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Reading and writing skills jeremy lindeck

Reading and writing skills jeremy lindeck focus on specific test

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# Concentrating on IELTS. studying and ability as a copywriter – with answer key
a schema:CreativeWork. schema:Book
library:oclcnum ” 808111409 ”
library:placeOfPublication # Sydney
schema:about # British language–Examinations
schema:about # British language
schema:about # British language–Study and teaching–Foreign loudspeakers
schema:about # Worldwide British Language Testing System
schema:about # British language–Study and teaching–Foreign loudspeakers
schema:bookFormat bgn:PrintBook
schema:contributor # Jannette Greenwood
schema:contributor # Macquarie College. National Center for British Language Teaching and Research.
schema:contributor # Kerry O’Sullivan
schema:creator # Jeremy Lindeck
schema:datePublished ” 2000 ”
schema:description ” Second edition, contains practical, in-depth strategis for developing studying and ability as a copywriter when preparing for that IELTS examination. Well suited for independent study or class use, it’s been created for students who require to pay attention to specific test skills. It’s appropriate for the Academic and General Training modules. “@en
schema:genre ” Examinations “@en
schema:inLanguage ” en ”
schema:name ” Concentrating on IELTS. studying and ability as a copywriter – with answer key “@en
schema:productID ” 808111409 ”
schema:writer # National Center for British Language Teaching and Research

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# National Center for British Language Teaching and Research
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schema:name ” National Center for British Language Teaching and Research ”

Reading and writing skills jeremy lindeck helping you find


# British language–Study and teaching–Foreign loudspeakers
a schema:Intangible
schema:name ” British language–Study and teaching–Foreign loudspeakers “@en

# British language–Study and teaching–Foreign loudspeakers
a schema:Intangible
schema:name ” British language–Study and teaching–Foreign loudspeakers “@en

# Worldwide British Language Testing System
a schema:Intangible
schema:name ” Worldwide British Language Testing System “@en

# Macquarie College. National Center for British Language Teaching and Research.
a schema:Organization
schema:name ” Macquarie College. National Center for British Language Teaching and Research. ”

Concentrating on IELTS. studying and ability as a copywriter – with answer key/Jeremy Lindeck Jannette Greenwood Kerry O’Sullivan Macquarie College. National Center for British Language Teaching and Research. Sydney. National Center for British Language Teaching and Research, 2000.

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