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Machine Design – VT16
Swedish Forestry Research Institute, Skogforsk, is announcing eleven master thesis projects for spring 2016, in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology, LIU Linköping University, and leading Nordic machine manufacturers.
FMTS16-01 Condition monitoring of the hydraulic system in a forestry machine
This task is suitable for one student. The goal is to propose, implement and verify a system for condition diagnosis of forwarder/harvester crane hydraulics.
FMTS16-02 Further development of an actively suspended operator seat
The task, which is suitable for one student, is to further develop, implement, and verify an actively suspended operator seat. A seat under-carriage was designed and realized 2014. A sub-solution for active suspension was developed and partially verified 2015. The present project is focused on further development of the integrated actuator and control system, and to verify the performance of the active system with physical tests on a motion platform, and/or correlation studies between model-based experiments and available field test data.
FMTS16-03 Push – Dropbox assisted hydraulic traction
A Dropbox is a hydraulic accumulator system. The system has been implemented in a trailer. The task is to analyze the performance (e.g. pros and cons) of this system with model-based simulations and physical testing
FMTS16-04 Optimization of the hydraulic system in a multi-functional forestry machine
A multi-functional forestry machine (Cintoc) has been developed.
The task is to analyze and optimize the hydraulic system of that machine, with respect to energy efficiency and productivity.
FMTS16-05 Refinement, testing and analysis of a down-scaled actively suspended forwarder
The task, which is suitable one or two students, is to further refine the down-scaled pendulum arm suspended forwarder, which was created in a 2015 master thesis project, and to perform and analyze tests of the machine on hard rough terrain. As part of the project, a down-scaled replica of the Skogforsk standard hard ground test track also has to be realized.
FMTS16-06 Trafficability of soft terrain
In fall 2015, field tests with the purpose to measure the effects on soft soil from operations with different forestry machines were performed in Tierp, Sweden. The task, which is suitable for one student, is to analyze the the test results from a bearing capacity and trafficability point of view. The analysis will be used to replicate the observed behavior with MSC Adams-based MBS simulations.
FMTS16-07 Active forwarder cab suspension
This task, which is suitable for one or two students, is to further develop, and optimize the mechatronic system for active cab suspension that has been worked on in previous master thesis projects and advanced course projects. Implementation. physical tests and verifications is preferrably performed on an avalaible motion platform.
![Master thesis proposal kth royal institute optimize the mechatronic Master thesis proposal kth royal institute optimize the mechatronic](
FMTS16-08 Augmented forestry reality
The task is suitable for one student. A system for augmented reality was propsed in a 2015 master thesis project. The goal for this project is to implement some interesting functions and evaluate the solution in the Skogforsk simulator in Uppsala.
FMTS16-09 Efficient energy management for forwarders
A forwarder with six individual driven wheels is developed at Skogforsk. Due to the fact that the wheel motors can be secondary controlled, it is possible to include accumulators for energy management. The power needs for the combustion engine can be reduced because the peak power is taken from the accumulators. The combustion engine can be downsized and hence the energy usage is reduced. The task is to elaborate a more energy efficient driveline building on a secondary controlled forwarder.
FMTS16-10 Forwarder energy analysis
A typical forwarder is equipped with a diesel engine as the main energy supply. The drive line can be mechanical with hydrostatic transmission, a diesel-electric or diesel-hydraulic hybrid. Loading and unloading is exclusively performed with a hydraulic driven crane. The task, which is suitable for one student, is to analyze the power flow in a forwarder, and to suggest improvements with respect to the energy consumption, without reducing the productivity.
FMTS16-11 Harvester tree cutting energy
The harvester head is subsystem that is of crucial importance for the harvesting productivity. The task, which is suitable for one student, is to analyze the tree cutting process and optimize the cutting process and possible also propose modifications of the system of components. The analysis is preferable based on available product data, operational data, and measured data from the Skogforsk cutting test rig, located at Sävar .
General Information for all projects
Number of students per project: One or two
Start date for thesis project. January 2016
Duration. 20 weeks (30 ECTS credits)
Deadline for the application. 2015-11-30
Contact persons and supervisors
Ulf Sellgren, KTH Machine design, 08-7906374,
Olle Gelin, Skogforsk, 018 – 188500.
Label your application ”FMTS16-xx”, where xx is the project number listed above,and send it to Append CV, personal letter of motivation, and a transcript of your study performance to your application.