PhD candidates: You’re welcome and asked to deposit your dissertation here, but remember that
1) it’s optional, not needed (the ProQuest deposit is needed) and
2) it will likely be open to everybody on the web there’s no embargo for dissertations within the UNL DigitalCommons.
Master’s candidates: Deposit of the thesis or project is needed. (If the embargo, [restricted access] is essential, you might deposit the thesis at — only after you have the last approval of the department and also the Graduate Office contact Terri Eastin).
All depositors: We attempt to look at a 24-hour “cool downInch period to provide you with chance to fix individuals “oops” problems that appear to emerge soon after deposit.
Upon deposit, you’ll immediately get an email that the submission continues to be received (which is what you ought to show the Graduate Office).
However, you may still log in and choose Revise and upload a brand new version together with your advisor’s name typed right, or perhaps your mother thanked within the Acknowledgments, or whatever you are stressing about.
After in regards to a day, your submission is going to be “printed” or “published”, which makes it available to the web you’re going to get another email to that particular effect, as well as your submission can’t be altered–on your part.
If further changes are essential, these can be created by delivering a revised file towards the administrator requesting substitute of the present online version. Don’t RESUBMIT YOUR THESIS / DISSERTATION. That produces duplicate records, confusion, wasted effort, frustration, sadness, tears, and results in kittens to obtain sick.
Finally: Congratulations you’re almost there. Click on the “Submit your paper or article” link at the end from the grey box at left.
Do as instructed. You will be able to copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) most fields.
You’re the sole author your consultant isn’t considered a co-author.
Your institution is “College of Nebraska-Lincoln subsequently” (not “at Lincoln subsequently” or “, Lincoln subsequently”). Don’t let it rest blank then your administrator needs to complete it, and that he is enticed to really make it something silly.
You don’t need to repeat your company name and title within the Abstract field only the body from the abstract.
Whenever you achieve the issue “Was this submission formerly printed inside a journal?”, just skip that part.
Make sure to click on the “Submit” button at the end. Files upload in the rate of approximately 5 Mb each minute, if you come with an ungodly large file, it might take a little time. In case your file exceeds 40 Mb, consider reducing its size–there are lots of ways Google “reduce pdf size” to locate some.
Okay, get began. That thesis won’t submit itself.
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