Candidates should write as concisely as you possibly can, with apparent and sufficient exposition. Each Degree Committee has prescribed the constraints of length and stylistic needs as given below. On submission within the dissertation you have to give a statement of length confirming it doesn’t exceed the term limit for your Degree Committee.
These limits and needs are strictly observed using the Board of Graduate Studies along with the Degree Committees and, unless of course obviously clearly approval to exceed the prescribed limit remains acquired in advance (see: Extending the term Limit below), a dissertation that exceeds the limit might not be examined until its length matches the prescribed limit.
Extending the term Limit
Dissertation word limits sit by Degree Committees. If candidates have to boost their word limits they are going to need to sign up for permission.
Applications can be found from candidates’ Self-Service pages .
Needs within the Degree Committees
Strongly related PhDs inside the the the archaeology of gortyn of gortyn of gortyn, Biological Anthropology, and Social Anthropology for people submissions from 30 November 2013.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words (roughly. 350 pages) for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MSc or MLitt degree. These limits include all text, figures, tables photos, but exclude the bibliography, reported references and appendices. More in depth specifications must be acquired inside the Division concerned. Permission to exceed these limits will most likely be granted carrying out a unique application to date as Committee. The approval must explain in greater detail why more hours remains searched for along with the nature within the additional material, and may be around different reasoned situation inside the supervisor containing an indication the candidate must be permitted to exceed the term limit getting a particular amount of words.
Such permission will most likely be granted only under exceptional conditions. If candidates want to get permission to exceed the term limit, they have to make this happen in early stages prior to the date which a candidate provides submit the dissertation, by application designed to the Graduate Committee.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD and 60,000 words for the MSc or MLitt degree. Footnotes, references and text within tables needs to be counted inside the word-limit, but captions, appendices and bibliographies are excluded. Appendices must be limited to such products as catalogues, original texts, translations of texts, transcriptions of interview, or tables.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD and 60,000 words for the MLitt degree. To incorporate: footnotes, table of contents and set of illustrations, but excluding acknowledgements along with the bibliography. Appendices (of no determined word length) might be allowed vulnerable to the applying within the candidate’s Supervisor (in consultation while using the Degree Committee) for instance, in which a catalogue of works is germane for that work. Permission to incorporate such appendices needs to be requested inside the candidate’s Supervisor just after conception within the submission within the final thesis.

NB: Permission for extensions for that word limit for several other purposes will likely be declined.
The thesis is fantastic for the PhD degree to not exceed 80,000 words without footnotes, appendices and bibliography but vulnerable to an over-all word limit of 100,000 words without bibliography. For the MLitt degree to not exceed 60,000 words including footnotes but without bibliography and appendices.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 60,000 words (80,000 by special permission) excluding bibliography, figures, appendices etc. Double-spaced a treadmill-and-a-half spaced. Double or single-sided printing.
For the PhD Degree the thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words, EXCLUDING bibliography, but including tables, footnotes and appendices. It’s normally vulnerable to exceed 40,000 words unless of course obviously clearly prior permission is acquired inside the Degree Committee. Each page of record tables, charts or diagrams will probably be considered as similar to an internet site of text from the size. The Amount Committee don’t consider applications to enhance this word limit.
For the MSc Degree the thesis isn’t to exceed 40,000 words, EXCLUDING bibliography, but including tables, footnotes and appendices.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words including footnotes, references, and appendices but excluding bibliography an internet site of statistics will probably be considered as much like 150 words. Only under exceptional conditions will permission be granted to exceed this limit. Candidates must submit while using the thesis a signed statement giving how large the thesis.
For the PhD degree, to not exceed 60,000 words (or 80,000 by special permission within the Degree Committee), along with the MSc degree, to not exceed 40,000 words. These limits exclude figures, photographs, tables, appendices and bibliography. Lines to obtain double a treadmill-and-a-half spaced pages to obtain double or single sided.
The thesis isn’t to exceed, with no prior permission within the Degree Committee, 60,000 words including tables and footnotes, but excluding appendices, bibliography, photographs and diagrams. Any thesis which without prior permission within the Degree Committee exceeds the allowed limit will most likely be known the candidate before you are supplied towards the examiners.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD degree along with the MLitt degree, including footnotes, references and appendices but excluding bibliography. Only under exceptional conditions will permission be granted to exceed this limit. Candidates must submit while using the thesis a signed statement giving how large the thesis. If, under exceptional conditions, candidates desire to get permission to exceed this limit, they have to make this happen no under three a few days prior to the anticipated submission date. Permission might be granted for the inclusion in the appendix in the substantial quantity of text that’s needed for that understanding in the thesis. Permission can also be succumbed situation your candidate’s application is founded on instructions inside the supervisor certifying that such exemption inside the prescribed limit of length is completely necessary within the interests within the total presentation within the subject.
The thesis isn’t to exceed, with no prior permission within the Degree Committee, 80,000 words for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MSc or MLitt degree, such as the summary/abstract. The table of contents, photographs, diagrams, figure captions, appendices, bibliography and acknowledgements not to count for your word limit. Footnotes for won’t be incorporated within the word limit where they’re needed for that referencing system used.
The thesis isn’t to exceed, with no prior permission within the Degree Committee, 275 numbered pages which only 225 pages are text, appendices, illustrations and bibliography. An internet site of text is A4 one-and-a-half-spaced normal size type. The extra 50 pages may comprise tables of understanding and/or computer programmes reduced in space.
In situation your candidate’s work falls inside the social sciences, candidates need to look for the limit described within the Department of Geography above if, however, a candidate’s work falls inside the natural sciences, a candidate should get sucked in in the limit described within the Department of Earth Sciences.
Applications for the limit of entire thesis to obtain exceeded needs to be early — no after time once the application for the appointment of examiners along with the approval within the title within the thesis is created. Any thesis which, with no prior permission within the Degree Committee, exceeds the allowed limit of length will most likely be known the candidate before you are supplied towards the examiners.
The thesis isn’t to exceed, with no prior permission within the Degree Committee, 60,000 words including tables, footnotes, bibliography and appendices. The Amount Committee highlights the very best thesis include only half this length. Each page of record tables, charts or diagrams will probably be considered as similar to an internet site of text from the size.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD Degree and 60,000 words for the MSc and MLitt levels, in every single situation excluding appendices, footnotes, reference list or bibliography. Only within the most exceptional conditions will permission achieve exceed the stated limits. In such cases, you have to apply to date as Committee as rapidly as you possibly can -with no after three a few days of all time suggested to submit the thesis, getting regard for that dates within the Degree Committee conferences. The application form should (a) explain in greater detail why you are looking at the extension and (b) be supported getting a complete supporting statement out of your supervisor showing the extension is completely necessary within the interests within the total presentation within the subject.
For the PhD degree, to not exceed, without prior permission within the Degree Committee, 65,000 words, including appendices, bibliography, footnotes, tables and equations to not contain greater than 150 figures. A candidate must submit employing their thesis a remark signed using the candidate themselves giving how large the thesis and the amount of figures. Any thesis which, with no prior permission within the Degree Committee, exceeds the allowed limit will most likely be known the candidate before you are supplied towards the examiners.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MLitt degree, both including all notes and appendices but excluding the bibliography. A candidate must raise the preface within the thesis the next signed statement: ‘The thesis doesn’t exceed the regulation length, including footnotes, references and appendices but excluding the bibliography.’
In exceptional cases (when, for instance, a candidate’s thesis largely includes an edition in the text) the amount Committee may grant permission to exceed these limits but in such instances (a) a candidate must affect exceed the region no under three a few days prior to the date which a candidate provides submit their thesis and (b) the approval needs to be based on instructions within the candidate’s supervisor certifying that such exemption inside the prescribed limit of length is completely necessary.
It’s a reliance upon the amount Committee for the Faculty of British that thesis must stick to either the MHRA Style Book or possibly the MLA Guide for the Authors of Research papers, supplied by major bookshops. There’s one proviso, however, to getting these manuals: the school doesn’t normally declare that students make use of the author/date type of citation and recommends that footnotes as opposed to endnotes be used. Bibliographies and references in thesis presented by candidates in ASNaC should conform with either in the aforementioned so that you can the practice per Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England.
Thesis presented by candidates within the Research Center for British and Applied Linguistics are essential to check out as carefully as possible the printed type of the journal Applied Linguistics and referencing and spelling conventions must be consistent.
A signed commitment from the form-sheet used (along with the edition, if relevant) needs to be produced inside the preliminary pages within the thesis.
PhD. dissertations Shouldn’t exceed 80,000 words, and could normally be near that length. The term limit includes appendices along with the contents page but excludes the abstract, acknowledgments, footnotes, references, notes on transliteration and bibliography. The Contents Page must be incorporated within the word limit. Record tables must be counted as 150 words per table. Maps, illustrations along with other pictorial images count as words. Graphs, if they’re the only real representation within the data being presented, needs to be counted as 150 words. However, if graphs are utilized for instance of record data that’s also presented elsewhere inside the thesis (as being a table for example), your graphs count as words.
Only under exceptional conditions will permission be granted to exceed this limit. Applications for permission are created via CamSIS self-service pages. Applications needs to be made four to five a few days prior to the thesis is bound. Exceptions are granted every time a compelling intellectual scenario is created.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MLitt degree, in every single situation including footnotes and appendices but excluding bibliography. Permission to submit a thesis falling outdoors these limits, so that you can submit an appendix which doesn’t count for your word limit, needs to be acquired ahead of time inside the Degree Committee.
Relevant for that PhDs in Politics Worldwide Studies, Latin American Studies, and Development Studies for people submissions
A PhD dissertation shouldn’t exceed 80,000 words, and could normally be near that length. The term limit includes appendices but excludes footnotes, references and bibliography. Footnotes shouldn’t exceed 20% within the dissertation. Discursive footnotes are frequently frustrated, and under no conditions should footnotes know about include material that will normally take care of the primary text, and so to bypass the term limits. Record tables must be counted as 150 words per table. Only under exceptional conditions, after prior application, will the amount Committee allow students to exceed these limits. A candidate must submit, while using the dissertation, a remark signed by her or themselves attesting to how large the dissertation. Any dissertation that exceeds the limit will most likely be known candidate for revision before you are supplied towards the examiners.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MSc or MLitt degree, both including footnotes, references and appendices but excluding bibliographies. One A4 page composed largely of statistics, symbols or figures will probably be considered as much like 250 words. A candidate must raise the preface in the thesis the next signed statement: ‘This thesis doesn’t exceed the regulation length, including footnotes, references and appendices.’
For the PhD degree to not exceed 80,000 words without footnotes, appendices and bibliography but vulnerable to an over-all word limit of 100,000 words without bibliography, table of contents as well as any other preliminary matter. For the MLitt degree to not exceed 60,000 words including footnotes but without bibliography, appendices, table of contents as well as any other preliminary matter.
A candidate must raise the preface within the thesis the next signed statement: ‘This thesis, including footnotes, doesn’t exceed the allowed length.’
There’s no standard format for the dissertation in Mathematics. Candidates should discuss the format appropriate for his or her subject employing their supervisor.
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MLitt degree, including footnotes, references and appendices, but excluding bibliographies. The Amount Committee explain that some very effective doctorate dissertations are really printed including a maximum of three-quarters within the maximum allowed length. Where appropriate where prior approval remains granted using the Degree Committee, it’s allowed to exceed the limit within the situation of dissertations presented by means of critical editions of texts and dissertations requiring immeasureable linguistic data. Only underneath the most exceptional conditions will permission be granted to exceed the limit sometimes. In every single situation (a) a candidate must give notice in the application to exceed the prescribed maximum length no under three a few days prior to the date which a candidate provides submit their dissertation and (b) the approval needs to be supported getting a complete supporting statement inside the candidate’s supervisor showing that such exemption inside the prescribed limit of length is completely necessary. It’s a reliance upon the amount Committee for the Faculty of latest and Medieval Languages that dissertations presented must conform while using the advice concerning abbreviations, quotes, footnotes, references, along with other matters printed within the ‘Style Book in the current Humanities Research Association (Notes for Authors and Editors).’
The thesis isn’t to exceed 80,000 words for the PhD degree and 60,000 words for the MLitt degree, both excluding notes, appendices, and bibliographies, musical transcriptions and examples, unless of course obviously clearly a candidate create a special situation for greater length for that satisfaction within the Degree Committee. Candidates whose jobs are practice-based can include incorporated inside the doctorate submission whether portfolio of considerable musical compositions, or numerous tracks of their musical performance(s).
The thesis needs to be not under 50,000 and merely 80,000 words for the PhD degree, instead of under 30,000 and merely 60,000 words for the MLitt degree, in every single situation including appendices and notes of reference. Permission to submit a thesis falling outdoors these limits needs to be acquired ahead of time inside the Degree Committee (but rarely is at granted).
The thesis isn’t to exceed, without prior permission within the Degree Committee, 60,000 words, including summary/abstract, tables, footnotes and appendices, but excluding table of contents, photographs, diagrams, figure captions, bibliography and acknowledgements.
Only strongly related students registered for the degree before 1 August 2012 other students should consult the guidance within the Faculty of Biological Sciences.
Relevant for that PhD in Psychology (former SDP students only) for people submissions made before 30 November 2013
A PhD dissertation shouldn’t exceed 80,000 words, and could normally be near that length. The term limit includes appendices but excludes footnotes, references and bibliography. Footnotes shouldn’t exceed 20% within the dissertation. Discursive footnotes are frequently frustrated, and under no conditions should footnotes know about include material that will normally take care of the primary text, and so to bypass the term limits. Record tables must be counted as 150 words per table. Only under exceptional conditions, after prior application, will the amount Committee allow students to exceed these limits. A candidate must submit, while using the dissertation, a remark signed by her or themselves attesting to how large the dissertation. Any dissertation that exceeds the limit will most likely be known candidate for revision before you are supplied towards the examiners.
Relevant for that PhD in Psychology (former SDP students only) for people submissions from 30 November 2013
A PhD dissertation shouldn’t exceed 80,000 words, and could normally be near that length. The term limit includes appendices but excludes footnotes, references and bibliography. Footnotes shouldn’t exceed 20% within the dissertation. Discursive footnotes are frequently frustrated, and under no conditions should footnotes know about include material that will normally take care of the primary text, and so to bypass the term limits. Record tables must be counted as 150 words per table. Only under exceptional conditions, after prior application, will the amount Committee allow students to exceed these limits. Applications must be made in early stages prior to the date which a candidate provides submit the dissertation, designed to the Graduate Committee. A candidate must submit, while using the dissertation, a remark signed by her or themselves attesting to how large the dissertation. Any dissertation that exceeds the limit will most likely be known candidate for revision before you are supplied towards the examiners.
Relevant for that PhD in Sociology for people submissions from 30 November 2013
A PhD dissertation shouldn’t exceed 80,000 words, and could normally be near that length. The term limit includes appendices but excludes footnotes, references and bibliography. Footnotes shouldn’t exceed 20% within the dissertation. Discursive footnotes are frequently frustrated, and under no conditions should footnotes know about include material that will normally take care of the primary text, and so to bypass the term limits. Record tables must be counted as 150 words per table. Only under exceptional conditions, after prior application, will the amount Committee allow students to exceed these limits. Applications must be made in early stages prior to the date which a candidate provides submit the dissertation, designed to the Graduate Committee. A candidate must submit, while using the dissertation, a remark signed by her or themselves attesting to how large the dissertation. Any dissertation that exceeds the limit will most likely be known candidate for revision before you are supplied towards the examiners.