Posted by c.avramenko on Sun, 10/04/2009 – 19:45.
M.A. M.Sc.
Additionally towards the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ needs for that MA and MSc levels, acceptable progress within the department’s MA and MSc programs includes the next:
- Newbie students must attend the Geography Department Orientation (scheduled before the oncoming of Fall or Winter classes)
- Completing four courses inside a two year period including a minimum of two 600 level Geography Graduate Workshops in this particular regular requirement, one course might be taken outdoors Geography. A student shall receive course instruction from a minimum of two Geography faculty people throughout the newbie in program but only one 600 or 700 level readings course with a single professor may count toward the amount
- Filing an authorized thesis proposal on or prior to the finish from the sixth month in program in this particular requirement a student ought to be experienced in analytical methods to the stage expected following a completing one half course in analytical methods (Geog 339 or equivalent.
- Present an investigation paper in the Department Conference (scheduled for MA/MSc students within the second year of the enter in mid-March)
The standard time period of an M.A./M.Sc. program could be 24 several weeks.
Additionally towards the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ needs for PhD levels, acceptable progress within the department’s Doctorate program includes the next:
- Newbie students must attend the Geography Department Orientation in first semester(scheduled before the oncoming of Fall or Winter classes)
- Completing two four Geography Graduate Seminar courses throughout the first couple of years in program.
- Filing an authorized dissertation proposal four or five several weeks prior to the completing the Candidacy Examination that needs to be held within 20 several weeks of initial registration.
- Present an investigation paper in the Department Conference (scheduled for PhD students within their third year in enter in mid-March).
The standard time period of a Ph.D. program could be 36-48 several weeks
Students are anticipated to satisfy the admission needs performance, course and progression needs and examination, residence and thesis/dissertation needs from the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Progress in program is monitored carefully through the department graduate coordinator and department mind with the supervisor or supervisory committee.
Geography Seminar Series
Each September brings the beginning of another Geography Seminar Series. The objective of the Seminar Series would be to highlight our personal graduated pupils and supplying all of them with greater experience of research communication.
Please be aware: Attendance at these workshops is needed by a lot of students.
Specific Needs:
Please visit the Graduate Manual for more information on program needs.