The Network Science PhD program could be a pioneering interdisciplinary program that gives the gear and ideas fond of understanding the structureanddynamics of systems due to the interplay of human behavior, socio-technical infrastructures, information diffusion and biological agents.
Students could use probably most likely probably the most prominent network scientists on the planet and may take part in innovative research activities and rehearse unique large-scale network datasets. Students will interact and rehearse individuals in the network science community representing a variety of fields, including it, information science, complexity, physics, sociology, communication, business behavior, political science, and epidemiology.
Working across traditional limitations, study has started to accelerate the mix of theoretical ideas and research technologies beneath the amount of ideas and approaches which have lately been known as Network Science. Research on network connections among multiple types and amounts of “actors” offers a potentially effective mechanism to know the workings of complex systems across broad areas of science. This attitude requires novel evaluations of, reconfigurations in, and innovations for normal means of theorizing, data collection and analysis. To be able to provide training for the next generation of network scientists that couples deep disciplinary understanding with interdisciplinary Network Science, the PhD program is produced across the following core concepts:
interdisiplinary research
In-depth learning disciplines and programs necessary to interdisciplinary research. Current concentrations focus on the physical sciences (physics) social sciences (political science) health science (epidemiology) and computer and understanding sciences.
foundational training
Common, foundational learning every part of Network Science (e.g. approaches, languages, problems) starting in the first year of graduate training to produce an inherently interdisciplinary science and subsequently generation of researchers.
ideas + Techniques
Finding out how to combine theoretical/ substantive questions while using the appropriate techniques and tools for data collection and analyses. An essential element will most likely be mixing ideas, techniques, and collaborations towards the novel interdisciplinary approaches which are important Network Science.
Edmund Yeh
Northeastern is loaded with a lot of leading laboratories and centers in Network Science, with many different faculty, postdoctoral guys, visiting faculty, and doctorate students. Labs and centers include:
Center for Complex Network ResearcH
The Middle for Complex Network Research (CCNR), directed by Professor Barabsi, includes a simple objective: think systems. The center’s research concentrates on how systems emerge, anything they look like, and exactly how they evolve and exactly how systems effect on knowledge of complex systems, with applications different inside the network of human illnesses to controlling complex social, economical, and biological systems.
Laboratory for the Modeling of Biological and Socio-technical Systems
The MOBS laboratory hosts studies aiming at developing innovative mathematical models and computational tools to greater understand large-scale complex systems and systems.
The laboratory, directed by Alessandro Vespignani, has joint affiliations while using the Department of Physics, the Department of Health Sciences along with the College computer and understanding Sciences at Northeastern College.
Lazer Laboratory
The laboratory’s research draws on the concept how people and organizations are connected together is essential to understanding the functioning, success and failure of actors and systems and is different from the micro (social influence processes within groups), for that very macro (the introduction of global-wide regulatory regimes).
DK Lab
DK-Lab research focuses mainly on network theory. Specific topics include network geometry, random (geometric) graphs, causal sets, navigation in systems, and fundamentals of network dynamics.
NULab for Texts, Maps, and Systems
This Northeastern Center is organized over the dual kinds of digital humanities and computational social science.
The curriculum provides students obtaining a effective foundation in network science via four core courses, together with substantive expertise via no under three courses within the concentration, and research experience via two research rotations with network science faculty.
Core Courses
Complex Systems and Applications
This program provides presenting theories and analytical approaches in Network Science.The program is unquestionably an interdisciplinary course, focused on the emerging science of complex systems additionally for their applications. The fabric includes the maths of systems, their applications to biology, sociology, technology along with other fields, additionally for their utilized in the research into real complex systems anyway plus man-made systems. Students is going to be trained about ongoing research within the field, and apply their understanding within the analysis of network models.
Dynamical Processes on Complex Systems
This program concentrates on the modeling of dynamical processes (contagion, diffusion, routing, consensus formation etc.) in complex systems. The program partially includes guest lectures from local and national experts utilized in process modeling on systems. Dynamical processes in complex systems give a rationale for understanding the emerging tipping points and nonlinear characteristics that frequently underpin probably most likely probably the most interesting characteristics of socio-technical systems. The program blogs about the recent progress in modeling dynamical processes that integrates the complex features and heterogeneities of real-world systems.
Network Science Data
This program provides presenting data mining and analysis along with other techniques to Network Science. The program introduces students to network data analysis, including algorithms for the portrayal and measurement of systems (centrality, decomposition, community analysis etc.) issues in sampling and record biases visualization algorithms and software programs. Students is going to be trained about dealing with real-world network datasets.
Social Networking Analysis*
This program offers the fundamental methodology, techniques and theory produced in situation study of social systems. The program offers presenting the study on systems within the social sciences, concentrating on the literatures covering social influence, diffusion, and persuasion social capital, and collective action, drawing from sociology, political science, and immediate and ongoing expenses. Students is going to be trained the gear of research — in R, Gephi, and Python — combined with skills needed for any social sciences method of systems, for example causal inference and measurement.
Network Data Mining*
This program provides students with understanding of specific data mining techniques of big scale human sources and big scale network datasets. The program concentrates on network representations, several kinds of systems (document systems along with the web, social systems, microblogging systems), community recognition, search and topical locality in human sources, intelligent relies on a graph (smart web crawlers), similarity and link conjecture, missing link discovery, node and edge classification, node attribute inference, ranking (HITS, pagerank), diffusion (viral conjecture), privacy and re-identification.
* Students will select one of those two core courses, even though the other might be taken incorporated in the concentration.
Courses within concentrations
PHYS 7305 Record Physics
PHYS 5318 Concepts of Experimental Physics
PHYS 7321 Computational Physics
PHYS 7731 Biological Physics
MATH 7241 Probability I
MATH 7233 Graph Theory
MATH 7375 Topics in Topology
MATH 7733 Readings in Graph Theory
NRSG 5121 Epidemiology and Population Health
PHTH 5202 Epidemiology
PHTH 5224 Social Epidemiology
Political Science
POLS 7200 Perspectives on Social Science Inquiry
POLS 7201 Means of Analysis
POLS 7202 Quantitative Techniques
Computational Science
CS5800 Algorithms
CS5200 Overview of database systems
CS6240 Parallel Processing/Map Reducing
CS6220 Data Mining Techniques (Prereq: CS5800 or CS7800)
CS6140 Machine Learning (Prereq: CS5800 or CS7800)
Students will complete the next needs:
Years 1 – 2
• Two foundational core courses in Network Science (Network Science Theory Network Science Data)
• Three more core courses tailored to disciplinary, substantive and individual goals (Social Networking Analysis Dynamical Processes in Complex Systems Network Data Mining).
• Three courses within the student’s specific track or concentration.
• Two additional advanced research rotations with core faculty within the program.
Years 3 – 5
Students focus on individual studies.
Degree Candidacy
Students is actually a Ph.D. degree candidate upon meeting these conditions:
• Finishing core courses getting the very least GPA of three. overall across the core courses, and
• Finishing the qualifying examination.
Degree candidacy will most likely be given the graduate school like the student’s home department.
Qualifying Examination
The qualifying examination includes a two-part exam conducted getting a committee of three Network Science Doctorate Program faculty people. The study core within the exam is happy while using the acceptance in the high-quality paper having a strong peer-reviewed conference or journal. The technical element of test is happy once the student passes the wonderful Exam. This shall happen no under six a few days prior to the dissertation defense.
Comprehensive Exam
A Ph.D. student must submit an itemized dissertation proposal for that Dissertation Committee. The proposal should comprehend the research problem, the study plan that is potential impact hanging out. An exhibit within the proposal will most likely be produced within an empty forum, along with the student must effectively defend it prior to the Dissertation Committee. The Wonderful exam must precede the very best dissertation by no under a six a few days period.
Dissertation Counseling
Each student should have one primary consultant inside the Network Science Doctorate Program faculty
Dissertation Committee
The Committee must consist getting no less than 4 people: the dissertation consultant, one other good Network Science Doctorate program faculty member, one member expert within the specific subject of research, the other faculty member inside the department where the student will acquire their concentration. The dissertation consultant needs to be a whole time area of the Northeastern College faculty.
Dissertation Counseling
A Ph.D. student must complete and defend a dissertation which involves original research in Network Science.