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Complete Discipline Listing
This handout offers an exhaustive set of style guide information for documenting sources in a number of disciplines. The handout is organized by discipline and includes both one of the links for that primary business website furthermore with a link to a web-based self-self-help guide to using style.
Contributors: Dana Lynn Driscoll, Allen Brizee
Last Edited: 2015-05-07 08:45:50
A great general resource that compares various styles (and will be offering color-coded annotations) is Citation Style for Research Papers. supplied by Extended Island College.
The American Anthropological Association uses the Chicago Manual of favor and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (tenth edition, 2000).
Council of Biology Editors. CBE Style Manual: Helpful Information for Authors, Editors, and Publishers within the Biological Sciences. Washington: American Chemical Society, sixth edition, 1994.
The Chicago Manual of favor. 15th erection disorder. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2003.
American Chemical Society. The ACS Style Guide Helpful Information for Authors and Editors. second erection disorder. Washington, Electricity American Chemical Society, 1997.
Gibaldi, Ernest. MLA Style Manual and Self-self-help guide to Scholarly Publishing. second erection disorder. New You can: The Current Language Association of the usa, 1998.
Gibaldi, Ernest. MLA Guide for Authors of Research Papers, Theses and Dissertations.
fifth erection disorder. New You can: 
The Modern Language Association, 1995.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Information for IEEE Transactions and Journal Authors. New You can: IEEE, 1989.
Bates, Robert L. Rex Buchanan, and Marla Adkins-Heljeson, eds. Geowriting: Helpful techniques for Writing, Editing, and Printing in Earth Science. fifth erection disorder. Alexandria: Amer. Geological Inst. 1995.
U . s . states . States Geological Survey. Suggestions to Authors within the Reports in the u . s . states . States Geological Survey. seventh erection disorder. Washington: GPO, 1991.
Gapner, Diane L. and Diane H. Cruz. The Entire Self-self-help guide to Citing Government Information Sources: Helpful Information for Authors and Librarians. Rev. erection disorder. Bethesda: Congressional Information Service, 1993.
Grey, Wood. Historian’s Guide: An Essential for that Study and Writing ever. second erection disorder. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991.
Most historians use either Chicago style or Turabian style.
American National Standard for Information Sciences. Scientific and Technical Reports: Organization, Preparation, and Production. New You can: ANSI, 1987.
The IEEE Computer society prefers the Chicago Manual of favor.
The Connected Press Stylebook. New You can, NY: Fundamental Books, 2004.
The Bluebook.
A Uniform System of Citation. 17th erection disorder. Cambridge: Harvard Law Review Association, 2001.
Linguistic Society of the usa. LSA Bulletin, December issue (yearly).
Linguistics publications generally continue with the APA (American Mental Association) format.
American Mathematical Society. Helpful Information for Authors of Mathematical Papers. eighth erection disorder. Providence: American Mathematical Society, 1990.
American Management Association. The AMA Style Guide for Business Writing. New You can. AMACOM,1996.
Ama. AMA Manual of favor. ninth erection disorder. Chicago: Lippincott Manley Wilkins, 1997.
American Institute of Physics. Style Manual for Guidelines within the Preparation of Papers. fourth erection disorder. New You can: American Institute of Physics, 1990.
American Mental Association. Publication Manual within the American Mental Association. fifth erection disorder. Washington: American Mental Association, 2001.
American Political Science Association Committee on Publications. The Shape Manual for Political Science. Washington, Electricity: American Political Science Association, 2002.
American Sociological Association. ASA Style Guide. Washington, Electricity: American Sociological Association, 1997.