Yale’s Department of French provides the Ph.D. in French literature, critique, theory, and culture at the begining of Ancient to the current, along with the French-language literatures of Africa, the hawaiian islands, along with the Maghreb. The Department also participates in combined Ph.D. programs while using the Department of Black Studies. this program in Film and Media Studies. this program in Renaissance Studies. along with an M.Phil. while using Key in Medieval Studies .
The Yale French Department has for quite some time been the very best rated department of French within the united states . states. Generations of scholars are really trained here. Alumni within the department form an important community with the u . s . states . States and beyond, including a lot of the finest and a lot of influential people of the marketplace.
The Department takes pride in the plethora of fields and approaches symbolized by its faculty. Are connected with very independent research that’s quite unlike individuals of each other scholars, least of the in the colleagues. Consequently students here take full advantage of just as much different perspectives and special parts of practice because there are individuals in the school. In addition, most faculty take part in programs outdoors the department, including African and African-American Studies, Comparative Literature, Film and Media Studies, Medieval Studies, and Renaissance Studies. These institutional affiliations and lots of other less formal ties provide natural departmental bridges to numerous related disciplines over the campus.
For school kids thinking about an entirely integrated inter-disciplinary program the Department offers combined levels with four other departments and programs: Black Studies.
Film and Media Studies. Renaissance Studies and Medieval Studies .
Students are encouraged (in addition to needed) to consider no under two courses outdoors the department, in ancillary fields connected utilizing their interests in French literature. Normally provided Yale’s distinguished faculty in British, Classics, Italian, Spanish, film and media, philosophy, German, history, good status for art, music, etc. are a good asset making graduate study in French much more stimulating and rewarding at Yale.
The libraries are another resource making Yale a perfect spot to pursue graduate study in literature. The holdings of Sterling Memorial Library would be the wealthiest on the planet. The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library is unquestionably an incomparable way to obtain scholars in French, holding treasures not the same as medieval illuminated manuscripts within the Roman en Rose, to incunabula, to first editions of masterpieces of modernism.
This program is usually 5 to 6 years extended, based on once the student completes the dissertation in 2 or 3 years. The first few years concentrate on course work along with the fulfillment within the Old French and language needs. The Following year is devoted for the qualifying dental examination and preparation within the dissertation prospectus. With the third and 4th years students typically educate one course per semester of 1st or 2nd-year French.
The Department offers an exchange program while using the Ecole Normale Suprieure.

rue d’Ulm, in Paris and is able to provide a position as pensionnaire tranger to four students each year.
Plenty of students receive full financial support (tuition plus full stipend, including insurance plan) for five years of graduate study. This support includes few years in the college fellowship, few years in the teaching fellowship, the other year in the dissertation fellowship. The Department of French is generally able to arrange another year training fellowship for school kids wishing it.
16 term courses with the initial couple of many years of study. These must include Old French with no under two graduate-level term courses taken outdoors the department.
Proficiency (looked as twelve several days of college study) in almost any two languages (beyond British and French) which are tightly related to students’s research interests, to obtain approved with the DGS. For details, understand the Rules document.
A number of year training experience.
The qualifying dental examination, to obtain taken no following a finish within the sixth term.
The dissertation prospectus, prepared in consultation while using the student’s consultant and approved with the faculty.
The doctorate dissertation, prepared in close consultation while using the consultant, approved with the faculty and Graduate School, and made by the final outcome within the sixth year of study.
For details understand the Rules and Rules for Graduate Studies in French (within the right sidebar.)
Students are advised the policies within the Graduate School needs to be adopted. Queries about these policies must be addressed for that assistant or affiliate dean.