal the decision within 120 days of receiving the Needs Work rating. See the Appeal Process .
Questions? Contact Sylvia Bullock at online.wp@wsu.edu or 800-222-4978.