Writing a discussion
when you’ve finished this page you will be able to.
- evaluate the discussion section of your dissertation or report
The discussion section of your dissertation is one of the most important parts of a dissertation, and it’s worth the most marks. As a consequence, you’ll have to spend the most time on this bit. The discussion is important because it’s where, among other things, you.
- interpret and explain your results,
- answer your research question,
- justify your approach
- critically evaluate your study.
Perhaps most importantly, the discussion is where you get to have your say and make your voice heard. The discussion is the place for critical writing. You need to think very carefully about what your results mean: don’t just describe your results, explain them. It’s your job to interpret your results for your readers, and your interpretation must be accurate and plausible.
You’ll also need to critically analyse your work, recognising the limitations and shortcoming of your study and explaining how the work could be improved.
The discussion is generally the longest section of your dissertation, and it’s a good idea help your readers to follow your lines of reasoning. By dividing the discussion up using sub-headings (or, at the very least, clear paragraphs), you’ll avoid large chunks of text and help your readers navigate a smooth passage through your work.
Depending on the conventions of your subject or any specific instructions you’ve been given, you may choose to include your conclusions in the discussion section or instead choose to have a separate conclusion. Whichever applies to you, your conclusion is your chance to sum up, draw some firm conclusions, discuss further directions for this area of study and make recommendations.
The discussion section is the most important part of your dissertation, and you’ll need to make sure you have all the vital ingredients of a great discussion.
1. The check-list below includes a list of the important things you should include in your discussion. You can use this check-list as a guide to help you plan and write your discussion, or you can use it after you’ve written your discussion, to make sure you’ve missed nothing out.
2. When you’re sure you can agree with each statement in the checklist, tick it off. Not every statement will apply to every dissertation, so cross out any that don’t apply to your work.
In my discussion, I have.
Writing a discussion
when you’ve finished this page you will be able to.
- evaluate the discussion section of your dissertation or report
The discussion section of your dissertation is one of the most important parts of a dissertation, and it’s worth the most marks. As a consequence, you’ll have to spend the most time on this bit. The discussion is important because it’s where, among other things, you.
- interpret and explain your results,
- answer your research question,
- justify your approach
- critically evaluate your study.
Perhaps most importantly, the discussion is where you get to have your say and make your voice heard. The discussion is the place for critical writing. You need to think very carefully about what your results mean: don’t just describe your results, explain them.

It’s your job to interpret your results for your readers, and your interpretation must be accurate and plausible.
You’ll also need to critically analyse your work, recognising the limitations and shortcoming of your study and explaining how the work could be improved.
The discussion is generally the longest section of your dissertation, and it’s a good idea help your readers to follow your lines of reasoning. By dividing the discussion up using sub-headings (or, at the very least, clear paragraphs), you’ll avoid large chunks of text and help your readers navigate a smooth passage through your work.
Depending on the conventions of your subject or any specific instructions you’ve been given, you may choose to include your conclusions in the discussion section or instead choose to have a separate conclusion. Whichever applies to you, your conclusion is your chance to sum up, draw some firm conclusions, discuss further directions for this area of study and make recommendations.
The discussion section is the most important part of your dissertation, and you’ll need to make sure you have all the vital ingredients of a great discussion.
1. The check-list below includes a list of the important things you should include in your discussion. You can use this check-list as a guide to help you plan and write your discussion, or you can use it after you’ve written your discussion, to make sure you’ve missed nothing out.
2. When you’re sure you can agree with each statement in the checklist, tick it off. Not every statement will apply to every dissertation, so cross out any that don’t apply to your work.
In my discussion, I have.