I. Order and Components
Please visit the sample thesis or dissertation pages throughout and also at the finish of the document for illustrations. The next order is needed for aspects of your thesis or dissertation:
- Title Page
- Page
- Abstract
- Dedication, Acknowledgements, and Preface (each optional)
- Table of Contents, with page figures
- Listing of Tables, Listing of Figures, or Listing of Illustrations, with titles and page figures (if relevant)
- Listing of Abbreviations (if relevant)
- Listing of Symbols (if relevant)
- Chapters, including:
- Introduction, or no
- Primary body, with consistent subheadings as appropriate
- Appendices (if relevant)
- Endnotes (if relevant)
- References (see section on References for options)
Most of the components following a title and pages have needed headings and formatting guidelines, that are described within the following sections.
Please consult the Sample Pages to check your document towards the needs. A Listing is supplied to help you in making certain your thesis or dissertation meets all formatting guidelines.
Title Page
The title page of the thesis or dissertation must range from the following information:
- The title from the thesis or dissertation in most capital letters and centered 2″ below the top page.
- Your company name, centered 1″ underneath the title. Don’t include titles, levels, or identifiers. The name you utilize here need not exactly match the name in your college records, but we advise thinking about how to would like your name to look in professional publications later on.
- The next statement, centered, 1″ through your name: “A [ dissertation or thesis ] posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of [ insert degree ] within the [ insert department or program name ] within the [ named school ].” Finish this statement having a period.
Notes about this statement:
- When indicating your degree within the second bracketed space, make use of the full degree name (i.e. Physician of Philosophy, not Ph.D. or PHD Master of Public Health, not M.P.H. or Miles per hour Master of Social Work, not M.S.W. or MSW).
- List your department, school, or curriculum instead of your area of interest or niche discipline within the third bracketed space. You might incorporate your area of interest or niche discipline in parentheses (i.e. Department of Romance Languages (French) School of Pharmacy (Molecular Pharmaceutics) School of your practice (School Psychology) or similar official area).
- If you want to incorporate your department and college names, list the college in the finish from the statement (i.e. Department of Pharmacology within the Med school).
- Complete examples:
- A dissertation posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Physician of Philosophy within the Department of Public Policy.
- A thesis posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Master of Science within the School of Dentistry (Endodontics).
- A thesis posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Master of Science within the Department of Diet within the Gillings School of worldwide Public Health.
- A dissertation posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Physician of Philosophy within the School of your practice (Cultural Studies and Literacies).

Incorporate a page using the following information single-spaced and centered 2″ above the foot of the page:
Author’s Complete Name (because it seems around the title page)
ALL Legal rights RESERVED
This site immediately follows the title page. It ought to be numbered using the lower situation Roman numeral ii centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Inclusion of the page provides you with, because the author, additional protection against violation because it eliminates any question of authorship and possession. You don’t need to launch to be able to include this statement inside your thesis or dissertation. However, declaring can provide other protections.
See Section IV for additional info on ing your thesis or dissertation.
Have an abstract page following the following tips:
- Range from the heading “ABSTRACT” in most capital letters, and center it 2″ below the top page.
- One double-spaced line below “ABSTRACT”, center your company name, adopted with a colon and also the title from the thesis or dissertation. Use as numerous lines as necessary. Make sure your name and also the title exactly match the name and title utilized on the Title page.
- A single-spaced line underneath the title, center the saying “(Underneath the direction of [advisor’s name])”. Range from the phrase in parentheses. Include the foremost and surname(s) of the consultant or formal co-advisors. Don’t include the other committee people. Make use of the advisor’s name only don’t include any professional titles for example PhD, Professor, or Dr. or any identifiers for example “chair” or “advisor”.
- Skip one double-spaced line and start the abstract. The written text of the abstract should be double-spaced and aligned using the document’s left margin except for indenting new sentences. Don’t center or right-justify the abstract.
- Abstracts cannot exceed 150 words for any thesis or 350 words for any dissertation.
- Number the abstract page using the lower situation Roman numeral iii (and iv, if several page) centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Since your abstract is going to be printed in Masters Abstracts Worldwide or perhaps in Dissertation Abstracts Worldwide. please write and check it carefully. Whenever possible, avoid including symbols or foreign words inside your abstract, because they can’t be indexed or looked. Avoid mathematical formulas, diagrams, along with other illustrative materials within the abstract. Provide a description of the thesis or dissertation along with a concise review of its conclusions. Make sure to describe the topic and concentrate of the use obvious details and steer clear of including extended explanations or opinions.
Your title and abstract will be utilised by search engines like google to assist potential audiences locate your projects, so clearness will assist you to draw the interest of the targeted readers.
Dedication, Acknowledgements, Preface (optional)
You possess an choice to incorporate a dedication, acknowledgements, or preface. If you opt to include all or any of those elements, give each its very own page(s).
A dedication is really a message in the author prefixed to some operate in tribute to someone, group, or cause. Most dedications are short statements of tribute starting with “To…” for example “To my loved ones”.
Acknowledgements would be the author’s statement of gratitude to and recognition of those and institutions that helped the author’s research and writing.
A preface is really a statement from the author’s causes of undertaking the job along with other personal comments that aren’t directly germane towards the materials presented in other parts of the thesis or dissertation. These reasons are usually of the personal nature.
The pages should be prepared following the following tips:
- Don’t convey a heading around the dedication page.
- The written text of short dedications should be centered and start 2″ from the top page.
- Headings are needed for that “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” and “PREFACE” pages. Headings should be in most capital letters and centered 2″ below the top page.
- The written text from the acknowledgements and preface pages must begin one double-spaced line underneath the heading, be double-spaced, and become aligned using the document’s left margin except for indenting new sentences.
- Subsequent pages of text go back to the fir″ top margin.
- The page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals (beginning using the page number following the abstract) centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Table of Contents
Incorporate a table of contents following the following tips:
- Range from the heading “TABLE OF CONTENTS” in most capital letters, and center it 2″ below the top page.
- Include one double-spaced line between your heading and also the first entry.
- The table of contents shouldn’t contain listings for that pages that precede it, however it must list every part from the thesis or dissertation such as the following it.
- If relevant, make sure to list all appendices along with a references section inside your table of contents. Include page figures of these products but don’t assign separate chapter figures.
- Records must align using the document’s left margin or perhaps be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- Major subheadings within chapters should be incorporated within the table of contents. The subheading(s) ought to be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- If the entry occupies several line, split up the entry around three-fourths of how over the page and put all of those other text on the second line, single-spacing the 2 lines.
- Include one double-spaced line in between each entry.
- Page figures indexed by the table of contents should be located just within the right page margin with leaders (lines of periods) completing the area between your finish from the entry and also the page number. The final digit of every number must fall into line around the right margin.
- Information incorporated within the table of contents must match the headings, major subheadings, and numbering used in your body from the thesis or dissertation.
- The Table of Contents page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations
If relevant, include a summary of tables, listing of figures, and/or listing of illustrations following the following tips:
- Range from the heading(s) in most capital letters, centered 1″ below the top page.
- Include one double-spaced line between your heading and also the first entry.
- Each entry must incorporate a number, title, and page number.
- Assign each table, figure, or illustration inside your thesis or dissertation an Arabic numeral. You might number consecutively through the entire work (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.), or else you may assign a 2-part Arabic numeral using the first number designating the chapter that seems, separated with a period, adopted with a second number to point its consecutive placement within the chapter (e.g. Table 3.2 may be the second table in Chapter Three).
- Numerals and titles must align using the document’s left margin or perhaps be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- If the entry occupies several line, split up the entry around three-fourths of how over the page and put all of those other text on the second line, single-spacing the 2 lines.
- Include one double-spaced line in between each entry.
- Page figures should be located just within the right page margin with leaders (lines of periods) completing the area between your finish from the entry and also the page number. The final digit of every number must fall into line around the right margin.
- Figures, titles, and page figures must each match the related figures, titles, and page figures appearing within the thesis or dissertation.
- All Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Listing of Abbreviations
If you are using abbreviations extensively inside your thesis or dissertation, you have to include a summary of abbreviations as well as their corresponding definitions following the following tips:
- Range from the heading “LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS” in most capital letters, and center it 1″ below the top page.
- Include one double-spaced line between your heading and also the first entry.
- Arrange your abbreviations alphabetically.
- Abbreviations must align using the document’s left margin or perhaps be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- If the entry occupies several line, single-space backward and forward lines.
- Include one double-spaced line in between each entry.
- Their Email List of Abbreviations page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Listing of Symbols
If you are using symbols inside your thesis or dissertation, you might combine all of them with your abbreviations, titling the section “LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS”, or else you may generate a separate listing of symbols as well as their definitions by using the formatting instructions above for abbreviations. The heading you select should be in most capital letters and centered 1″ below the top page.
I. Order and Components
Please visit the sample thesis or dissertation pages throughout and also at the finish of the document for illustrations. The next order is needed for aspects of your thesis or dissertation:
- Title Page
- Page
- Abstract
- Dedication, Acknowledgements, and Preface (each optional)
- Table of Contents, with page figures
- Listing of Tables, Listing of Figures, or Listing of Illustrations, with titles and page figures (if relevant)
- Listing of Abbreviations (if relevant)
- Listing of Symbols (if relevant)
- Chapters, including:
- Introduction, or no
- Primary body, with consistent subheadings as appropriate
- Appendices (if relevant)
- Endnotes (if relevant)
- References (see section on References for options)
Most of the components following a title and pages have needed headings and formatting guidelines, that are described within the following sections.
Please consult the Sample Pages to check your document towards the needs. A Listing is supplied to help you in making certain your thesis or dissertation meets all formatting guidelines.
Title Page
The title page of the thesis or dissertation must range from the following information:
- The title from the thesis or dissertation in most capital letters and centered 2″ below the top page.
- Your company name, centered 1″ underneath the title. Don’t include titles, levels, or identifiers. The name you utilize here need not exactly match the name in your college records, but we advise thinking about how to would like your name to look in professional publications later on.
- The next statement, centered, 1″ through your name: “A [ dissertation or thesis ] posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of [ insert degree ] within the [ insert department or program name ] within the [ named school ].” Finish this statement having a period.
Notes about this statement:
- When indicating your degree within the second bracketed space, make use of the full degree name (i.e. Physician of Philosophy, not Ph.D. or PHD Master of Public Health, not M.P.H. or Miles per hour Master of Social Work, not M.S.W. or MSW).
- List your department, school, or curriculum instead of your area of interest or niche discipline within the third bracketed space. You might incorporate your area of interest or niche discipline in parentheses (i.e. Department of Romance Languages (French) School of Pharmacy (Molecular Pharmaceutics) School of your practice (School Psychology) or similar official area).
- If you want to incorporate your department and college names, list the college in the finish from the statement (i.e. Department of Pharmacology within the Med school).
- Complete examples:
- A dissertation posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Physician of Philosophy within the Department of Public Policy.
- A thesis posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Master of Science within the School of Dentistry (Endodontics).
- A thesis posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Master of Science within the Department of Diet within the Gillings School of worldwide Public Health.
- A dissertation posted towards the faculty in the College of New York at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment from the needs for the quality of Physician of Philosophy within the School of your practice (Cultural Studies and Literacies).
Incorporate a page using the following information single-spaced and centered 2″ above the foot of the page:
Author’s Complete Name (because it seems around the title page)
ALL Legal rights RESERVED
This site immediately follows the title page. It ought to be numbered using the lower situation Roman numeral ii centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Inclusion of the page provides you with, because the author, additional protection against violation because it eliminates any question of authorship and possession. You don’t need to launch to be able to include this statement inside your thesis or dissertation. However, declaring can provide other protections.
See Section IV for additional info on ing your thesis or dissertation.
Have an abstract page following the following tips:
- Range from the heading “ABSTRACT” in most capital letters, and center it 2″ below the top page.
- One double-spaced line below “ABSTRACT”, center your company name, adopted with a colon and also the title from the thesis or dissertation. Use as numerous lines as necessary. Make sure your name and also the title exactly match the name and title utilized on the Title page.
- A single-spaced line underneath the title, center the saying “(Underneath the direction of [advisor’s name])”. Range from the phrase in parentheses. Include the foremost and surname(s) of the consultant or formal co-advisors. Don’t include the other committee people. Make use of the advisor’s name only don’t include any professional titles for example PhD, Professor, or Dr. or any identifiers for example “chair” or “advisor”.
- Skip one double-spaced line and start the abstract. The written text of the abstract should be double-spaced and aligned using the document’s left margin except for indenting new sentences. Don’t center or right-justify the abstract.
- Abstracts cannot exceed 150 words for any thesis or 350 words for any dissertation.
- Number the abstract page using the lower situation Roman numeral iii (and iv, if several page) centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Since your abstract is going to be printed in Masters Abstracts Worldwide or perhaps in Dissertation Abstracts Worldwide. please write and check it carefully. Whenever possible, avoid including symbols or foreign words inside your abstract, because they can’t be indexed or looked. Avoid mathematical formulas, diagrams, along with other illustrative materials within the abstract. Provide a description of the thesis or dissertation along with a concise review of its conclusions. Make sure to describe the topic and concentrate of the use obvious details and steer clear of including extended explanations or opinions.
Your title and abstract will be utilised by search engines like google to assist potential audiences locate your projects, so clearness will assist you to draw the interest of the targeted readers.
Dedication, Acknowledgements, Preface (optional)
You possess an choice to incorporate a dedication, acknowledgements, or preface. If you opt to include all or any of those elements, give each its very own page(s).
A dedication is really a message in the author prefixed to some operate in tribute to someone, group, or cause. Most dedications are short statements of tribute starting with “To…” for example “To my loved ones”.
Acknowledgements would be the author’s statement of gratitude to and recognition of those and institutions that helped the author’s research and writing.
A preface is really a statement from the author’s causes of undertaking the job along with other personal comments that aren’t directly germane towards the materials presented in other parts of the thesis or dissertation. These reasons are usually of the personal nature.
The pages should be prepared following the following tips:
- Don’t convey a heading around the dedication page.
- The written text of short dedications should be centered and start 2″ from the top page.
- Headings are needed for that “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” and “PREFACE” pages. Headings should be in most capital letters and centered 2″ below the top page.
- The written text from the acknowledgements and preface pages must begin one double-spaced line underneath the heading, be double-spaced, and become aligned using the document’s left margin except for indenting new sentences.
- Subsequent pages of text go back to the fir″ top margin.
- The page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals (beginning using the page number following the abstract) centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Table of Contents
Incorporate a table of contents following the following tips:
- Range from the heading “TABLE OF CONTENTS” in most capital letters, and center it 2″ below the top page.
- Include one double-spaced line between your heading and also the first entry.
- The table of contents shouldn’t contain listings for that pages that precede it, however it must list every part from the thesis or dissertation such as the following it.
- If relevant, make sure to list all appendices along with a references section inside your table of contents. Include page figures of these products but don’t assign separate chapter figures.
- Records must align using the document’s left margin or perhaps be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- Major subheadings within chapters should be incorporated within the table of contents. The subheading(s) ought to be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- If the entry occupies several line, split up the entry around three-fourths of how over the page and put all of those other text on the second line, single-spacing the 2 lines.
- Include one double-spaced line in between each entry.
- Page figures indexed by the table of contents should be located just within the right page margin with leaders (lines of periods) completing the area between your finish from the entry and also the page number. The final digit of every number must fall into line around the right margin.
- Information incorporated within the table of contents must match the headings, major subheadings, and numbering used in your body from the thesis or dissertation.
- The Table of Contents page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations
If relevant, include a summary of tables, listing of figures, and/or listing of illustrations following the following tips:
- Range from the heading(s) in most capital letters, centered 1″ below the top page.
- Include one double-spaced line between your heading and also the first entry.
- Each entry must incorporate a number, title, and page number.
- Assign each table, figure, or illustration inside your thesis or dissertation an Arabic numeral. You might number consecutively through the entire work (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.), or else you may assign a 2-part Arabic numeral using the first number designating the chapter that seems, separated with a period, adopted with a second number to point its consecutive placement within the chapter (e.g. Table 3.2 may be the second table in Chapter Three).
- Numerals and titles must align using the document’s left margin or perhaps be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- If the entry occupies several line, split up the entry around three-fourths of how over the page and put all of those other text on the second line, single-spacing the 2 lines.
- Include one double-spaced line in between each entry.
- Page figures should be located just within the right page margin with leaders (lines of periods) completing the area between your finish from the entry and also the page number. The final digit of every number must fall into line around the right margin.
- Figures, titles, and page figures must each match the related figures, titles, and page figures appearing within the thesis or dissertation.
- All Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Listing of Abbreviations
If you are using abbreviations extensively inside your thesis or dissertation, you have to include a summary of abbreviations as well as their corresponding definitions following the following tips:
- Range from the heading “LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS” in most capital letters, and center it 1″ below the top page.
- Include one double-spaced line between your heading and also the first entry.
- Arrange your abbreviations alphabetically.
- Abbreviations must align using the document’s left margin or perhaps be indented right from the left page margin using consistent tabs.
- If the entry occupies several line, single-space backward and forward lines.
- Include one double-spaced line in between each entry.
- Their Email List of Abbreviations page(s) should be numbered with consecutive lower situation Roman numerals centered having a 1/2″ margin in the base.
Listing of Symbols
If you are using symbols inside your thesis or dissertation, you might combine all of them with your abbreviations, titling the section “LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS”, or else you may generate a separate listing of symbols as well as their definitions by using the formatting instructions above for abbreviations. The heading you select should be in most capital letters and centered 1″ below the top page.