Pratiksha Rai. Shailendra Kumar. Prof. (Dr.) S.H.Saeed. “Style of Floating Point Multiplier Using Vedic Aphorisms”, Worldwide Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(3),123-126 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. world wide printed by seventh sense research group
The term ‘Vedic’ is obtained from the term ‘Veda’ i.e. the shop-house of understanding. Mathematics, produced from the Veda provides one line, very fast and mental methods together with quick mix checking systems. The Vedic mathematics was rediscovered in early last century from ancient Indian sculptures (Vedas). What we should call VEDIC MATHEMATICS is really a mathematical elaboration of ‘Sixteen Simple Mathematical formulae in the Vedas’ as introduced out by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji. Vedic Multiplication Technique will be employed to implement Floating point multiplier. For mantissa multiplication I’m using Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam sutra. The underflow and also over flow cases is going to be handled. The inputs towards the multiplier in 32 bit IEEE 754 format. Within this paper, I suggested the style of high-speed Vedic Multiplier while using techniques of Ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics which have been modified to enhance performance. Vedic Multiplication Strategy is accustomed to implement IEEE 754 Floating point multiplier. For mantissa multiplication I’m using Urdhva-triyakbhyam sutra for that underflow and also over flow cases are handled. The multiplier’s inputs are supplied in IEEE 754, 32 bit format. The Vedic Mathematics may be the ancient system of mathematics with a unique manner of calculations according to 16 Sutras. My work has demonstrated the efficiency of Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam, Vedic way of multiplication which strikes a positive change in the procedure for multiplication.
It enables parallel generation of intermediate products, eliminates undesirable multiplication steps with zeros and scaled to greater bit levels using Karatsuba formula using the compatibility to various data types. The Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam Sutra is most effective Sutra (Formula), giving minimum delay for multiplication of all of figures, either big or small. I implement this multiplier using VHDL. I implement my work by Xilinx ISE tool i.e. accountable for synthesis also. For simulation I’m using Modelsim 10.2a.
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Vedic Mathematics, VHDL, Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam Sutra.