Transcript and Presenter’s Notes
Feature Writing
- A different style of news
Aspects of Feature Writing
- Not meant to deliver news firsthand
- Main function is to humanize, add colour, to
educate, to entertain, to illuminate - Recap major news that was previously reported
Features often
- Profile people who make the news
- Explain events that move or shape the news
- Analyze what is happening in the world, nation or
community - Teach an audience how to do something
- Suggest better ways to live
- Examine trends
- Entertain
Features As News
- Often written on soft news events
- No firm line between a news story and a feature
- For example, the results of an Olympic
competition may be hard news - Canadian diver Anne Montmigny claimed her second
medal in synchronized diving today. - Emphasizes the facts of the event
- A featurized story might begin
- As a girl jumping off a log into the stream
running behind her house, Anne Montmigny never
dreamed she would leap into the spotlight of
Olympic diving competition. - Displaces the facts to accommodate the human
interest of the story.
When to Use Features
- More appropriate when a major news event is not
being reported for the first time - Can stand along, or it can be a sidebar to the
main story (the mainbar)
Types of Features
- Personality profiles written to bring an
audience closer to a person interviews
observations, as well as creative writing, are
used - Human interest stories written to show a
subjects oddity or its practical, emotional, or
entertainment value
- Trend stories examines people, things or
organizations that are having an impact on
society popular because people are excited to
read or hear about latest fads - In-depth stories provide a detailed account well
beyond a basic news story or feature - Backgrounders (analysis piece) adds meaning to
current issues by explaining them further bring
an audience up-to-date
Writing Organizing
- Seldom use inverted-pyramid form
- May write a chronology that builds to a climax at
the end, a narrative, a first-person article
about one of their own experiences or a
combination of these
Step 1 Choose the theme
- Provides unity and coherence
- Not too broad or too narrow
- Has the story been done before?
- Is the story of interest to the audience?
- Does the story have holding power (emotional
appeal)? - What makes the story worthy of being reported?
- Answers the questions, So what?
Write the Lead
- Lead block of 1 or 2 paragraphs
- Use the first 2 or 3 paragraphs to set a mood, to
arouse readers, to invite them inside - News peg (significance of the story) is provided
in the third or fourth paragraph
Body of the Feature
- Provides vital info. while it educates,
entertains, emotionally ties an audience to the
subject - Ending wraps up story and comes back to the lead,
often w/a quotation or a surprising climax - Important components background info. thread of
the story, transition, dialogue, voice
Background is Vital
- A paragraph or two
- Placed high in the story
- Bring audience up to date
Sentence Structure
- Clear and concise
- Sprinkle direct quotes, observations,
additional background throughout the story - Paragraphs can be written chronologically or in
order of importance
Use a Thread
- Connect the beginning, body and conclusion
- Weave a thread throughout the story
- Can be a single person, an event or a thing, it
usually highlights the theme

Use Transition
- Transitional words, paraphrases, direct quotes
- Particularly important in long feature examining
several people or events - Keeps readers from being jarred by the writing
Use Dialogue
- Keep a story moving
- Listen for it during the reporting process
- Gives readers strong mental images and keeps them
attached to the writing storys key players
Establish a Voice
- The signature or personal style of the writer
- Use subtly
- Gonzo journalism blatant intrusion of a
distinctive voice into news writing
(irresponsible, but entertaining)
- Can trail off like a news story or can be
concluded w/a climax - Ends where the lead started, w/a single person or
event - Conclude w/a quotation or another part of the
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