Quantity of products only at that level: 108 .
Burnes, Duncan (2016) The Medieval in Children’s Literature: The development of the Adolescent in Crossover Fiction. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Low, Suk May (2016) The potency of Classroom Code-switching in Malaysian Science Classrooms. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
ZHANG, Chen (2016) The outcome of audio-visual media on acquisition and learning: a longitudinal study of Chinese learners of L2 British. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
AlBader, Yousuf B (2015) Semantic Innovation and alter in Kuwaiti Arabic: Research from the Polysemy of Verbs. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Alsowiliem, A (2015) The Purchase of Definite and Indefinite Articles in British by L1 Loudspeakers of Saudi Arabic. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bates, Michael (2015) This Being Known as Human: Nature and Human Identity in W.G. Sebald and Samuel Beckett. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bradbury, Janine (2015) “You Should’ve Seen My Grandmother She Passed for White”: Black Women Authors, Genealogy, and also the Passing Genre. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Brown, Lucy Victoria (2015) Devotion and Identity within the Works of Edmund Yates and Wilkie Collins. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
But, Roxanne (2015) Language living around the margins and beyond: A historic practical study of marginal vocabulary use within eighteenth-century British. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Edmondes, Jessica (2015) An Edition of BL Harley MS 7392(2). PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Haigh, Sarah (2015) Investigating Regional Speech in Yorkshire: Evidence in the Millennium Memory Bank. MPhil thesis, College of Sheffield.
Hudson, Kathleen (2015) ‘Tell it my very own way’: Servant narratives at the begining of Medieval literature. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Inostroza Araos, Mara Jess (2015) Analyzing Challenges and Complexities within the Chilean Youthful Learners Classroom: A Situation training British like a Language. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
McCann, Pad (2015) Deserting Society: Fiction and Travel within the Shadow from the Explosive device, 1945–91. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
McCorry, Sen (2015) animal/machine: Technology, Subjectivity, and Species in Postwar Literature and Culture, 1945-1970. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Nguyen, Cang T (2015) An Assessment from the Textbook British 6: A situation study on secondary schools within the Mekong Delta Provinces of Vietnam. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Reginaldo, Azevedo de Melo (2015) The Folks of Israel and also the Christian Church with particular mention of logic of Pauline Theology: A Credit Card Applicatoin towards the Portuguese-speaking world. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Tarantelli, Valentina (2015) Voice Into Text: Situation Studies within the Good reputation for Linguistic Transcription. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Vafa, Amirhossein (2015) Rethinking World Literature from Moby Dick to Missing Soluch. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Walters, Peter (2015) Narrative in Fiction and movie: An Operating Study from the Nature of Mix-Pollination in Narrative Structure. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Yousefi, Yalda (2015) Demythologizing Motherhood: A Comparative Study from the Maternal and Mother-Daughter Relationships within the Works of recent British, United States, and Iranian Women Authors.
PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
van der Bom, Isabelle (2015) Text World Theory and tales of self: a cognitive discursive method of identity. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Colbeck, Matthew (2014) ‘Waking Is Booming and Dreaming Is Sinking’: The Struggle for Identity in Coma Literature. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Escott, Hugh (2014) ‘Speikin’ Proper’: Investigating Representations of Vernacular Speech within the Writing of Three Authors from South-Yorkshire Coal-Mining Backgrounds. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Haswell, Christopher (2014) Asian Students of British in an Worldwide College in Japan:
 research of attitudes towards the use and focus of British. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Ibrahim, Anna (2014) Bilingualism in translation tasks. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Mort, Helen (2014) ‘Something else, then another thing again’: neuroscience and connection-making in contemporary poetry. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Pallares-Garcia, Elena (2014) Narrated Perception and Perspective within the Novels of Jane Austen. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Piercy, Laurence (2014) Fiction and also the Theory of Action. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Cruz, Adam James (2014) ‘A Certain Design’: The Partisan Technique of Frederick Addison’s The Disposable-Holder. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Cruz, Edward P. M. (2014) An Edition of British Library, Additional MS 36529. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Van Hyning, Victoria (2014) Cloistered Voices: British Nuns in Exile, 1550-1800. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Webb, Laura (2014) ‘I suppose I’m the precise centre’: Anthropomorphism, Metamorphosis
 and Representations of Creatures within the Poetry of Ted Hughes. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Wilson, Hillary (2014) The Task of Nineteenth Century Theatre in Sheffield. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Windle, Jack (2014) Class, Culture and Colonialism:
 Working-Class Writing within the Last Century. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bater, Patricia (2013) Blacking Up: British Folk Traditions
 and Altering Perceptions about 
 Black Individuals England. MPhil thesis, College of Sheffield.
Browse, Mike (2013) (Mega-) metaphor within the text-worlds of monetary crisis: perfectly into a situated look at metaphor in discourse. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Cooper, Paul (2013) Enregisterment in Historic Contexts: A Framework. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Kirkham, Mike (2013) Ethnicity, social practice and phonetic variation inside a Sheffield school. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Ku, Wei (2013) Purchase of the Syntax and Interpretation of Chinese Null Arguments: An Analysis of kid and Adult Second Language and Native Language Development. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Menmuir, Alasdair (2013) The Socially Real Fringe of Modernism: Political Agency in British Literature 1914-1939. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Mubarak, Mohamed (2013) CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK IN L2 WRITING: Research of Practices and Effectiveness within the Bahrain Context. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
PARK, SUN Youthful (2013) L2 purchase of genericity in British articles: the situation of Korean adult learners of L2 British. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Phan, Trang (2013) Syntax of Vietnamese Aspect. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Schwartz-Leeper, Gavin (2013) Turning Princes into Pages: Sixteenth-Century Literary Representations of Thomas Cardinal Wolsey. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Sharp, Jasper (2013) Japanese Widescreen Cinema: Commerce, Technology and Appearance. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Teifouri, Shirin (2013) The Condition of British Literature in Iran and Britain:
 A Mix-cultural Study. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Vance, John (2013) An Evaluative Overview of the Pragmatics of Verbal Irony. MPhil thesis, College of Sheffield.
Wallis, Christine (2013) That Old British Bede: Transmission and Textual History in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bowler, Rebecca (2012) Dorothy Richardson’s Methods for Seeing: Perception and Representation in Pilgrimage. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Skinner, David (2012) A Vital and Historic Analysis of Charles and Mary Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare and Thomas Bowdler’s The Household Shakespeare. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Johnson, Claire Bryony (2012) An Edition of National Art Library (The Uk) MS. Dyce 44. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Zhu, Wuhan (2012) Research of upward request emails: Managing equilibrium in three academic discourse communities of england and China. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Hield, Fay (2010) British Folk Singing and the making of Community. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Robinson, Justyna Anna (2010) Semantic Variation and alter in Present-day British. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Sorensen, L M (2010) Educate Yourself?
 Learning through Self-Instruction Manuals in Nineteenth-Century Scandinavia. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bingham, Adam R (2009) Kitano Takeshi. Authorship, Genre Stardom in Japanese Cinema. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Extence, Gavin (2009) Motion picture thought. the representation of subjective processes within the films of Bergman, Resnais and Kubrick. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Forrest, David (2009) Social Realism. an english art cinema. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Parker, Melanie Suzanne (2009) Postmodernism and cold war military technology within the fiction of Don DeLillo and William S. Burroughs. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Arnison, Alexandra (2008) Talking about silence. myth and history in contemporary Irish women’s poetry (1989-2004). PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bodger, Gwyneth (2008) Critical Comparative Methods to Testimonial Literature Emergent in the Holocaust and also the Atomic Bombings. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Harris, Kate Lucy (2008) Speaking from tune. remembering British theatre 1944-56. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Ward, Dinah (2008) Interpreting Female-Female Love in early Poetry of Michael Field. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Hobbs, Valerie (2007) Analyzing short-term ELT teacher education. an ethnographic situation study of trainees’ encounters. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Canton, Ursula (2007) Using biographical material in contemporary British theatre. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Millward, Julie (2007) Dystopian wor(l)ds: language within and beyond experience. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Montgomery, Chris (2007) Northern British ‘languages’: A perceptual approach. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Al-Anezi, Ali Ali ‘Ajil Naji (2006) An analytical study from the theatre from the Syrian playwright Saadallah Wannous, with particular focus on the plays written following the 1967 war. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Boswell, Matthew (2005) The Holocaust Poetry of John Berryman, Sylvia Plath and W.D. Snodgrass. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Fyne, Jon (2005) The Dialect of recent mills: Linguistic Alternation in a North-West Derbyshire Community. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Stone, Brendan (2005) Beginning to talk. madness and also the narration of identity. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Rogers, Thomas Andrew (2004) Representations of Christianity within the works of John Berryman. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Lindstrm (Tiedemann), Therese sa Margaretha (2004) A brief history of the idea of grammaticalisation. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Robson, Peter (2004) Thomas Sturdy and the writings like a source for study regarding traditional culture in Dorset. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Szollosy, Michael (2003) Surviving our paradoxes. the psychoanalysis and literature of uncertainty. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Speranza, Robert Scott (2002) Verses within the celluloid. poetry in film from 1910-2002, with special focus on the introduction of the video-poem. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Millington, Peter Thomas (2002) The Origins and Growth and development of British Folk Plays. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Alberti, Samuel John Matthew Mayer (2001) Field, lab and museum. the practice and put of existence science in Yorkshire, 1870-1904. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Lucas, Caroline Ann (2001) Different habits. representations of Anglican sisterhoods in mid-nineteenth century literature. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Sanchez, Maria Ruth Noriega (2001) Magic realism in contemporary American women’s fiction. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Aabi, Mustapha (2000) The syntax of Moroccan Arabic/French and Moroccan Arabic/Standard Arabic code switching. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Wiggins, Alison (2000) Guy of Warwick. study and transcription. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Horobin, Simon (1997) A transcription and focus of British Library MS additional 35286 of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Benham, Biook (1996) A stylistic study of cohesive features in British prose fiction with a few pedagogical implications for non-native contexts. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Ahmadian, Moussa (1996) Interlanguage conformity in proper competence. capability to use compensatory strategies second foreign language learners in referential communication. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bakker, Pamela (1996) A vital research into the plays of Sarah Daniels. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Notaro, Anna (1996) Fluctuations of fantasy. postmodernist contamination in Angela Carter’s fiction. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Morrissy, Julie (1994) Materialist-feminist critique and selected plays of Sarah Daniels, Liz Lochhead and Claire Dowie. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Sears, John (1993) Medieval occasions. feminism and postmodernism within the novels of Angela Carter. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Sughrue, Cynthia Marie (1993) Continuity, conflict and alter. a contextual and comparative study of three South Yorkshire longsword dance teams. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Eco-friendly, Keith (1992) Research of deixis with regards to lyric poetry. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Jabboury, Huda Albert (1992) Constance Garnett, Alymer Maude, S.S. Koteliansky. Russian literature in England 1900-1930. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Double, Oliver John (1991) A technique for traditions of British stand-up comedy. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bracewell, Pamel Joyce (1990) Space, some time and the artist. the philosophy and appearance of Wyndham Lewis. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Greig, Ruairidh (1989) Periodic House-Visiting in South Yorkshire. MPhil thesis, College of Sheffield.
Ismail, Jamali (1988) Exposure, attitudes, motivation and achievement in ESL among Malay learners. a socio-psycholinguistic study. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Abdesslem, Habib (1987) An analysis of language lesson discourse. with special mention of teaching of British in Tunisian secondary schools. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Cheyette, Bryan (1986) A massive question. Jewish stereotyping in British fiction and society, 1875-1914. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Bennett, Gillian (1985) Facets of supernatural belief, memorate and legend inside a contemporary urban atmosphere. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Pearn, Julie (1985) Poetry like a performing art within the British-speaking Caribbean. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Urquhart, Elizabeth Ann (1985) Fifteenth century literary culture with particular mention of patterns of patronage, focussing around the patronage from the Stafford family throughout the fifteenth century. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Lester, Geoffrey (1981) Mister John Paston’s Grete boke. a descriptive index, by having an introduction, of British Library MS Lansdowne 285. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Atoye, Raphael Oluwatosin (1980) Sociolinguistics of phonological interference in Youba-British. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Munday, Michael (1979) Partial and impartial critique within the major literary periodicals, 1800-30. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Mooti, Farouk Mahmoud Abdel (1978) A stylistic study from the language of Frederick Conrad’s novels. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Martin, Stephen Robert (1978) Charlotte now Cruz 1749-1806. a vital survey of her works and put in British literary history. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Simmons, Jennifer R. (1978) So deft a builder. a free account from the existence and work of Mister Henry Hadow. PhD thesis, College of Sheffield.
Their list was generated on Sun March 9 08:59:11 2016 BST .