Undergraduate Awards
The Barrett Prize
The award, established by students, friends, relatives and colleagues of the late Professor Alan Barrett, honors his outstanding influence in the education of physicists and his fundamental contributions to the science and technology of astrophysics. A $1000 prize is awarded annually to a senior undergraduate or graduate in Astrophysics.
The 2016 Barrett Prize Winner – Anirudh Prabhu SB ’16
Research supervisor: David Kaiser
Past Barrett Prize Winners
Weishuang (Linda) Xu
Emily M. Levesque
Svetlin V. Tassev
Stefan W. Ballmer
C. Adam Reynolds
Edmund Mun Choong Kong
The Malcolm Cotton Brown Award
Awarded to a senior of high academic standing in physics who plans to pursue graduate study in experimental physics. Given in memory of Lt. Malcolm Cotton Brown, Royal Air Force, who was killed in service on July 23, 1918. The fund currently provides a prize of $1,000.
The 2016 Malcolm Cotton Brown Award Winner – Thanawuth (Atom) Thanathibodee SB ’16
Research supervisor: Anna Frebel
Past Malcom Cotton Brown Award Winners
Thanawuth (Atom) Thanathibodee
David Lopez Mateos
Alexander D. Wissner-Gross
Joshua M. Thompson
The Philip Morse Memorial Award
Awarded to a senior of high academic standing in physics who plans to pursue graduate study in physics. Given in memory of Philip Morse, MIT Professor of Physics, one of the renowned physicists of the 20th century, whose contributions spanned from basic physics to engineering. The fund currently provides a prize of $1,000.
The 2015 Philip Morse Memorial Award Winner – Francisco Leal Machado SB ’16
Research supervisor: Marin Soljačić
Past Philip Morse Memorial Award Winners
The Joel Matthew Orloff Award
The Joel Matthew Orloff Awards were established by Dr.
and Mrs. Daniel Orloff in memory of their son Joel, a physics major, who died in an automobile accident shortly after graduation from MIT in 1978. One thousand dollars is awarded to each of several physics majors in the following three categories:
- Scholarship: Given to the student with the highest GPA in physics courses and, if a tie, the highest overall GPA.
- Research: Given to the student with the most outstanding senior thesis.
- Service: Given to the student with the most outstanding service to the department, Institute, or community.
The 2015 Joel Matthew Orloff Award Winners
- Scholarship – Hengyun (Harry) Zhou SB ’16
Research supervisor: Marin Soljačić - Research – Nicholas Rivera SB ’16
Research supervisor: Marin Soljačić - Service
- Nicholas Rivera SB ’16
Research supervisor: Anna Frebel - Emmett Krupczak SB ’16
Research supervisor: Lindley Winslow - Emilio Pace SB ’16
Research supervisor: Anna Frebel
- Nicholas Rivera SB ’16
Past Joel Matthew Orloff Award Winners
Hengyun (Harry) Zhou
Thomas J. Wilason
Ken Van Tilburg
John Sebastian Pineda
Zachary D. Wissner-Gross
Emily M. Levesque
Patrick S. Varilly
Jeffrey C. Falkenbach
Michael J. Mortonson
Jeffrey B. Brock
Stephan B. Gromell
Raeghan M. Byrne
The Order of the Lepton Award
Awarded to a graduating senior who best exemplifies the spirit and characteristics of MIT’s Physics students. Established with gifts from alumni and friends of the Department, the Order of the Lepton embodies the community and collaboration that is one of the hallmarks of the MIT Physics Department.
The fund provides a prize of $1,000.
The 2016 Order of the Lepton Award Winner – Nicholas Rivera SB ’16
Past Order of the Lepton Award Winners
The 2016 Sigma Pi Sigma Inductees
Francisco Leal Machado
The 2016 Phi Beta Kappa Inductees
Francisco Leal Machado
Other Undergraduate Honors Awards
Graduate Awards
The Buechner Student Teaching Prize
Awarded to a graduate student for outstanding contributions to the educational program of the Department during the past academic year. The $1,000 prize was established in 1987 by the late Mrs. Christina Buechner in memory of her husband Prof. William Buechner, who served as Physics department head from 1962-67.
The 2015 Buechner Student Teaching Prize Winner
- Daniel Kolodrubetz (Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics – Thesis supervisor: Iain Stewart) for his work as a partner in creating and running 8.EFTx, including inspiring a redesign of the interface,overseeing the video server system, contributing brilliant ideas for problem design, responding to questions on the discussion forum and generally ensuring that things ran smoothly.
Past Buechner Student Teaching Prize Winners
The Martin Deutsch Student Award for Excellence in Experimental Physics
Awarded to a graduate student in the mid-course of research for study in any area of physics, with preference given to experimental physics. The award was created in honor of Professor Martin Deutsch’s outstanding contributions to Nuclear Physics as an educator and researcher and currently carries a prize of $1,000.
The 2015 Martin Deutsch Student Award Winners
- Benjamin Jones (Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics – Thesis supervisor: Janet Conrad) “for his work as an outstanding experimentalist with a very strong record in every aspect of the field, including a single-author paper on phenomenology and ideas on detector development that pointed to a serious problem in the MicroBooNE detector and ultimately saved the detector from destruction.”
Past Martin Deutsch Student Award Winners
Doga Can Gulhan
Gretchen K. Campbell
Aaron E. Leanhardt
The Henry Kendall Teaching Award
Established in 2010 and named after Henry Kendall, 1990 Nobel Laureate and long-time MIT Physics faculty member, the Kendall Awards recognize graduate student teaching assistants whose performance has been significantly above what is expected of a TA. Two to four awards, each with an accompanying prize of $750, are given annually.
The Fall 2015 Henry Kendall Teaching Award Winners
- Benjamin Elder (Theoretical Nuclear Particle Physics – Thesis supervisor: Washington Taylor) “for going far beyond the call of duty in 8.251, offering weekly recitations when students asked even though this was not part of his formal responsibilities.”
- Nikhil Raghuram (Theoretical Nuclear Particle Physics – Thesis supervisor: Washington Taylor) for being generous with his time, patient with his students, and holding legendary office hours for 8.01 and 8.02.”
Past Henry Kendall Teaching Award Winners
Richard Alexander Barbieri
Alexander Pung Ji
Ilkem Ozge Ozel
Daniel Sung-Joon Park
The Andrew M. Lockett III Memorial Fund Award
Awarded to a graduate student in theoretical physics, with preference given to students from Los Alamos, NM, and New Orleans, LA. The award currently carries a prize of $1,000. The award was established by Mrs. Lucille Lockett Stone in memory of her husband, Dr. Andrew M. Lockett, who received his Ph.D. in physics from MIT in 1954.
The 2015 Andrew Lockett III Memorial Fund Award Winner
- Ian Moult (Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics – Thesis supervisor: Iain Stewart) for his independence, strong intuition, drive, breadth, and ingenuity, which have been demonstrated in five papers published during four years at MIT, including work on Higgs coupling measurements, on techniques to design better jet observables, and on the long-standing puzzle of systematizing the treatment of non-global logarithms.
Past Andrew M. Lockett III Memorial Fund Award Winners
Daniel Sung-Joon Park
Michael A. Levin
Andrew M. Childs
Catherine Trotter Wilson
The Sergio Vazquez Prize
Established in memory of Sergio Vazquez, a graduate student in the Center for Theoretical Physics who was killed in an automobile accident on April 1, 1990, $1,000 to be awarded annually to a graduate student with preference for a student from an underrepresented sector of the population who had to overcome racial, physical or financial barriers.
The 2015 Sergio Vazquez Prize Winner
- Marjon Moulai (Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics – Thesis supervisor: Janet Conrad) for her work constructing the DCTPC detector, a directional fast neutron detector, which has led to a year of useful data and a successful proposal to move DCTPC to Fermilab as an official Fermilab Experiment, a very unusual accomplishment for a graduate student.
Past Sergio Vazquez Prize Winners
Mohammad Faghfoor Maghrebi
Qudsia Jabeen Ejaz
Other Graduate Honors Awards
- Kristin Beck (Atomic Physics. Thesis supervisor: Vladan Vuletic) was given a Special Award for Distinguished Service to the Physics Department for her crucial role in serving as liaison between MIT Physics and the staff of Turner Construction during planning and construction of the Nano building.