Titre du document / Document title
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
Affiliation(s) du ou peut-rrtre un plusieurs auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto College, Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPON
(2) Ceneral RD Center, Kansai Electrical Power Co. 11-20 Nakoji 3-chome, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0974, JAPON
Rsum / Abstract
A rectifier type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) with non-inductive reactor continues to be suggested. The idea behind this SFCL is the look of high impedance during non-superconducting condition from the coil. Inside a hybrid bridge circuit, two superconducting coils connected in anti-parallel: a trigger coil along with a restricting coil. Both coils are magnetically along with one another and also have same quantity of turns. There’s almost zero flux within the core and then the total inductance is small during normal operation. To blame time once the trigger coil current reaches to some certain level, the trigger coil changes from superconducting condition to normalcy condition. This super-to-normal transition from the trigger coil changes the present ratio from the coils and then the flux within the reactor is not zero. So, the same impedance of both coils elevated thus limits the fault current. We’ve transported out computer simulation using EMTDC and observed the outcomes. An initial experiment was already performed using copper wired reactor with simulated super-to-normal transition resistance and magnetic switches. Both simulation and preliminary experiment shows great results. The benefit of using hybrid bridge circuit would be that the SFCL may also be used as circuit breaker.
Two separate bridge circuit can be used as both trigger coil and also the limiter coil. In this situation, the trigger coil could be shutdown soon after the fault to lessen heat and therefore lessen the time to recover. Again, in the finish of fault once the SFCL must re-enter towards the grid, switching off the trigger circuit within the two-bridge configuration the inrush current could be reduced. It is because the present only flows with the restricting coil. An additional advantage of this kind of SFCL is the fact that no current sag can look during load growing time as lengthy because the load current stays underneath the trigger current level.
Revue / Journal Title
Source / Source
Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics (14/11/2002)
2004, vol. 44, n o 3, pp. 171-176 [6 page(s) (article)] (5 ref.)
Langue / Language
Editeur / Writer
Elsevier, Kidlington, ROYAUME-UNI (1960) (Revue)
Mots-cls anglais / British Keywords