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About this Chapter
Title Stochastic and Deterministic Tensorization for Blind Signal Separation Book Title Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation Book Subtitle 12th International Conference, LVA/ICA 2015, Liberec, Czech Republic, August 25-28, 2015, Proceedings Pages pp 3-13 2015 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22482-4_1 Print ISBN 978-3-319-22481-7 Online ISBN 978-3-319-22482-4 Series Title Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series Volume 9237 Series ISSN 0302-9743 Publisher Springer International Publishing Holder Springer International Publishing Switzerland Additional Links
- About this Book
- Pattern Recognition
- Image Processing and Computer Vision
- Simulation and Modeling
- Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity
- Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
- Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems
- Blind source separation
- Independent component analysis
- Tensorization
- Canonical polyadic decomposition
- Block term decomposition
- Higher-order tensor
- Multilinear algebra
Industry Sectors
- Pharma
- Materials Steel
- Automotive
- Biotechnology
- Electronics
- IT Software
- Telecommunications
- Consumer Packaged Goods
- Aerospace
- Engineering
eBook Packages
- Computer Science
- Emmanuel Vincent (13)
- Arie Yeredor (14)
- Zbyněk Koldovský (15)
- Petr Tichavský (16)
Editor Affiliations
- 13. Inria
- 14. Tel Aviv University
- 15. Technical University of Libere
- 16. The Czech Academy of Sciences
- Otto Debals (17) (18) (19)
- Lieven De Lathauwer (17) (18) (19)
Author Affiliations
- 17. Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) – STADIUS Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001, Leuven, Belgium
- 18. Group Science, Engineering and Technology, KU Leuven Kulak, E. Sabbelaan 53, 8500, Kortrijk, Belgium
- 19. iMinds Medical IT, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001, Leuven, Belgium
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