Presentation on theme: “Dissertation Proposal John R. Slate, Ph.D. EDLD 6397 24/8/07.”— Presentation transcript:
1 Dissertation Proposal John R. Slate, Ph.D. EDLD 6397 24/8/07
3 Contents and Format The outline for the formal Dissertation Proposal follows. Its not all the sections outlined here might be suitable for individuals dissertations. Confer with your chair for people who’ve questions if to incorporate a specific section in your work. *Generally (aside from introductions, summaries, and literature review), proposals are created afterwards tense, explaining what the investigator “will” do.
4 Verb Tense *Generally (aside from introductions, summaries, and literature review), proposals are created afterwards tense, explaining what the investigator “will” do.
5 FRONT MATTER Title Page Approval Page Abstract (more 350 words coded in future tense-optional for proposal)
7 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Introduction (Presenting the subject of study—2 to three pages) Here you place happens for the readers to find out further.
8 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Statement within the Problem (fundamental difficulty – part of concern, felt need and goal to obtain achieved) Help make your situation here this is frequently another issue – the one which begs to obtain addressed.
9 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Cause of the research (goal oriented-emphasizing practical outcomes that “may” occur). Might not be “So I’m capable of graduate.” What else could you hope/anticipate doing while using the link between your study?
10 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Research Questions (to obtain clarified or investigated) Might be quantitative Might be qualitative Might have both types present Needs to be answerable through data collection and analysis
11 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Research Ideas (not null) I love getting null first, adopted using the research hypothesis for every. Understand that ideas are merely relevant for quantitative research questions.
12 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Price of the research (relevance, need—may overlap while using the statement of problem) You react to this as though somebody pointed out with regards to your study, “So, what?”
13 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Assumptions (postulates) What you need to should assume to conduct your study? If survey questions, that respondents will answer truthfully, etc.
14 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Limitations and Delimitations within the Practice A limitation could be a component that could personalize the research however is not through your control as being a insufficient generalizability.
15 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A delimitation could be a component that’s through your control. Search limited to teachers within the particular condition or county.
16 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Idea of Terms (largely conceptual here-with citations operational definitions may follow in Methodology Chapter). Use a citation for every term you define. Define all jargon and unfamiliar terms. During doubt, define.
17 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Organization within the Study (outline all the proposal in narrative form) Last a part of Chapter I.
18 CHAPTER II Review Of THE LITERATURE Introduction (organization within the chapter – overview). I like have students inform your readers each subheading which is discussed, adopted by “A summary will conclude this.”
19 CHAPTER II Review Of THE LITERATURE Historic Background/Overview (overview of the idea and research literature)
20 CHAPTER II Review Of THE LITERATURE The ideaOrstudy specific for that subject (sections/subsections should match questions).
21 CHAPTER II Review Of THE LITERATURE Review of Literature Summary (what’s known and unknown regarding the subject)
22 CHAPTER II Review Of THE LITERATURE Contribution within the Study (what these studies will heighten the field)
23 CHAPTER II Review Of THE LITERATURE Literature review is definitely an rigorous, extensive, and exhaustive search. Empirical research articles best. Primary sources critical. Historic context important.
25 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Research Questions (restated here) Identical wording since they arrived on the scene in Chapter I.
26 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Null Ideas (required for quantitative research questions) I in addition such as the research tips to reappear here.
27 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Research Methodology (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) Primary explanations why methodology selected is suitable to deal with research questions in study.
28 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Research Design (e.g. correlational, comparative, descriptive, etc.—Explain your variables of research here).
29 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Population and Sample (Define very specifically the people AND sample)
30 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Instrumentation (tests, measures, observations, scales, and questionnaires)
31 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Procedures (Field, classroom or laboratory e.g. instructions to subjects or distribution of materials data collection and recording—everything BEFORE analysis)
32 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Data Analysis (record analysis or qualitative analysis described in greater detail)
33 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Reliability and Validity (here or as being a subheading UNDER Instrumentation)
35 BACK MATTER References (needs to be in APA format) Appendices (each Appendix has own title page IRB in a single appendix) Vita
37 Sample Proposal Defenses education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ PPP_Proposal- B_Sp%2006.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ PPP_Proposal- B_Sp%2006.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ Dissertation%20Proposal%2 010_04_06.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ Dissertation%20Proposal%2 010_04_06.ppt
38 Sample Proposal Defenses education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ music%20prop.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ music%20prop.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/T he%20Impact%20of%20Sc hool%20Culture%20PPP%20 This summer time time%2026.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/T he%20Impact%20of%20Sc hool%20Culture%20PPP%20 This summer time time%2026.ppt
39 Sample Proposal Defenses education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Dissertation- Proposal-wang.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Dissertation- Proposal-wang.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ Dissertation%20Proposal%2 04.6.06.ppt education.tamuk.erection disorder u/kfmns00/Primary%20Page/ Dissertation%20Proposal%2 04.6.06.ppt