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Manliness and civilization thesis proposal

Manliness and civilization thesis proposal of key business process

War cannot happen without proper tools such as weapons. Even in the most ancient days of civilization, men utilized something else other than their bare hands to engage in band brawls-wood, stones, etc. As civilization developed quickly, weapons technology did not fall behind; various lethal arms came into existence. When the sharp swords were not enough, gunpowder blew up the weaponry industry. When the handgun and rifles were neither quick nor massive enough, machine guns and tanks were built. It appears that there would not be an end to the development of new arms technology. Finally, in the mid twentieth century, an extremely deadly innovation was born into the arms industry-the atomic bomb. This opened the gates to a whole new world of weaponry and warfare. Continue reading →

Problem Statement
This study will explore the short term and long-term health effects of railroad personnel working on locomotive not equipped with air conditioners during the summer months. An attempt will be made to tie the temperature on these locomotives to various heat related illnesses that people become exposed to after working in unusually hot conditions. This researcher intends on gathering factual data to support the position that this is a very serious problem. This study will focus more on the scientific element of the situation as well as the human element of the problem.

Research Purpose
The primary purpose of this study is to show the major railroad carriers in the United States the importance and potential health risk associated with allowing employees to operate freight and passenger trains without air conditioners on the engine.

Manliness and civilization thesis proposal they need to

The study will also attempt to get the public involved by making them aware of the potential dangers they face by having employees operate these trains under these adverse conditions. People drive on railroad tracks quite often as well as those that live in neighborhoods with tracks near by. Continue reading →

This is an extract from Engineering thesis :

The evolution of engineering education is influenced by many factors. While the accreditation process has been the most significant change agent in recent years in the United States, it is by no means the only one. New engineering methods, changing patterns of employment, new kinds of employers, the restructuring of industry, and globalization all have had an impact on how engineering education is structured and delivered. This paper describes some of the ways in which the education process is being modified in response.

Engineering colleges in the United States, as elsewhere in the world, are subject to many forces, both external and internal. Over the course of many years, these forces ebb and flow and there are periods of stability and periods of relatively rapid change. It is the opinion of this author that due to the number of factors, US engineering education is embarking on a period of activity that will result in some significant modifications to the way instruction is delivered as well as in some of the details of the curriculum. Continue reading →

This is a dissertation chapter on Organizational Behavior :

Manliness and civilization thesis proposal of cells in opposed ways

The key issues associated with organizational behavior include power, empowerment, organizational politics, and communication. Each of these things has a great impact on organizational behavior and the general way businesses operate today. Specific observations and experiences within my organization, have given me perspectives and ideas relating to these areas.

First, power is divided and split into organizational and personal types of power. Within organizational power is reward, coercive, and legitimate power. Managers often use rewards to demonstrate power. If the reward is deserved and sincere, this can be effective; however, if the rewards are being falsely given, this may be detrimental to the relationship. Coercive power, used to deny or threaten something of worth, does not earn respect. While having something to work for is an effective and motivating tool, an employee who is threatened to lose something or not receive something, will only have feelings of resentment and distrust toward a manager. Legitimate power, similar to coercive, involves the manager using his or her position to influence and control situations. I have recently been in a situation where my manager reminded me repeatedly that she could refuse my request to post for job transfer. Using this as a threat, she clung to this power in her position.

Second, personal power involves three further bases: expert, rational, and referent. As they say, knowledge is power; what a true statement. Having worked in a training position, I had to be an ‘expert’ on all policies and procedures. Some managers were threatened by this knowledge because they did not have the same level of understanding and expertise. Eventually a pattern developed of subordinates preferring to ask trainers questions instead of managers. This situation caused severe tensions between management and the training department. Rational power is what I feel to be the most effective form of power. Continue reading →

This is a dissertation chapter on Waste Management :

Every living thing crates garbage, humans above all create by far the greatest quantities of it as well as the most biologically and environmentally hazardous garbage. Which brings me to the whole reason that I chose waste management. Waste management. What is it, some may ask, “why should I care about what a few dry old men want to do with my trash?”-my little brother.

To start with by definition waste management is “the treatment of substances which have no economic use and may be harmful to the environment”-Oxford Australian dictionary. Secondly the reason that waste management is important is that without it diseases may break loose through poor hygiene, pollution and possible extinction of some species would definitely be major issues that would need to be addressed. So as you can see there is a fair amount more to waste management than just making our community cleaner.

I chose this dissertation topic of waste management because it is becoming a serious issue here in the Blue Mountains. I feel that waste management is an important and integral part of our society and therefore needs to be acknowledged as one of the few things that may help to preserve the beauty and splendour of the Blue Mountains for future generations. As well as the fact that the Blue Mountains is now a part of the world heritage list and therefore it is our responsibility to our global community to keep it well preserved using all techniques possible. Continue reading →

Organisations cannot compete solely on past record of success in today’s rapidly changing business environment that is characterised by boundary blurring, disintermediation and hyper competition. To move ahead of these rivals they need to seek innovation constantly at every level of activities. Their ability to generate successful business models and strategies as well as new products, will be the key for their survival in new economy. The first step of such innovation is internet, which made the traditional commerce to evolve in to e-business trend.

IBM as defined the e-business as the transformation of key business process to the use of internet technologies (Schneider and Perry 2001). This essay explains the how the e-commerce has brought a great change in the commerce with the relevance to use of internet. First half of essay clearly states the emergence of e-commerce and latter part criticizes the various business models.

When talking about e-commerce, many people use terms like e-commerce, e-business, i-commerce etc&… Though literal interpretation of these terms denotes particular domains of activity and little rigour is applied to their application. Generally speaking e-commerce refers to the buying and selling of information, products and services via computer networks today and in future may be using any myriad of networks that make up internet (Lawrence Corbitt 1998). Continue reading →

This is a dissertation chapter on Smoking :

Wall paint stripper, ant poison, toilet cleaner, lighter fluid, car exhaust gas, insecticide, NASA fuel, mothballs, insecticide/weed killer, PVC pipes added to 4000 other chemicals. Better known as Acetone, Arsenic, Ammonia, Butane, Carbon Monoxide, DDT, Methanol, Naphthalene, Nicotine and finally vinyl chloride. Also known as the components of the modern day cigarette.

The constituents of a cigarette are far from appealing, yet 11.1 billion people have taken to smoking worldwide. The cigarette trade is a billion pound commerce, enticing 52.45% of high school students each year. Youths remain the prime consumers of the cigarette industry. As cigarettes become more commercial the effects are emphasised more, especially to students. Yet 3.5 million deaths, worldwide, each year, occur due to smoking. This figure is significantly high, considering the fact that over 70% of smokers are trying to quit. Sales in cigarette purchase are far from declining but accelerating each year. The question remains, ‘What prevents individuals from discarding an unwanted habit such as smoking?’ Continue reading →

1.0 Introduction to Breast Cancer
Genetic diseases are widespread. Cancer is a genetic disease and is a major cause of death. Cancer is caused by mutations within the genome that result in the development of oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes which both cause the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in opposed ways. The oncogenes are mutated genes that in their pre-mutated state, promote cell replication. However, due to the mutation, these oncogenes cause either enhanced expression or altered nature of protein products. Tumour suppressor genes (‘TSG’) are mutant genes that normally restrain cell growth. It is the most common cause of death for women with statistics showing one in 13 Australian women who live to the age of 74 will be diagnosed with it sometime during their lifetime.

This dissertation will discuss the nature of breast cancer, the factors causing breast cancer with an emphasis on familial inheritance, methods for testing for breast cancer and available treatments. The prevalence of breast cancer and the high mortality rate especially for women above the age of 70 signifies a need for increased awareness in the community both for prevention and support for those affected by this destructive disease. Continue reading →

This is a dissertation chapter on Evolution :

Primate Evolution
Fossils representing the precursors of the primates may go back before the extinction of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago. There are some primate-like teeth and bones found in Montana and Wyoming, dated from 60 to 65 maya. But the first undisputed primates appear about 55 maya. These early primates, despite the modern primate arboreal theme, may not themselves have been arboreal. As these primates continue to evolve, these basic traits prove a useful adaptive response to a more generalized life in the trees. Later the eastern and western hemispheres became completely separate, dividing the early primates into two geographical groups. The early new world primates were apparently replaced by more advanced monkey like primates that migrated from Africa to the Americas when the two continents were closer together by “island hopping” over a chain of volcanic islands or by rafting. Apes appear in the fossil record about 23 maya. With the evolution of larger bodies and larger brains, they became a successful group of primates.

The Evolution of Bipedalism
Bipedalism was the first hominid feature to evolve millions of years before our big brains and flat faces. Each new fossil or new date or new interpretation of ancient environments changes the outlook slightly. Early hominid fossils found in eastern and southern Africa have long been linked to the Savannas that began expanding because of climate changes about 5 maya. It freed the forelimbs to carry things, including offspring and food. The vertical orientation helped cool the body by exposing a smaller surface area to the intense equatorial rays of the sun, and by placing more of the body above the ground to catch cooling air currents. It was very efficient and required less energy for long periods of steady walking. Continue reading →

This is a dissertation chapter on Poverty :

“When we touch the sick and the needy, we touch the suffering body of Christ.” In the World we live in today, many things go unnoticed that really should be focussed on to a greater degree. The history of Jesus Christ proves to Christians around the World that life in his time was much less complicated and people spent their time doing things for others rather than concentrating on themselves. Contrary to that time, today in Twenty First Century society, high tech advancements and technology have become the focus of most of the population and many people have forgotten the importance of lending a hand to someone who needs it. During Jesus’ time, the people had very little, yet they were able to help each other out better than citizen’s today seem to. One might believe that because of the booming technological advancements and economy today, the needy people would be receiving more help during this era, but sadly this is not the case. Yes, there is some aid to families of the Third World, but how much of that are the governments issuing? If the governments are issuing funding, how much is actually going to the direct necessities of the poor families, needs such as clean water, and shelter? There are many issues that revolve around poverty, specifically Third World poverty, but it is in analyzing these issues that will help lead to solving some of the problems one step at a time. These many issues range from understanding what Third World poverty and absolute poverty is, where it occurs, what causes it, the stereotypes of the poor people and how the Third World helps out the First World. Continue reading →

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